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Name: CASTILLO, Krissia Pauline C.

Among all the artworks that are hanging on the wall of our house, one
artwork of mine stood out the most for me. I chose this artwork of mine
titled “I am Innocent”, that I have made last October 13, 2017. In the
year 2017, the major issue during that time was about the widespread
extrajudicial killings in the country. Extrajudicial killings happened
because of the administration’s “war on drugs”. However, because of
the extrajudicial killings, many innocent people have been wrongly
accused and reports say that 122 children have been killed during the
war. For this reason, I have made this artwork to spread awareness to
the public, especially the students in our school since it was displayed in
our gallery, about the injustice that’s happening in the country. In here,
we can see a man standing in the middle while guns are pointed
around him. But one thing that stands out in this art is the bright yellow
tape, used mostly by police in crime scenes, that says “I am innocent,
do not cross”, which means that the man is innocent but is wrongly

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