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Subject : English
Unit :4
Theme : Water, water everywhere
Class / Semester : 6 (Six)
Date : Friday, October 27th 2023
Session : 34
Time Allocation : 2x35 minute (2 JP) / Online Class

Standard Competences:

1. name types of water and their characteristics.

2. identify action words related to water.
3. talk about saving and wasting water.
4. analyze statistics and explain their meaning.

Learning Objectives: Learning Indicator

Students are able to: Cognitive:

● talk about saving Students are able to talk about saving and wasting water using whatever,
whenever, wherever, and whoever
and wasting water
using whatever,
whenever, Students are able to give example how to use those words in a sentence
wherever, and

● use subordinating
conjunctions with -
ever (whatever,
wherever, whoever)


Opening: 1. Check their attendance 10 mins

Using the CPT to make 2. Write whatever, wherever, whenever, and whoever on the

them familiar what is board. Have students say each word aloud.

present perfect 3. (what, where, when, who, ever) Underline what, where,

progressive when, and who as students say them.

4. We use whatever to talk about one thing, or everything.
5. We use wherever, whenever, and whoever to talk about any
or every place, time, or person.
6. Give them these examples and ask them to fill the answers
_________ loads the dishwasher must make sure it’s full.
_________ steps you can take to save water will help.
_________ you go, make sure people are not wasting water.
__________ you can, tell others how they can save water.
Body: 1. Do the student book page 66 30
2. Feedback to the students if there’s a mistake mins
Learning method:

Instruments: Workbook
pp. 2–3;
Audio CD TR: A2–3;
Presentation Tool:
Vocabulary 1;
Learning sources: CPT
Our world, NGL
student book &

Independence 20
practice: mins

Closing: 1. Students do the exercise on their W.B page 48 -49 about 10 mins
whatever, whenever, wherever, and whoever
2. Submit the workbook
3. Wrap up the lesson
4. Pray

Acknowledged by, Tangerang, October 21st 2023

Principal of SDS Gita Bangsa School English Teacher
Ika Julianti, S.Kom., S.Pd Seravina Anggraeni Prayitno, S.Pd

(Hanya sebagai acuan, silahkan dibuat berdasarkan kreativitas masing-masing guru. Perlu diingat
bahwa lembar penilaian wajib untuk ada di setiap RPP)

Lampiran I: Psychomotor Assessment

No Aspect (3) (2) (1)

Total Score

Total overall

Final score

Lampiran II: Affective Assessment

No Aspect (3) (2) (1)


Total Score

Total overall

Final score

Lampiran III: Lembar Penilaian Kognitif

(Membuat 1 hingga 2 pertanyaan yang mengacu pada tujuan atau indikator)

No Aspek (3) (2) (1)

Total Score

Total overall

Final score

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