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Name Nallakantam Ambika

Question 1

Instances between Lisa and Linton: On her first day at Houseworld, Lisa was disappointed by the
very cool and disinterested way she was received by her boss, Linton. During Lisa's initial weeks, she
approached Linton with some questions that she had about Pure and Fresh, hoping to get some
answers, but as Linton was doing something, she asked her to come back again. This left Benton
feeling like she was an intruder and disappointed. The most important instance where Linton shouted
at Lisa was when she stated that copying was part of her job. Benton felt furious and frustrated. Linton
was biased toward Scoville. This was clearly observed while Scoville challenged Lisa’s analysis to get
the figures for pricing, and Lisa felt humiliated and embarrassed by Scoville's unprofessional behavior.
Linton asked her to sort out the things by herself. Lisa got trapped in a conflicting situation where she
received mixed messages about her behavior. Firstly, she was warned not to act like an arrogant MBA;
on the other hand, she was criticized for being unassertive. This lack of clear guidance and
inconsistent expectations created confusion for Lisa and led to a strained relationship with Linton.

Instances Between Lisa and Scoville: Scoville told Lisa that he is not very impressed with MBAs,
especially those from Harvard. Ten days after lunch, Scoville challenged her assumptions in her
analysis of Pure and Fresh pricing. Lisa was frustrated with his attitude and muttered, that’s
ridiculous," for which Scoville yelled, criticizing Lisa as arrogant and cocky. Benton felt humiliated
and embarrassed. Scoville’s disrespectful behavior and lack of professionalism caused significant
friction between Lisa and him, making it difficult for them to work together effectively. Scoville and
Linton rarely asked Benton for her opinion, and Benton felt that they made no effort to treat her as part
of the brand team. She began to feel like a fifth wheel.

Question 2
Write your answer for Part A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to Low While there was confrontation in the office, Scoville

Experience dismissed Lisa’s input and criticized her as an
arrogant MBA. This shows that he is not open to
new ideas and the views of others.

Conscientiousness Low Scoville is very disorganized and unprofessional at

work. In copying the episode, it was clearly seen
that he asked Lisa to copy the reports instead of
managing his time effectively.

Extraversion Moderate He is very outspoken and assertive by nature. While

he was having lunch with Lisa, he clearly informed
her about his likes and dislikes and his expectations
from her. This shows that he is very outspoken.
While he was challenging Lisa's analysis, he raised
his voice. His dominant and forceful nature shows
that he is assertive. But at the same time, in the
whole case study, it was never observed that
Scoville was close with anyone other than Linton.

Agreeableness Low He never agreed with Lisa’s POV. This was clearly
observed when she tried to explain how figures
came to be in the analysis by showing the
spreadsheet, but he challenged her assumptions,
though he was impressed by her work. This shows
his low agreeableness.

Neuroticism High This was observed in two instances. The first one is
when he yelled at Lisa as she showed her frustration
for challenging her work. And the instance where
Lisa asked for time for copying work, but Scoville
commented on her as being too good for copying as
she has an MBA from Harvard. These emotional
reactions show high neuroticism.
Answer for Part B here

1. Based on the OCEAN framework analysis of Scoville's personality, here are two ways in
which Lisa can improve her relationship with him:
1. Lisa needs to work on her communication so that she can approach him in a more
polite manner. She needs to be very direct and clear in her communication. This can
help minimize misunderstandings and potential conflict.
2. Setting Boundaries: She has to establish clear boundaries regarding responsibility and

Question 3

Answer for Part A

"Linton failed to recognize Lisa’s core strengths during Lisa’s performance evaluation. This
left Lisa disappointed". Represents the hidden area of the Johari window. Lisa is aware of her core
strength, but she failed to communicate with Linton. As it is known to Linton but not recognized by
Linton, they remain in the hidden area of Lisa’s Johari windows.
Answer for Part B

1. Lisa never tried to show or discuss her achievements or her core strengths with her boss;
instead, she expected Linton to recognize that. She should have proactively communicated or
discussed her achievements and skills.
2. Lisa needs to be open to Linton's feedback on a regular basis so they can both understand their
expectations of each other and work on them accordingly. She can request regular feedback
meetings to discuss her strengths, areas for improvement, and career aspirations.

By following the above-mentioned steps, Lisa can reduce the hidden area and increase mutual
understanding in her relationship with Linton.

