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Sueli Ramos Mamani

2 de November
Eufrasio Ibañes Rivero

Sport helpse of beings
human sport lead a healthy life, based on well-being to
maintain stable equality between body and mind. The practice of sports
helps us to have a healthy life in order to prevent diseases, it also helps us
with recreation and the improvement of psychological, physical and
mental conditions

Sport is part of being human since it is an activity that helps us exercise

and strengthen psychomotor skills. Practicing sports is recommended to
start from an early age, so that from a young age they form habits of
carrying out good training with good nutrition, and this will also help us
exercise and develop our muscles.

Many parents feel proud that their children play sports, because they
know that it is healthy for their lives, but sometimes they put so much
pressure on them, instilling in them that they must always win and not
lose that they must be champions, but this poster of a student goalkeeper
club in this phrase teaches us that we should not instill in our children that
they should play sports only to be champions, but so that they distract
their minds, learn to live with other people and above all to share and lead
a healthy life and different.

There we will learn to play as a team, to respect our rivals, to obey a

superior and also know how to enjoy victories as well as how to
strengthen ourselves in defeats. All of these questions can be ideal for any
teenager. The importance is not in being successful and a winner, but in
approaching a branch of life that can be very useful to us later.
All this must go hand in hand with good hydration and nutrition, because
hydration helps us with the proper functioning of our body since it is part
of 80% of our entire body, on the other hand, good nutrition will help us
with contribution of keeping the athlete in a good state of health, thus
managing to make the most of our skills and abilities in order to be able to
obtain a good state of physical and mental health.

The practice of sport contributes in a positive way to our body since when
we do it it brings us mental, physical, and social benefits, and above all it
helps us with the prevention of many diseases, it also leads us to have a
more relaxed life, the practice Sport becomes easier as long as you enjoy
and love what you like to do.

In conclusion, sport and physical exercise improve the development of
good mental and physical health, contributing to a greater sense of well-
being and optimism. Practicing sports leads to positive things for ourselves
and at the same time can be something relaxing and antidepressant for us

Recreational activities constitute an important means to gain trust with us.

Sport gives us access to adolescents, to function as a starting point for the
creation of new sports groups. Many youth cultures express themselves
through sports activities.

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