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Name: Jasper John A.


Course/section: GED103-A77

On March 31, 1521, when Ferdinand Magellan and his crew landed in the archipelago, it is said
that the first mass was celebrated in the Philippines. According to the widely accepted story, the first
mass was celebrated on the island of Limasawa in Southern Leyte. Alternative theories, however,
contend that the first mass was really held on the adjacent island of Mazaua.

The location of the first mass may be determined with great accuracy using primary sources
from the period of the events. Unfortunately, there are no first-hand stories since the Spaniards did not
leave behind any thorough documentation of the occurrence. However, Magellan's expedition member
Antonio Pigafetta kept a notebook that detailed their travels. Pigafetta claims that Mazau. not Limasawa,
was the site of the first mass.

Our view of historical events is greatly influenced by secondary sources, which include scholarly
publications and historical narratives. However, opposing viewpoints and prejudices may make the story
difficult to follow. It is crucial to analyze these sources thoroughly and take into account different

The group gave a thorough and understandable explanation of the first mass in the Philippines in
today's presentation. Their presentation revealed a deep understanding of the subject and well
communicated the historical importance of this incident. The group successfully emphasized the the first
mass' significance in influencing the nation's culture and religious customs by going into depth about it
as well. According to the audience, the presentation succeeded in informing and engrossing viewers
about this crucial period in Philippine history.

It was impressive how well the group was able to communicate the subject. Their content was
properly organized, making it simple for the viewers to follow along and understand the main ideas.
Additionally, their thorough explanation demonstrated their aptitude for study and commitment to
imparting factual information. They guaranteed that the audience had a thorough grasp of the first mass
and its effects on the Philippines by adding context and pertinent background material.

The presentation made by this group on the first mass in the Philippines was great overall. Their
ability to effectively discuss the subject while also digging into crucial historical information indicates
their knowledge of the area. They were able to effectively inform the audience about this momentous
event and its ramifications for the country's cultural and religious landscape through their presentation.
It was a standout presentation of the day because of their lucid presentation style and in-depth
justifications, which made an effect on the audience.

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