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‭Title‬ ‭Author Name‬ ‭Methodology‬ ‭Limitation‬ ‭Accuracy‬ ‭Published‬ ‭Link to Research‬

‭Year‬ ‭Paper‬
‭ rop recommendation‬
C ‭ . Srija, R. Geetha Chanda,‬
S ‭●‬ T ‭ he existing system‬ ‭ he concept of this‬
T ‭ achine‬
M ‭2022‬ ‭ ROP‬
‭system using machine‬ ‭S.Lavanya, Dr. M. Kalpana‬ ‭which recommends‬ ‭paper is to‬ ‭learning‬ ‭RECOMMENDATION‬
‭learning algorithm‬ ‭Ph.D‬ ‭crop yield is either‬ ‭implement the crop‬ ‭calculations‬ ‭SYSTEM USING‬
‭hardware based‬ ‭selection method so‬ ‭have‬ ‭MACHINE LEARNING‬
‭being costly to‬ ‭that this method‬ ‭improved the‬ ‭ALGORITHM‬
‭maintain, or not‬ ‭helps in solving‬ ‭exactness of‬
‭easily accessible‬ ‭many agriculture‬ ‭artificial‬
‭●‬ ‭Despite many‬ ‭and farmers‬ ‭intelligence‬
‭solutions that have‬ ‭problems.‬ ‭machines‬
‭been recently‬ ‭including‬
‭proposed, there are‬ ‭sensor‬
‭still open challenges‬ ‭based‬
‭in creating a‬ ‭frameworks‬
‭user-friendly‬ ‭utilised in‬
‭application with‬ ‭accuracy‬
‭respect to crop‬ ‭farming.‬
‭ lant Disease detection‬ M
P ‭ s. Kiran R. Gavhale, Prof.‬ ‭●‬ U
‭ ses optical‬ ‭ oes not achieve‬
D ‭ hey claim‬
T ‭2014‬ ‭ lant Disease detection‬
‭Using image processing‬ ‭Ujwalla Gawande‬ ‭character‬ ‭100% accuracy in‬ ‭the accuracy‬ ‭Using image‬
‭techniques‬ ‭recognition on‬ ‭recognizing‬ ‭of 98.1%‬ ‭processing techniques‬
‭uploaded images to‬ ‭disesase‬ ‭over existing‬
‭recognize text.‬ ‭algorithm‬

‭●‬ ‭image‬
‭ re-processing‬
‭includes image‬
‭enhancement and‬
‭image segmentation‬
‭where the affected‬
‭and useful area are‬
‭segmented, feature‬
‭extraction and‬
‭Finally the presence‬
‭of diseases on the‬
‭plant leaf will be‬

‭ rop Recommender‬
C ‭ hilpa mangesh pande,‬
s ‭●‬ T
‭ o predict the crop‬ ‭ he proposed model‬
T ‭ he Random‬ ‭2021‬
T ‭ rop Recommender‬
‭System Using Machine‬ ‭dr. prem kumar ramesh,‬ ‭yield, selected‬ ‭predicts the crop‬ ‭Forest‬ ‭System Using Machine‬
‭Learning Approach‬ ‭anmol, b.r aishwarya,‬ ‭Machine Learning‬ ‭yield by studying‬ ‭showed the‬ ‭Learning Approach‬
‭karuna rohilla, kumar‬ ‭algorithms such as‬ ‭factors such as‬ ‭best results‬
‭shaurya‬ ‭Support Vector‬ ‭rainfall, temperature,‬ ‭with 95%‬
‭Machine (SVM),‬ ‭area, season, soil‬ ‭accuracy.‬
‭Artificial Neural‬ ‭type etc. The system‬
‭Network (ANN),‬ ‭also helps to‬
‭Random Forest (RF),‬ ‭determine the best‬
‭Multivariate Linear‬ ‭time to use‬
‭Regression (MLR),‬ ‭fertilisers.‬
‭and K-Nearest‬
‭Neighbour (KNN)‬
‭are used‬

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