Question 4

1. The specifics should be given: Instead of using unclear terms, Linton should have
provided specific examples of incidents where Lisa's behaviour showed a lack of
assertiveness or initiative. Linton gave the example after being requested by Lisa. This
will help Lisa understand how her actions are perceived and their impact on her
2. Provide actionable suggestions: Along with pointing out areas for improvement,
Linton should offer practical suggestions to help Lisa enhance her assertiveness,
initiative, and confidence.

By providing specific examples and actionable suggestions, Linton could have delivered
feedback in a more effective and actionable manner.

Question 5

Three steps that help Lisa feel more engaged and motivated in her work at Houseworld

1. By establishing precise objectives and expectations for Lisa so that she is aware of
what is expected of her and feels like she is serving a purpose. Give her job a clear
direction by using SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-
bound). Review her progress frequently and give her feedback to keep her motivated
and give her a sense of success.
2. By offering Lisa training courses, workshops, or other materials that are relevant to
her interests and professional objectives.

3. By recognizing her work and honouring her accomplishments

Question 6

Lisa can improve her relationships with Linton and Scoville by utilizing the following soft power

1. By showing her expertise Lisa needs to share her ideas in her areas of expertise and offer
suggestions; this will enable Linton and Scoville to recognize Lisa’s core strengths.

2. She needs to find common ground and areas of interest with the team members.

These can be implemented only when Lisa communicates effectively, being proactive, approachable,
and collaborative in her interactions with Scoville and Linton.

Two hard tactics that can be used by Lisa

1. Using Legitimate Power: Lisa can seek support from Vernon by informing him about the
biased behaviour of Linton towards Scoville. In this case, Vernon is really concerned for Lisa
and asks whether she is happy working in House World and about her relationship with Linton
and Scoville. Lisa wants to be politically smart as well; she also came to know that no other
assistant product managers complained about their boss, so she didn’t take a stand for herself
and decided not to mention Linton’s name.
2. Coercive Power: Lisa needs to set boundaries and forcefully express her expectations for
professional behavior in response to Scoville's condescending and unprofessional rudeness.
Though Scoville told her to behave as she is in learning mode, as an assistant product
manager, she should have spoken up confidently, discussed her thoughts, and shared her
opinions in the meetings.
Question 7

There are certain instances where breach of ethics by Lisa’s Co-workers were observed. Such as:

1. Scoville’s Rude and Unprofessional Behavior: Lack of respect and unprofessional behavior
of Scoville towards Lisa was observed when he yelled at her in the public. Such behavior goes
against ethical principles of respect and fairness in the workplace.
2. Linton’s Biased behavior along with lack of support and guidance: Linton was biased
towards Scoville. This was clearly observed while Scoville challenged Lisa’s analysis to get the
figures for pricing and Lisa felt humiliated and embarrassed by Scoville unprofessional
behavior Linton asked her sort out the things by themselves and also in the copying episode
Linton yelled at Lisa that copying is part of her work. She never listened to Lisa. As Lisa is
reporting to Linton, she should have listened Lisa’s part of story and should managed the
situation in a better way. Lisa approached Linton with some questions about Pure and Fresh
but Linton didn’t bother her to answer asked her to come back again.
3. Negative Office Culture: Gossiping about Scoville relation with Linton and viewing him as
someone who can’t get along with anyone was observed in the case study which creates toxic
workplace culture conducive to ethical behavior.
4. Failure to address performance and behavioral issues: It was clearly observed that Linton
and Vernon aware about the fact that Scoville had a trouble getting along with other team
member and unprofessionalism still nothing has done to change the Scoville behavior or the
circumstances. This disregard for professionalism issues might be considered as ethical failure
to maintain effective work environment.

Question 8

Following a thorough analysis of the case study, I believe Lisa should resign from her position at
Houseworld for the reasons listed below:

1. Toxic Work Environment: The case study shows the clear picture of a toxic workplace where
Lisa was disrespected, received no support and guidance from managers and had gossiping
coworkers who band together against one another. It will impose a negative impact on Lisa’s
well-being, motivation and job satisfaction. Lisa was observed as a very enthusiastic and
confident lady. While working in the Right-Away stores she was well motivated and recognized
for her work. She left Right Away to explore herself, which is nowhere happening.
2. Lack of Recognition: Lisa Believes that she was not recognized for her qualification and
strength. Her skill and education were not being properly used. She may be able to achieve her
goals if she leaves Houseworld and looks for a new job where she is well recognized and can
expect new learning and Career Growth.
3. In compatibility in Values and Expectations: Lisa’s Values and expectation might not be
compatible with Houseworld culture, as seen by lack of support and guidance, insufficient
training and toxic workplace environment. She believes that the company’s culture conflicts
with her values and working preferences.

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