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Nurul Muflihah, 2Santi Amelia Putri, 3Nurul Dwi Pratiwi As, 4Muhammad
Ferdiyan S, 5Nurkaidah, 6Nurfadhilah, 7Andi Nur Annisa

Universitas Negeri Makassar

According to Brown, H.D (2001: 8), speaking involves the production,
receiving, and processing of information and is an interactive process of creating
meaning. So this means that speaking provides opportunities for students to
receive information from other people through conversation and after that they
must be able to understand the information and be able to communicate their
understanding of that information. Therefore, speaking skill is one of the
important aspects in oral communication, and also in language teaching. It is also
stated by Nunan (2001:39) who states that speaking is one of the four most
important skills that must be taught by teachers and learned by students. Teaching
speaking itself can be taught with various techniques, one of the techniques is
using problem solving techniques.

Problem solving is one of the techniques that can be used in teaching

speaking because this technique focuses on student-centered learning where
learning how to use techniques to address problems that can be discovered in real
life or those that can be provided during learning is the process of problem solving
(Muzanni & Muhyadi, 2016). This technique can help students think more
critically and solve problems at a higher level during the teaching-learning
process, this is supported by Harmer (2011) statement who states that generally
problem solving aims to build students' critical thinking skills. This technique is
usually applied by dividing students into several groups with the aim that they can
discuss and share ideas to solve the problems given by the teacher. Therefore,
problem solving is one of the important techniques of teaching speaking.

The problem solving technique is one method that can be utilized to teach
speaking, according to the justification provided above. By using problem-solving
to teach speaking, the teacher will provide the students with problems in groups
and through this technique, the students will try to solve and find the solution of
their problems by themselves. In other words, by using problem-solving will help
students in speaking English more fluently that have been given by discussing
with their groupmates to find the solution of their problems. As well as this
technique aims to build their critical thinking skills to find solutions to the
problems that they are facing and it also facilitates students to practice their
speaking skills especially in English. Therefore, teaching speaking by using this
technique is expected to improve students' speaking skills.


Based on the literature reviews, there are several advantages of using
problem solving technique in teaching and learning process. The advantages are
as follows:
1. According to Heriawan (2012), problem-solving has the following
advantages are:
a. It increases the relevance of teaching in schools to real-world
situations, particularly the workplace.
b. Problem solving in the learning process helps students to recognize
and deal with problems in an appropriate way
c. It facilitates students' creativity and comprehensive thinking ability.
2. The advantages of problem solving according to Sanjaya (2014) are:
a. It can help to improve students' ability
b. It can increase students' learning activities
c. It will help students in applying their knowledge to comprehend
difficulties in the actual world.
d. It can enhance students' ability to think critically
e. It can increase students' learning interest
3. The advantages of problem solving according to Mawardi & Mariati
(2016: 132-133) are;
a. Problem solving technique can educate students to think systematically
b. It will help students to be able to find a solution to the situation being
c. It makes students learn to analyze a problem from various aspects
d. It can be helpful to educate self-confidence students
e. It can make students think and perform creatively in the learning


Based on the literature reviews, there are several advantages of using
problem solving technique in teaching and learning process. The advantages are
as follows:
1. According to Heriawan (2012), problem-solving has the following
a. The teacher needs to choose and select a level of difficulty that is
suitable for the student's proficiency of thinking.
b. This technique's process of learning is typically lengthy.
c. The teacher ought to motivate students to improve their learning habits
by listening to and taking in information as well as by seeking for
other learning materials to help them with their challenges.
2. The disadvantages of problem solving according to Sanjaya (2014) are;
a. Students will be less motivated to try if they lack interest in the subject
or think the issue being studied is impossible to handle.
b. It takes a lot of time to prepare for the problem-solving technique to be
c. Critical thinking and comprehension are required.
3. The advantages of problem solving according to Mawardi & Mariati
(2016: 132-133) are;
a. Requires quite a lot of time
b. The ability of students to solve problems varies, some of them are
perfect in solving problems but some are lacking in solving problems.


