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Republic of the Philippines

Bicol University
ISO 9001:2015
Daraga Campus, Daraga, Albay
TUV Rheinland ID 910863351

Jonathan B. Bigueras BS Social Work 3-C

How groups effect change? Being in groups is a normal part of our lives and it help us develops our skills in working
with others in the group, for example in communicating, relationship-building and asserting oneself, which can be
transferred to our lives outside. Also, people with similar life experiences, situations and problems can be a source of
support to each other. Service users who are seen alone can, of course, develop this sense of acceptance from their
interaction with their social worker, but having the acceptance and respect of a number of their peers can be a much
more powerful experience and greatly increase feelings of self-worth. Groups can be empowering in the sense of an
increasing feeling of self-worth and a growing ability to feel and use power in constructive ways, should be an
integral part of the members’ experience of the group.

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