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Name : Anggia Leksa Putri J1401231027

Nabila Khairunnisa J1401231014

Topic : A friend when you want to borrow her/his pen for a test

Nabila : Hi Anggi, good morning!

Anggia : Hi Nabila, good morning too!
Nabila: You didn't come to school yesterday, what's going on?
Anggia : I feel sick in the stomach so i couldnt go and sadly my phone was run out of battery, do you
have any information about what we’re gonna do today?
Nabila: Oh my god, I'm sorry to hear that. Btw, we are going to do an english exam today.
Anggia : Really? is the exam paper based?
Nabila: Yes, the teacher remind us to bring a pen and papers yesterday.
Anggia: Oh no, i forgot to bring one. Do you have two pens, perhaps?
Nabila: Don't worry, you can use mine
Anggia : That’s so kind of you, thank you! i will give your pen back after the exam
Nabila: Sure, anytime

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