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Name: Castillo, Krissia Pauline C.

Jesus was sent into this world to save the people from their sins. It was his
mission to save, and one of the things he bequeathed during the time
he did his mission are liberation and well-being to a lot of people. With
Jesus’ teachings, the Church still continues the mission of bringing
liberation to people. One way that I can help the Church’s mission of
bringing out liberation and well-being is by joining and helping in
organizing community events especially to the people on the margins.
These community events are done to make sure that unfortunate
people will still feel fortunate despite the hardships that they are
experiencing in life right now. With these fun and engaging church
events such as movie night, prayer meetings, worship night concert,
Christmas pageants, Easter egg hunt, community service day, mental
health outreach, sponsorship in the community, and a lot more, in some
ways we can help with them mentally and emotionally. Another way for
me to help spread out the Church’s mission is by also helping those who
are in need in the community such as homeless people. If I cannot do
as something as big as the first one, which is helping and organizing a
community event, I can also do small things such as giving to homeless
people some foods and drinks they can eat. And, if I am successful in
doing the first way, then I can also expand my help in not just one or
two homeless people but to a lot more with the help of the people who
joined the community events and are willing to help others just like how
we helped them before. With this, I can say that the legacy I want to
leave behind is the generosity of giving help to people who are in need.
I want to be remembered as someone who touched their lives and
made a positive impact to themselves. I also hope that, like Jesus who
passed on his teachings as his legacy, I can also share these
aforementioned ways to other people that can continue this legacy.

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