Based on the literature reviews, there are several steps for using problem
solving technique in teaching and learning process. The steps are as follows:
1. According to Heriawan (2012), each step involved in problem-solving are
as follows;
a. Students are provided a problem
b. Students think about the problem
c. Students decide to formulate a hypothesis
d. Students test the hypothesis
e. Students practice the best solution.
2. According to Kodariyati and Astuti (2014), the steps of the problem-
solving technique are;
a. Leading students to the problem
b. Getting students to learn
c. Supporting individualized or group studies
d. Creating and delivering projects
e. Reviewing and evaluating the process of problem-solving.
3. The steps of problem-solving techniques according to Asih &
Wikanengsih (2018:4) are;
a. Focusing students on the problem
b. Dividing the class into groups based on the number of students
c. Conducting discussion groups with students
d. Outlining discussion outcomes
e. Analyzing and assessing way used to solving problems.
1. Case Study
Based on the literature reviews, there are several case studies concerned
with problem solving techniques in the teaching-learning process. The
following are brief citations of some of the case studies:
a. Hasnawan (2017). A study on the impact of problem-based learning on
the speaking skills of English Department fourth-semester students. In
his study, he concluded that problem-based learning is useful for
enhancing students' communication skills. He also found some
advantages and disadvantages of the technique in his research. Those
advantages are; (1) through problem-solving exercises, it can help
students spoken English abilities; (2) it allows students to explore their
knowledge; (3) during the process, students may have the possibility to
develop their critical thinking skills, creativity, and imagination; (4)
and it also motivates students to search, learn, and express their
opinions confidently and without any fear of making mistakes. The
disadvantage found in this study is that problem-based learning pushes
for students to think more deeply in order to solve problems, this
technique may make it more challenging for students to talk or express
their opinions because they lack the information and evidence to do so.
b. Asih & Wikanengsih (2018). A study on improving speaking through
problem solving approach aimed to identify the difference in learning
outcomes for students both before and after employing a problem-
solving technique. This approach is used to improve speaking skills in
learning because this approach is a reflective or logical and critical
thinking process. In this study, the researchers found that the speaking
knowledge ability of students who used problem solving was
significantly better than using the usual approach, therefore the
researchers concluded that problem solving is appropriate to be applied
in the learning process, especially Indonesian language.
2. Lesson Plan Using Problem Solving Technique



Students: Senior high school/ X

Level of Students: Intermediate

The length of time: 2 x 40 mins

Language Focus: Speaking, Reading, Writing

Learning Objectives:

1. Student will be able to define what is meant by procedure text: healthy

2. Students will be able to communicate simple ideas and opinions orally
about healthy food in group discussions clearly.
3. Students will be able to identify the language features and general
structure of procedure texts.

Materials and Equipment:

1. Power point to make material presentation

2. Laptop and projector as media presentation
3. Whiteboard and marker pen
4. Youtube video
5. Picture about healthy and unhealthy food
Time Teacher activities Students activities

10 1. Opening activities
mins ● Greeting ● Response the greeting

● Praying ● Praying

● Checking attendance list ● Responding to the

● Writing the topic of lesson on white

● Following the
● Convey the learning objectives to be
lecturer's explanation
achieved in the learning process.
● Responding to the
● Brainstorming ( asking some
teacher's question
questions to students about the topic)

60 2. Core activities
● Showing example of procedure text ● Examine and read the
about healthy food with showing the provided example of
structure and language features descriptive writing.
● Listen to the teacher's
● Provide an explanation for procedure
text (what is descriptive text, generic
structure, and linguistic features). ● Ask question to

teacher if there is
● Tell students to ask questions if there
something that is not
is something they don't understand or clear from the
something that is not clear from the teacher’s explanation.
explanation given.
● Observe the picture
● Show some pictures about healthy and

unhealthy food and drinks.

● Before starting the discussion,

students are divided into groups of 4-

● Discuss the question
5 people.
with the group
● Ask student to discuss the question

below based on the pictures shown.

(which are healthy and less healthy
foods and drinks?) ● Explain the reason

about why students

● After choosing healthy and unhealthy prefer to choose it as
foods and drink that students prefer, healthy or unhealthy.
ask students to explain the reason.
● Watch the youtube
● After observing and discussing the video
picture, ask students to watch the
youtube video:
● Discuss and answer

● Ask student to answer the questions based onthe

video, with
group members
fter watching/ while watching.

( 1. What did you see in the video?

2. Do you think meatball is healthy

food? Why or why not?)
● Continue to discuss

● After discuss about the answers, show and identify the

structure and
an example of procedure text about
linguistic features
healthy food and ask student to
from an example of
discuss and identify the generic
structure and linguistic features with procedure text.
their groups
● Some groups present
● Ask some groups to present the their results of
results of their discussion and discussion and some
identification of procedure text and groups compare their
ask to another group compare their discussion
results with group that presented
their result. ● Listen to teacher’s

● give another explanation about the

correct answer to make it clearer.

● inform students that the time has


10 3. Closing
● Giving feedback to the students' ● Listen carefully to the

groups work teacher's feedback.

● Making conclusions or asking one of ● Listening to teacher’s

the students to make conclusions or conclusion or

things that they have learned from responding to
today's lesson. requests from the
teacher about make
conclusions or thing
that have learned.

