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In this place several factors come together that contribute to the

fact that the weather conditions are constantly varied

throughout the year, since the geographical position of the
The Canary Islands is an archipelago located in the archipelago allows it to have all the climates in the same day, A YEAR IN
Atlantic Ocean that forms an autonomous Spanish going through a dry and hot morning until a full night. of rain and CANARY
community in Northwest Africa, with the status of a very strong winds. ISLANDS,
historical nationality. Historically, it has been AFRICA
considered a bridge between three continents; Africa, In general, the warmest temperatures are recorded on the
America and European. southern coasts of all the islands, where the annual average
exceeds 20ºC.

Where do people go in summer?

Summer is a great time for visit the Canary Islands because the
weather is hot and sunny the most part of the time.
I will go to Tenerife in summer choosing this island because
summer is the season when it is hottest and I want to go to the
beaches Needless to say.

In autumn are the carnivals of Gran Canaria and everyone

goes to them, you enjoy a warm climate but at the same time
windy, the parties are full of culture and vivid colors, it is what
most attracts my attention,
In this season you can see how all the tones of the flowers
change, first from a dull green to brown.

Where the people go in the winter?

In winter the people of Tenerife are used to low temperatures
that oscillate between 4 and 5 degrees Celsius and that is why
on these dates everyone usually goes home since in this place
the locals have their houses completely prepared for the
climates and for visitors it is something out of the ordinary due
to its cave-like structures

Why do people like spring?

They like it because in this season where the weather is hot
but humid and everything is blooming people go to the parks,
to the meadows, I chose for my trip a couple of mountains that
I want to visit before leaving where the colors are vivid and
reflect the awakening of flowers.

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