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MATHEMATICS IN THE MODERN WORLD  Order of rotation- common way of

describing rotational symmetry.

 Pattern is defined as  Order of Notation

1. Regular A figure has a rotational symmetry of order
2. Repeated fold rotational symmetry if of a
3. Recurring forms of designs complete turn leaves the figure
4. Identify relationships unchanged.
5. Find logical connections to form
Angle of rotation=
Examples: spirals, bees honeycomb,
flower petals Example: The pattern on the snowflake
repeats six times, indicating that there is a
 Symmetry indicates that you can draw an 6-foldsymmetry. Using the formula, the
imaginary line across an object and the angle of rotation is 60°.
resulting parts are mirror images of each
 Sequence- is a list of items / objects which
have been arranged in a sequential way.
 is a list of things that are in order
and is usually expressed in
 an arrangement of any objects or
Butterfly- is about the axis indicated by the as set of numbers in a particular
line. Note that the left and the right order followed by some rule.
portions are exactly the same. This type  If ..etc., denotes the
of symmetry is called bilateral symmetry. terms of the sequence, then 1, 2,
3, 4... denotes the position of the
Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man- shows
that proportion and symmetry of the
human body.  Series- the sum of all the terms in a
 Rotational symmetry- that if you rotate 
the starfish, you can still achieve the  the series is finite or infinite
same appearance as the original depending if the sequence is finite
position. or infinite.
 Angle of rotation- the smallest  Arithmetic Sequence – every term is
measure of angle that a figure can be created by adding or subtracting a definite
rotated while still preserving the number to the preceding number.
original position.

 Geometric Sequence - every term is  Elements are the members of the

obtained by multiplying or dividing a set.
definite number with the preceding  Can be represented by listing its
number. elements between braces {}.
 Harmonic Sequence - if the reciprocals of  A set is said to be well-defined if
all the elements of a sequence form an the elements in a set are
arithmetic sequence 4. specifically listed.
 Fibonacci Numbers – each element is
Definitions Regarding Sets:
obtained by adding two preceding
elements and the sequence start with 0  A set is finite if the number of elements is
and 1. countable.
 A set is infinite if the numbers of elements
cannot be counted.
 Language- the systematic way of Equal and Equivalent Sets:
communication with other people use of
sounds or convention symbols.  Equal sets are sets with the same
 Language was invented to communicate elements and cardinality.
ideas to others.  Equivalent sets are set with the same
 The language of Mathematics was number of elements or cardinality.
Joint and Disjoint Sets:
- numbers
- sets  Joint sets are sets with common elements
- functions intersection.
- perform operation  Disjoint sets are set with no common

Universal Set:

 The set of all elements. We will use the

letter U to denote universal set.
 The empty set or null set is the set that
contains no elements. The symbol Ø
represents the empty set.

 Set- is a well-defined collection of distinct
 If A and B are sets, then A is called a
subset of B, written A ⊆ B, if, and only if,
 It is usually represented by capital
every element of A is also element of B.
 Separated by commas.  A ⊆ B means that for all elements of x, if x
∈ A then x ∈ B.

The Four Basic Operations on Set: Example: R = {(1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 6), (4,
8), (5, 10)}
1. Union of Sets – The union of two sets is 2. Function
simply the set containing the combined 1. a relation where each element in the
elements of the given sets. domain is related to only one value in
A = {1,3,5,7,9} the range by some rule.
B = {2,4,6,8,10} 2. is a set of ordered pairs (x, y) such
A ∪ B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} that no two ordered pairs have the
2. Intersection of Sets – The intersection of same x-value but different y-values.
sets is a set containing the common 3. the domain can be imagines as input
elements of the given sets. to a machine that applies a rule so that
A = {1,2,3,5,7,11} each input corresponds to only one
B = {2,4,6,8,10} output.
A ∩ B = {2}
3. Difference of Sets – The difference of two RULES IN DOMAIN AND RANGE IN
sets is the set whose elements resulted FUNCTIONS:
when the elements common to the two
1. One to one relations
sets are subtracted from the minuend set.
2. Many to one relations
A ={1,2,3, 5,7,11}
B ={2,4,6,8,10}
A − B = {1,3, 5,7,11}  Domain- collection of elements of x.
B − A = {4,6,8,10}  Range- Collection of elements of y.
4. Complement Set – is the set having Example:
elements found in the universal set that is x 2 4 6
not found in any of the subsets of the y 1 5 9
The domain are the values of x {2, 4, 6}
universal set.
Range= {1, 5, 9}
A ={odd numbers less that 15} =
 Vertical Line test- a graph represents a
function if and only if each vertical line
B = {prime numbers less than 15} =
intersects the graph at most once.
U ={numbers less than 15} = LESSON 4.1: BINARY OPERATIONS
A’ ={4,6,8,10,12,14}  Binary operation- is an operation that
takes two input elements from a set and
LESSON 4: THE LANGUAGE OF RELATIONS gives a unique result that belongs to the
1. Relation is…  Denoted by * (subtraction, addition,
1. a rule that relates values from a set of multiplication, division, and exponent).
values (called the domain) to a second  Properties of Binary Operations:
set of values (called the range).  Additions are binary operations on
2. is also a set of ordered pair (x, y). each of the sets of natural

