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Migration Vocabulary

 Migration - movement of animals or people from one region to another:

 Migrant - A person who moves from one place to another
 Immigrate - To enter a country for the purpose of living there.
 Immigrant – the person who moves to another country
 Emigrate - To leave one’s country to live elsewhere.
 Refugee - A person who flees his or her native land to escape persecution or

 Assimilate - To absorb into the cultural tradition of a larger population.

 Asylum - Legal permission to live in a country granted in special cases to people
fleeing danger or persecution in the homelands.
 Deport - To force someone out of the country.
 Detainee - An alien in the custody of the government temporarily.
 Naturalization - The process whereby an immigrant becomes a citizen.

illegal immigrants: – people who enter a country illegally

economic migrants: – people who move country to earn more money
migrant workers: – note that migrant can also work as an adjective
immigrant community/population: – this can be used for people who
have settled in country for some time
influx of immigrants: – this is usually used in a negative sense
meaning that there are too many immigrants
first generation immigrant: – this is either an immigrant or a child on
an immigrant [sometimes it is hyphenated as “first-generation”]

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