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Nidana of unmaada

वरुद्धदु टाशु चभोजना न प्रधषर्वणं दे वगुरुद् वजानाम ्|

उन्मादहे तुभय
र्व हषर्वपूवर्भो मनोऽ भघातो वषमाश्च चे टाः||४||

Food with incompatible, contaminated and unclean properties; possession by spirits like
gods, teachers and brahmanas; mental trauma due to recurrent exposure to fear or
exhilaration and adopting difficult posture are the general causes of unmada.
Pathogenesis or samprapti

तैरल्पसत्त्वस्य मलाः प्रदु टा बुद्धे नर्ववासं हृदयं प्रदू य|

स्रोतांस्य ध ठाय मनोवहा न प्रमोहयन्त्याशु नरस्य चेतः||५||

By the above causative factors, the doshas get vitiated in the person possessing low level of sattva guna
(weak minded people) in turn vitiate hridaya (mind), which ise seat of intellect. There from the channels
carrying mental factors (mano-vaha srotasas), quickly delude the mind of the person.
Samanya lakshana of unmada

धी वभ्रमः सत्त्वप रप्लवश्च पयार्वकुला दृि टरधीरता च|

अबद्धवाक्त्वं हृदयं च शून्यं सामान्यमुन्मादगदस्य लङ्गम ्||६||

स मूढचेता न सुखं न दुःखं नाचारधमर्मौ कुत एव शािन्तम ्|

वन्दत्यपास्तस्मृ तबुद् धसञ्ज्ञो भ्रमत्ययं चेत इतस्ततश्च||७||

Perverted intellect, psychic agitation, restlessness in eyes, impatience, incoherent speech and feeling of
emptiness in hridaya (mind), these are the general features of unmada.Thus, the person with deranged mind
does not know pleasures, pain, ethics and eternal duties and does not get peace anywhere. Therefore, he
lets the mind wander here and there due to loss of memory, intellect and perceptions.
1) Vatika unmada

रूक्षाल्पशीतान्न वरे कधातुक्षयोपवासैर नलोऽ तवृद्धः|

चन्ता दजु टं हृदयं प्रदू य बुद् धं स्मृ तं चाप्युपहिन्त शीघ्रम ्||९||

अस्थानहासिस्मतनृत्यगीतवागङ्ग वक्षेपणरोदना न|

पारु यकाश्यार्वरुणवणर्वताश्च जीणर्णे बलं चा नलजस्य रूपम ्||१०||

Vata gets aggravated by the intake of rough, deficient in quantity and cold in property food, excessive evacuation
of doshas, depletion of body tissues and fasting. This aggravated vata affects the hridaya (site of mind), which is
already afflicted with anxiety etc. and thus quickly deranges intellect and memory.Laughing, smiling, dancing,
singing, speaking, abnormal movement of body parts, weeping at improper places and improper time,
roughness, emaciation, reddish discoloration of body parts and aggravation of the disease after digestion of food;
are the clinical features of the vata dominant unmada .[
2) Pittaja unmada

अजीणर्वकट्वम्ल वदाह्यशीतैभर्भो यैिश्चतं पत्तमुदीणर्ववेगम ्|

उन्मादमत्युग्रमनात्मकस्य हृ द श्रितं पूवव

र्व दाशु कुयार्वत ्||११||

अमषर्वसंरम्भ वन नभावाः सन्तजर्वना तद्रवणौ ण्यरोषाः |

प्रच्छायशीतान्नजला भलाषाः पीता च भाः पत्तकृ तस्य लङ्गम ्||१२||

The already accumulated pitta gets aggravated due to indigestion, by the intake of pungent, sour food, those
articles causing burning sensation, and hot in potency. It takes shelter in the hridaya (site of mind) in the person
without self restraint and thus suddenly gives rise to severe episode of unmada as per the above mentioned
pathogenesis.Intolerance, agitation, nakedness, terrorizing, excessive movements, (running), heat, wrath (anger),
yellowish luster and desire for dense shady places, cold food - are the clinical features of pitta dominant unmada.
3) Kaphaja unmada

र्व द वचेि टतस्य सो मा कफो ममर्व ण सम्प्रवृद्धः|

बुद् धं स्मृ तं चाप्युपहत्य चत्तं प्रमोहयन ् सञ्जनयेद् वकारम ्||१३||

वाक्चेि टतं मन्दमरोचकश्च नारी व वक्त प्रयताऽ त नद्रा|

छ दर्व श्च लाला च बलं च भुङ्क्ते नखा दशौक्ल्यं च कफात्मकस्य||१४||

In the persons taking excessive food and doing slow activities (having sedentary habits), kapha along with heat
(pitta) increases in their vital organ (hridaya), impairing intellect and memory and thereby deranging their mind
produces insanity. Slow speech and movements, anorexia, and liking for women and loneliness, excessive sleep,
vomiting, salivation, aggravation of the disease after taking meals and whiteness of nails etc.– these are the clinical
features of the kapha dominant unmada. [13-14]
4) Sannipataja unmada

यः सिन्नपातप्रभवोऽ तघोरः सवर्वैः समस्तैः स च हे तु भः स्यात ्|

सवार्व ण रूपा ण बभ तर्व तादृि वरुद्घभैष य व ध वर्वव यर्वः||१५||

The severe type of unmada arising from sannipata (aggravation of all three doshas) is caused by all the above
etiological factors. It presents with all the above characters in mixed form and because of antagonistic therapeutic
principles, it is difficult to treat and therefore should be rejected. [15]
5) Agantu unmada

दे व षर्वगन्धवर्व पशाचयक्षरक्षः पतॄणाम भधषर्वणा न|

आगन्तुहेतु नर्वयमव्रता द मथ्याकृ तं कमर्व च पूवद

र्व े हे||१६||

Possession by the gods, sages, gandharvas (celestial choristers), pishachas (devils), yakshas (living supernatural
being/spiritual apparition), rakshasas (demons) and pitru(forefathers/ancestors spirits); unmethodical performance of
spiritual rituals and vows etc. and the deeds of past life are the causes of the exogenous type of unmada. [16]

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