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Pakistan International School Jeddah English Section

Academic Year: 2022–2023

Islamiyat 0493
Notes and Guidelines

Student Name/ID

Class/ Section

Chapter 3 The Life and Importance of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Topics Life of Prophet (SAW) in Madinah

8th Year after Hijrah – Battle of Hunain and Siege of Taif

Reference notes - 9
Chapter 3 – Battle of Hunain and siege of Taif

Generic Guidelines
➢ These notes are consisted of outlines NOT the complete answer.
➢ Outlines are based on the IGCSE requirements with the reference of past paper question and
guidelines with examiner report for the relevant topics.
➢ These notes will serve the students as a mind map, in order to form a well-developed answer.
➢ Students are required to use the given key points to develop the response in their own words.
➢ For some topics notes are given in complete paragraph form to give idea how to develop the
➢ References are also included within the notes to help students memorize

Life of Prophet (SAW) in Madinah

8th Year after Hijrah – Battle of Hunain and Siege of Taif

The question related to Battle of Hunain can be given with combination of other battles as
mentioned in the marking scheme or can be given as complete 10 marks question.

A good answer should have most of the information and a lot of detail, accurate chronology, giving
relevant quotes. Following is the outline for a well-developed response.

➢ Background of battle
➢ Causes of the battle
➢ Preparation of both armies
o Preparation of Opponent Army (Hawazin and Thaqeef)
o Preparation of Muslim Army

Main Events of the Battle

➢ Battlefield of Hunain and Muslim Army Initial defeat
➢ Courage of Prophet (SAW) and reassembling of Muslim Army
➢ Allah’s Help in the Battlefield and Muslim’s Victory
➢ The Captives and Booty taken to Jiranah

Outcome of the Battle

➢ The Siege of Taif
➢ Distributed the booty (Spoils of War)
➢ The complaint of Ansar
➢ Deputation from Taif
➢ Conclusion

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Chapter 3 – Battle of Hunain and siege of Taif

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘a’ (10 Marks Question)
Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of the faith and
history of Islam in part ‘A’.
1. Write about the main even of two of the following battles Khaybar, Mu’ta, Hunain,
Tabuk. [10] May/June 2015
Marking Scheme:
Good answers should be able to narrate the story of the events of the battle of Hunian,
leading up to it and immediately after, and give detailed information as well as name the
key figures involved. Details and accuracy will take candidates up the levels.

Khaybar: fought in 628 (7AH) against the Jews who had broken their agreements with the
Muslims; Muslim army caught the city by surprise; ‘Ali was given the banner to carry; Muslims
attacked the first fort of Naim; this was taken and the Muslims carried on until they reached the
most powerful fort, An-Nizar/Qamus; ‘Ali is said to have moved a door by himself which would
have taken many men to move; Jewish leader was killed; Jews requested they stay in the oasis
and in return give half their produce to the Muslims; battle strengthened the Muslims and the
Prophet’s leadership.

Mu’ta: this was the fiercest battle during the Prophet’s lifetime; fought in 629 (8AH); The Prophet
had sent Al-Harith bin ‘Umair al-Azdi carrying a letter to the ruler of Basra; he was intercepted and
killed by the governor of al-Balqa’; the Prophet mobilised an army of 3000 men; people near the
scene of al-Harith’s murder would be invited to Islam and if they accepted no battle would ensue;
Zaid bin Haritha was to lead the army, Ja’far bin Abu Talib would replace him, and ‘Abdullah bin
Rawaha would replace Ja’far if he fell; Heraclius sent 100,000 troops with another 100,000 from
tribes allied to the Byzantines; Khalid bin Walid stepped up to take leadership and showed his
skills as a strategist; the Muslims gradually retreated and the Byzantines, thinking they were
entrapped, stopped their pursuit allowing the Muslims to incur minimal casualties.

Hunain: The sects of Hawazin and Thaqif did not want to submit to Islam so they decided to fight
against the Muslims; the Prophet marched to meet them with 12,000 men; the enemy were already
waiting for the Muslim army, hiding and waiting to hurl stones and arrows at them; when this
happened, the enemy attack became fierce and the Muslims started to retreat; the Prophet called
his troops back and they went on to defeat the army; because their leader Malik bin ‘Awf had told
everyone to take their families and belongings with them, the Muslims captured huge spoils of war.
This battle is mentioned in sura tawba, v25.

Tabuk: took place in 9AH; the Byzantines were wary of the growing Muslim power and wanted to
defeat them before they became too big or powerful to conquer; the Nabateans brought news to
Madina of a big and powerful army that Heraclius was preparing; the Prophet made a decision to
go to war and meet the Byzantines on their border; they marched to Tabuk with 30,000 men; the
Muslims had donated generously for this expedition; they faced many hardships on the way; once
at Tabuk they stayed some days, but the Byzantine army did not arrive; the Prophet took control
of some of the tribes on the border; on return to Madina the Muslim’s reputation as a powerful
force reached far and wide, and many delegations came to visit him after this event.

