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Preamble: Complete as appropriate

1. Two sets having the same number of elements are said to be . . .

ANSWER: Equivalent

2. A set containing all elements under discussion is called a . . .

ANSWER: Universal set

3. Two sets are said to be equal if they have . . .

ANSWER: the same elements or same members

1. List the set of prime numbers between 20 and 30

ANSWER: {23, 29}

2. List the set of prime numbers between 30 and 40

ANSWER: {31, 37}

3. List the set of prime numbers between 60 and 70

ANSWER: {61, 67}

1. What is the union of two sets A and B?

ANSWER: This is the set of elements belonging to either A or B

2. What is the intersection of two sets A and B?

ANSWER: This is the set of elements belonging to both A and B.

3. What is the null set?

ANSWER: This is the set having no members.
4. Find the number of subsets of the set A ={1, 2, 3, 4}

ANSWER: 16 [2 n where n is number of elements of the set, hence 24 = 16]

5. What set has only one subset?

ANSWER: The empty set or the null set

6. Find the set of prime factors of the number 30

ANSWER: {2, 3, 5}
Determine the odd number out and give your reason

1. 3, 13, 23, 33, 43

ANSWER: 33 [the other numbers are prime but 33 is not a prime]

2. 4, 8, 16, 64, 256

ANSWER: 8 [the other numbers are exact squares but 8 is not]

3. 5, 15, 25, 35, 45

ANSWER: 5 [5 is a prime and the other numbers are composite numbers]

1. Find the next prime number after 173.

1. AN Express the set in the set-builder notation {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 . . .}
ANSWER: {x : x is a prime number SWER: 179

PREAMBLE: How many three digit numbers can be formed if…..

1. the first digit is not zero,
ANSWER: 900 [ 9 x 10 x 10 = 900]
2. the first digit is not zero and no digit is repeated,
ANSWER: 648 [ 9 x 9 x 8 = 81 x 8 = 648]

3. the first digit is not zero and the number is odd?

ANSWER: 450 [ 9 x 10 x 5 = 450]
In a class of 30 students, 20 play football and 15 play basketball, and each student plays
at least one of the two games.

1. Find how many students play both games

ANSWER: 5 [(20 – x) + 15 = 30, hence x = 5]

2. Find how many students play exactly one game

ANSWER: 25 [ (20 – 5) + (15 – 5) = 15 + 10 = 25]

3. If a student is picked at random, find the probability he plays only football.

ANSWER: ½ or 0.5 [ P(only football) = (20 - 5) /30 = 15/30 = ½
In a school, A = {students who can swim}, B = {students over 15 years} and C =
{students who are boys}. Describe the given set:

1. A  B C A is the complement of the set A

ANSWER: Boys 15 years or below who cannot swim

2. A  B C
ANSWER: Boys over 15 years who can swim

3. A  B C 
1. ANSWER: girls 15 years or below who can swim Find the number of significant
figures of the number 350.
ANSWER: 2 sig fig. [350 = 3.5 x 102]
1. A and B are events such that P(A) = 0.6, P(B) = 0.4 and P(A and B) = 0.3. Find P(A or B)
ANSWER: P(A or B) = 0.7 [ P(A or B) = 0.6 + 0.4 – 0.3 = 1 – 0.3 = 0.7 ]

2. A and B are events such that P(A) = 0.5, P(B) = 0.6 and P(A or B) = 0.8. Find P(A and
ANSWER: P(A and B) = 0.3 [ P(A and B) = 0.5 + 0.6 – 0.8 = 1.1 – 0.8 = 0.3 ]

3. A and B are events such that P(A or B) = 0.6, P(A and B)= 0.1, P(B) = 0.3. Find P(A)
ANSWER: P(A) = 0.4 [ 0.6 = P(A) + 0.3 - 0.1, P(A) = 0. 6 – 0.2 = 0.4]
Preamble: State the property illustrated; x, y, z are numbers

1. (x + y) + z = z + (x + y)

ANSWER: commutative

2. (x + y) + z = x + (y + z)

ANSWER: Associative

3. x(y + z) = xy + xz

ANSWER: Distributive
PREAMBLE: Express the numerical expression in standard decimal notation.

1 5.98 x 105
ANSWER: 598,000

2 4.3 x 10-4
ANSWER: 0.00043

3 3.56 x 106
ANSWER: 3,560,000
PREAMBLE: Express the recurring decimal as a rational number.

1. 4.4444 . . . .
ANSWER: 40/9 [Let x = 4.444 . . ., 10x = 44.4444 . . , 9x = 40, x =

2. 5.7777 . . .
ANSWER: 52/9 [Let x = 5.7777 . ., 10x = 57.7777 . . ., 9x = 52, x =

3. 7.1111 . . .
ANSWER: 64/9 [Let x = 7.1111 . ., 10x = 71.1111, 9x = 64, x =
1. What is the cardinal number of a set A?
ANSWER: The number of elements in the set

2. How many subsets are there in a set with n elements?


3. How many proper subsets are there in a set with n elements?

ANSWER: 2  1

A set S has 6 elements. Find the number of

1 all subsets of S,
ANSWER: 64 [26 = 64]

2 all proper subsets of S,

ANSWER: 63 [ 26 – 1 = 64 – 1 = 63]

3 all proper non-empty subsets of S.

ANSWER: 62 [26 – 1 - 1 = 64 – 2 = 62]

PREAMBLE: Determine which of the following numbers is not a prime number

1. 1, 11, 21, 31, 41

ANSWER: 1, 21
2. 3, 13, 23, 33, 43

3. 7, 17, 27, 37, 47

PREAMBLE: If x and y are positive integers, find the number of elements in the given

1. {(x, y) : xy = 15}
ANSWER: 4 [{(1, 15), (15, 1), (3, 5), (5,
2. {(x, y): xy = 7}
ANSWER: 2 [{(1, 7), (7, 1)}]
3. {(x, y): xy = 6}
ANSWER: 4 [{(1, 6), (6, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2)]]
Describe the given set as being finite or infinite
1. {fractions between 1 and 3}
ANSWER: Infinite
2. {prime numbers less than 10 million}
ANSWER: Finite
3. {number of points on a line segment}
ANSWER: Infinite
1. Find the next prime number after 163.
1. ANSWER: 167
PREAMBLE: Find the median and the mode of the set of numbers

1. 6, 12, 8, 10, 9, 8, 7, 11
ANSWER: MEDIAN = 8.5, MODE= 8 [6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, median
= (8 + 9)/2 = 8.5, mode = 8]
2. 15, 12, 13, 17, 19 , 15, 18, 20
ANSWER: MEDIAN = 16 , MODE= 15, [12, 13, 15, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 median
=(15 + 17)/2 , mode 15,]
3. 7, 8, 5, 7, 9, 10, 5, 12, 5
ANSWER: MEDIAN = 7, MODE = 5 [ 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 median
= 7, mode = 5]
PREAMBLE: Complete the sentence by filling in the blank
1. In a Venn diagram, the rectangle represents . . .
ANSWER: the universal set
2. In a Venn diagram, a circle represents . . .
ANSWER: a set
3. In a Venn diagram, a small letter represents . . .
ANSWER: an element
Identify the property given by the identity in the following operation on sets.

ANSWER: ASSOCIATIVE property of Union
ANSWER: DISTRIBUTIVE (union is distributive over intersection)


ANSWER: IDENTITY ( is the identity for union)


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