numbers (N), Integer (Z), Rational  Distributive

Numbers (Q), Real Numbers (R).  Let A be a non-empty set. Let *
While addition on the set of all and ∆ be two binary operations on
irrational numbers is not a binary A.
operation.  Then * is said to be distribute over
 Multiplication is a binary operation ∆ on set A for all a,b,c ∈ A we
on each of the sets of natural have that a*(b∆c)=(a*b) ∆ (a*c).
numbers (N), Integer (Z), Rational  Identity Element (e)
Numbers (Q), Real Numbers (R).  If A be the non-empty set and * be
While addition on the set of all the binary operation.
irrational numbers is not a binary  An element (e) is the identity
operation. element of a ∈ A, if a*e= e*a=a.
 Subtraction is a binary operation  If the binary operation is addition
on each of the sets of Integer (Z), (+), e=0 and for * is multiplication
Rational Numbers (Q), Real (x), e=1.
Numbers (R). Except on the set of  Inverse element ( )
Natural numbers (N).  If a binary operation * on a set A
 Division is not a binary operation which satisfies a*b=b*a=e, for all
on any of the set of Natural a, b ∈ A.
numbers (N), Integer (Z), Rational  is invertible if for a*b=b*a=e,
Numbers (Q), Real Numbers (R). =b. 1 is invertible when * is
Type of Binary Operations: multiplication.

 Commutative
 If for all a, b ∈ A, a *b= b*a.
 Addition and multiplication are
commutative on set of integers Z
but subtraction is not a
commutative binary operation,
since 2-3 ≠ 3-2.
 Associative
 For a non-empty set A, we can
write (a*b)*c=a*(b*c).
 Addition and multiplication on real
numbers R are associative binary

connections, in order for him to be able to

process the information.
 Inductive Reasoning- the process of
reaching a general conclusion by
examining specific examples.
 ex. Arnel is a grandfather. Arnel is
bald. Therefore, all grandfathers
are bald.
 The conclusion doesn’t follow
logically from the statements.
 Scientist use it to form hypotheses
and theories.
 Even if all the premises are true in
a statement, inductive reasoning
allows for the conclusion to be
 Counterexamples- If you can find one case
for which a statement is not true, called a
counterexample, then the statement is a
false statement.
 A problem is a statement requiring a  ex. Every number that is multiple
solution, usually by means of of 10 is divisible by 4.
mathematical operation/ geometric  100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160,
construction. 170, 180, 190, 200
 Problem solving- is a process or an  100 ÷ 4 = 25, 120 ÷ 4 = 30,
ongoing activity in which we take know to 110 ÷ 4 = 27.5
discover what we don’t know.  not all multiples of 10 are divisible
 Method- the ways of techniques used to by 4. So, we call 110 as a
get answer which will usually involve once counterexample.
or more problem solving strategies.  Deductive Reasoning- process of reaching
 Problem-solving involves three basic a conclusion by applying general;
functions: assumptions, procedures, or principles.
1. Seeking information  ex. 12 is divisible by 2. Therefore,
2. Generating new knowledge 12 is an even number.
3. Making decisions  If ∠A and ∠B are supplementary
angles, their sum is 180°.
 Mathematical Reasoning- the ability of a
Therefore, m∠A = 100, then m∠B
person to analyze problem situations to
justify the process or hypothesis, to create = 80.
both conceptual foundations and  Pick a number. Multiply the
number by 8, add 6 to the product,

divide the sum by 2, and subtract  “Mathematics is the cheapest science.

3. Unlike physics or chemistry, it does not
require any expensive equipment. All one
needs for mathematics is a pencil and
paper.” –George Polya


PROBLEM SOLVING STRATEGIES  Measure of central tendency- is a single
Who is George Polya? value that attempts to describe a set of
data by identifying the central position
 Hungarian Mathematician within the set of data.
 Father of the Modern Problem Solving  a.k.a measures of central location
 He made fundamental contributions to  Classed as summary statistics
combinatorics, number theory, numerical  Composed of Mean, Median, and Mode
analysis and probability theory. He is also  Mean:
noted for his work in heuristics and  The “average”
mathematics education.  It is the arithmetic average in
 POLYA’S FOUR-STEP PROBLEM- which you will add all the values
SOLVING STRATEGY: and divide by the number of
 Understanding the problem observation in the data set.
 Devise a plan  Symbol:
 Carry out the plan  Median:
 Review the solution  The “middle score”
 Example: One number is 7 more than  is the middle score of a set of data
another. Twice the larger is equal to four that has been arranged in order of
times the smaller decreased by 2. Find the magnitude.
numbers.  If the set is a set of ten numbers of
any even number, arrange, then
add the two middle numbers and
find its average. Its average will be
the median.
 Mode:
 The mode is “the most frequent
score in the data set”.
 we use mode for categorical data
where we want to know which is
the most common category.

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