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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Music IV

1st Quarter

I. Objectives

At the end of the 40 minute’s lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Identify the different musical notes and rests.

b. Appreciate the importance of notes and rests in music.
c. Compare and count the beat in each different notes and rests.

II. Subject Matter

i. Topic: Identifying different kinds of notes and rests

ii. References: The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION 4 pp. 2-13,
iii. Materials: Visual Aids, marker, flash cards, worksheets, dice, rhythm race board.

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer
Ask the students to stand up and pray.
b. Classroom Management
Tell the students to pick the pieces of trash under chair and arrange the chairs properly.
c. Greetings
Greet the students and ask them to listen and seat properly.
d. Attendance
Check the attendance of the class to determine if all are present.
e. Review: Thinness and Thickness in Music

B. Lesson Proper

a. Motivation
Let two students act the following words while the rest of the class will guess what is the
word all about. After knowing the words let the student guess the next topic.

b. Presentation of lesson
The teacher will show a pictures of musical notes and rests and let the students guess
whether it’s a note or rest.
c. Discussion
The teacher will ask present and attach the note and rest duration chart in the board.
 Note and Rest are symbols on a staff that designate when to play and when to stop.
 Notes on staff represents what pitch to play and for how long.
 Rests on musical symbols, used to designate when to pause and not play.
 There are Five kinds of notes and rest in a durations chart that corresponds the beat
in each notes and rests.
 Notes have whole note, half note, quarter note, eight note, and sixteenth note.
 Rests have whole rest, half rest, quarter rest, eight rest, and sixteenth rest.

d. Application

Flash Cards “Guess the beat and symbol”

The teacher will show an illustration of musical notes and rests and all students will guess what
is the beat value and music names of each of the following.

IV. Generalization
Teacher will ask questions to generalize the lesson.
 What are the different kinds of notes?
 What are the different kinds of rests?
 What are the value of five musical notes and rests?

V. Evaluation

 Activity “Rhythm Race”

Teacher will post the rhythm race on the board and the students will group into two, each player of the
group will go ahead to play rock paper scissors and stone, first to win will roll the dice and answer the
name of note and rest based on the number shows in a roll dice, the first group to reach the finish line
will be given extra points.
VI. Assessment

I. Matching Type

Direction: Match the column A with column B by drawing a line.

Column A. Column B.

 Q Quarter Note

 Q Whole Rest

 Q Eight Note

 Q Sixteenth Note

5.  Q Eight Rest

II. Identification

Direction: Identify the beat of the following rests and notes.

1. Quarter Note 6. Whole Rest

2. Whole Rest 7. Eight Note
3. Eight Rest 8. Quarter Rest
4. Half Note 9. Sixteenth Rest
5. Sixteenth Note 10. Half Rest

VII. Assignment

Direction: On page 15-18, read and study the lesson 2 about “Meters” grouping of Notes and Rest into

Prepared by:
June 16, 2023

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