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John Q & Deontology

Guide questions for the reflection:

1. Give a brief overview/summary of the movie: What do you understand as

the main message of the movie?
2. What parts of the movie do you think are significant in matters of decision-
making and deciding over choices like “over life or death”?
3. How do you think the movie can illustrate this categorical imperative of
Immanuel Kant: “Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in
your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means
to an end, but always at the same time as an end.”

John Q is a movie that helps us be aware of the issues that the society
experiences in terms of social and ethical matters. However, I think the main
message and lesson of the movie is all about the importance of family and the
sacrifices and love that our parents have endured just for us, their children, to
be able to have a better life. John and his family is not that fortunate as they
experienced financial issues because of the recession that happened.
Unfortunately, their problem worsened when their son was rushed to the
hospital and the news broke to them that their son must undergo a heart
transplant immediately. But because of their financial problem, John had no
choice but to do something inappropriate just to save his son wherein he held
captive the staff and patients and the hospital just for them to consider his
plea. For me, this part in the movie really struck my heart because John, a
parent, experienced ethical dilemma. It was the part where he needs to
decide whether he has to do a wrong action just to make things right which is
to save his own son from dying. In the end, he decided to save his son no
matter the consequences that awaits him. Another part in the movie that
struck me is the part where John didn’t hesitate to sacrifice his heart– his own
life, for his son’s heart transplant. Sacrificing one’s own life is the greatest
sacrifice to be ever done, and John has exhibited it especially in this part.

However, just because John was successful in saving the life of his son, his
actions still aren’t justified because even if his motivation in doing it was to
save his son, his actions were still bad in the first place. He was too focused
in saving his son that he forgot the basic principles and laws that should have
been abode. He was willing to sacrifice himself but he also sacrificed the lives
of other people and put them into risks. With this being said, the categorical
imperative of Immanuel Kant: “Act in such a way that you treat humanity,
whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a
means to an end, but always at the same time as an end”, must have been
applied by John. John should’ve not held hostage and used the staff and
patients as mere means to get what he wanted because it is morally wrong to
do so.

To sum it all up, the movie shows how heroic as a father John is to his son by
sacrificing his dignity and even his own life just to save his son from dying. It
shows how much a parent can do just for the sake of his or her own child.
However, in spite of sacrificing for a good intention, if doing so means doing
bad actions, then these actions will not be justified.

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