Responding the teacher.

● End the class and say goodbye

3. Teaching Materials
Procedure Text: Healthy Foods

a. The Text of The Procedure Definition

A text that explains how something is accomplished through a series of

steps or actions is called a procedure text.

b. Function of the procedure text

 To describe or instruct (the reader) on how to produce, use, or carry out

something through a series of steps.

 To provide instructions or directions for creating, using, or performing


c. Basic Structure

 Goal

 Material

 Step

d. Language Features

 Use a sequence adverb or a temporal conjunction, such as first, second,

third, and finally.

 Use a directive or urgent statement, such as "put the noodles on the....,"

"cut the onion....," or "wash the tomatoes....,"

 Using adverbs to accurately indicate the time, place, and manner, such as
for five minutes, two hours, etc.

 Using verbs for action, such as make, take, boil, and cook

 Using the present simple

An example of a procedure text

1. How to make Banana Sponge

Ingredients for making banana sponge:

1) 3 medium bananas
2) 150 grams of flour, wheat
3) 150 grams of oil
4) 2 eggs
5) Six teaspoons of sugar
6) 1/2 tsp. baking soda
7) 1/2 tsp. baking powder
8) One tablespoon of vanilli powder
9) 1/4 teaspoon salt

10) A small amount of refined sugar


1) Use a fork to mash the banana. It is not required to be seamless.

2) Lightly whip the sugar and eggs..
3) Add the banana mashed to the egg whisk.
4) Add the oil and whisk thoroughly.
5) Sift the flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and vanilla powder. Enter
the egg and banana dough in small increments.
6) Use a spatula to combine it so that it doesn't get too tight.
7) Set up a baking dish that has been greased.
8) Fill the pan with the mixture.
9) After that, prepare warm steam.
10) Bake the banana sponge for 30 minutes. To prevent water vapor from
dripping, wrap the steam cover.
11) Use a stick to poke a banana sponge to check for maturity.
12) With refined sugar, serve it.
2. How to make Mango Juice
In our country, mangos are a common fruit. It comes in a wide variety of
forms. And during "mango season," mango juice is an alternative way to
experience the flavor of mango. Here is a straightforward mango juice recipe.

What you need

1) Blender
2) A Mango
3) Ice cubes
4) One cup of water
5) Use two tablespoons of sugar

6) The Sieve


1) Peel the mango after washing it.

2) Slice it into little pieces.

3) Combine them with ice cubes, two tablespoons of sugar, and one cup of
water in a blender.

4) Blend it.

5) When the juice is sufficiently smooth, strain it through a sieve before

pouring it into a glass.

6) Your mango juice is now ready for consumption.

12 pictures of healthy food/ drinks

1) Fruit Salad
2) Vegetable Salad

3) Fruit Juice

4) Vegetable Juice

5) Spinach vegetable
6) Milk

7) Tofu and Tempeh

8) Mung bean porridge

9) Cereal

10) Steak

11) Sushi
12) Fish Soup

12 pictures of unhealthy foods/drinks

1) Pizza
2) Burger

3) Mie

4) Fried foods (Gorengan)

5) Packaged Sauces
6) Soft drinks

7) Es Cream

8) Candy
9) Seblak

10) Frozen food

11) Meatball

12) Basreng

Asih, N. S, & Wikanengsih (2018). Improving Speaking Skill Through Problem

Solving Approach. Journal of Language Education Research , 1(3), 3-6.

Brown,H. Douglas. (2001). Teaching by Principle An Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy. San Francisco: Longman.

Hasnawan (2017). Improving Speaking Skill Through Problem-Based Learning.

Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), 2(2). 35-42.

Harmer J. (2011). The practice of english language teaching (4th ed. 6th impress).
Pearson Longman.

Heriawan, A. et. al. (2012). Metodologi Pembelajaran: Kajian Teoritis Praktis.

(S. Iskandar, Ed.) (Cet. ke-1). Banten: LP3G (Lembaga Pembinaan dan
Pengembangan Profesi Guru).

Kodariyati and Astuti. (2014). Pengaruh Model PBLTerhadap Kemampuan

Komunikasi Dan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Siswa Kelas V SD.
Jurnal Online Prima Edikasia, 4(1), 93–106. Retrieved from

Muzanni, A., & Muhyadi. (2016). The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on

Students’ Critical Thinking Ability and Mathematical Problem Solving
Ability. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(28), 91-96.

Nunan, D. (2001). Language Teaching Methodology. London: Prentice Hall


Sanjaya, W. (2014). Strategi Pembelajaran: Berorientasi Standar Proses

Pendidikan (Cet. ke-11). Jakarta: Kencana, Prenada Media Grup.

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