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Name: Castillo, Krissia Pauline C.

Personal Values Discovery

As a Louisian Architect, determine your ten (10) personal values that are
significant in making entrepreneurial decisions that help bring positive societal
changes during this challenging and changing times. Rank them as to
importance then write them in the boxes provided.

1. Determination 2. Adaptability 3. Respect 4. Strategic 5. Innovative

6. Mindfulness 7. Good 8. Confidence 9. Time 10. Honesty
Listener Management

2. Of these ten values, which is the most important for your entrepreneurial
decision making? Elucidate your reasoning in not more than 150 words.

The ten values listed above are definitely a must have of a Louisian
entrepreneur, or an entrepreneur in general. These are all important in order to
have an entrepreneurial decision-making mindset; however, among the ten
values, the first and most important on the list is determination. Amidst the
challenges and uncertainties in business, determination is essential as it drives
a person’s perseverance and adaptability, which comes next to
determination. With this value, a person is determined to go out and explore
new possibilities, push their limits, and innovatively solve problems in the

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