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Writing a report is an important activity at work, both after finishing a job or after an accident.
In a report your language should be formal and correct, and the content should be to the point.
Many workplaces use standard forms to report an accident.

( – listen to example of an accident report)

1. Learn how to properly write an accident report:

2. Writing a report:

Write a report about an accident. Choose one of the dangerous situations from the previous task from the picture.
Use the model of the report provided. Make up the date (today’s date and time) and person you report to (you can
write my name).

To: Mr. Jon Jonnie, Head of Jonnie Construction

From: Mr. Marius Brænne, employee of Jonnie Construction
Date: 20.10.2023
Subject: Construction Worker cut his hand off

A construction worker got injured very seriously today. He cut his hand off by accident while he
was using a saw outside of building 1.

The construction worker was cutting a 3 meter plank on the saw. He started cutting the plank 30
cm each until he noticed that the plank, he was cutting started to tip a little to the side. He let go
of the saw unaware of that he had put the saw on automatic. He bended over to adjust the plank
and while he did that, he accidentally took his hand into the blade. His colleagues rushed to him to
stop as much of the bleeding as they could while there were other people calling the ambulance

At this moment we do not know how the man is. All we know is that it is very serious. It is very
important that we from now on, give much clearer instructions on how to use the machines
regardless of experience because no matter how long you have worked at construction site or as a
carpenter, plumber and so on, this could still happen to. This situation is a good example of that

Mr. Marius Brænne

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