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Chapter 3 – Battle of Hunain and siege of Taif

8th Year after Hijrah – Battle of Hunain and Siege of Taif

Answer must begin with the general introduction and details about the main events of ‘battle of Hunain’ in
eighth year after Hijrah (migration to Madinah) of Prophet (SAW)’ as mentioned in the outline.

Background of battle
➢ Causes of the Battle
o After conquest of Makkah, there were only a few tribes left who had not accepted Islam.
Among these tribes were the neighbouring tribe of Hawazin and Thaqeef.
o The peaceful conquest of Makkah by Muslims and surrender of Quraish infuriated these tribes
who considered it as threat to their religion & economic interest.

➢ Preparation of Hawazin and Thaqeef Army

o Malik bin Awf of Hawazin commanded of Pagan’s Army.
o They prepared an army of 20,000 to suppress the growing power of Muslims. Also, they
brought their women, children, live stocks and their possessions to fight more courageously.

➢ Preparation of Muslim Army

o When informed of the developments, the Prophet (SAW) called his men for jihad.
o The Prophet (SAW) marched towards them as a head of 12,000, well equipped army that
included 10,000 men who accompanied him from Madinah and 2000 newly converts from
o Prophet (SAW) appointed Attab Ibn Asid, (RA) in charge of Makkah to look after the men
who had stayed behind. Then he (SAW) went forward to meet Hawazin tribe and their allies.
o Muslims became proud of their large number and were quite confident about their victory.
Allah has pointed this act of boastfulness in Quran, “when you took pride in your great
numbers, but they proved of no advantage to you.’’ (9:25 Al-Taubah)

Main Events of the Battle

➢ Battlefield of Hunain and Muslim Army Initial defeat

o On the morning of 10th Shawwal, the Muslim army reached the valley of Hunain.
o According to Malik bin Awf’s plan, Men of Hawazin were already appointed their archers on
both sides of the narrow pass.
o Just as Muslims army arrived there, they were attacked by these archers. The archers began
to shoot arrows fiercely to unsettle the majority of them.
o This sudden attack caused a chaos and terrible disorder among Muslims. Several Muslims
soldiers retreated in confusion. Most were killed in the stampede, leaving quite a few
companions on the battlefield.

o This situation is mentioned in Quran in Surah Taubah: “Indeed Allah has given you
˹believers˺ victory on many battlefields, even at the Battle of Ḥunain, when you took
pride in your great numbers, but they proved of no advantage to you. The earth, despite
its vastness, seemed to close in on you, then you turned back in retreat.” (9:25 Al-

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Chapter 3 – Battle of Hunain and siege of Taif

➢ Courage of Prophet (SAW) and reassembling of Muslim Army

o Eventually, the Holy Prophet (SAW) was encircled by his senior companions and kinsmen,
who despite the threatening conditions, shielded the Prophet (SAW) and did not leave him.
o Prophet (SAW) showed great bravery and courage while saying, “verily, I am the true
Prophet. I am the son of Abdul-Muttalib.” (Sahih Bukhari)
o The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said to his uncle Abbas (RA) to call out the fleeing followers.
o After hearing the blooming voice of Abbas (RA), the Muslim warriors, started to reassemble.
o The fighting recommenced and a very furious battle took place.
o It is mentioned in Quran, “Then Allah sent down His tranquillity upon His Messenger and
upon the believers and sent down soldiers [i.e., angels] whom you did not see and
punished those who disbelieved. And that is the recompense of the disbelievers.” (9:26
➢ Allah’s Help in the Battlefield and Muslim’s Victory
o Meanwhile, Prophet (SAW) got off his mule and prayed to Allah (SWT) for help and then
picked a handful of sand and threw it against the enemy soldiers, saying, “May your faces
be shameful”.
o Their eyes were thick with dust. and the enemy began to retreat.
o During the most severe moment of the battle, Ali (RA) and Abu Dujana (RA) killed one of the
flag-bearers of the enemy. When Hawazins saw that, they started to feel scared.
o The enemy began to ran to the fort of Autaas then from there to their town Taif and shut
themselves in the forts.
o Leaving behind their women, children and all their properties (camels, goats and silver etc.)
in Autaas.

Outcome of the of the Battle

o Muslims were victorious in this battle and this victory was the severe blow to Hawazin.

➢ The Captives and Booty taken to Jiranah:

o Bedouins fled, leaving belongings behind at Autaas, so Muslims captured vast booty
consisting 24,000 camels, 40,000 sheep, 4000 pieces of silver and 6,000 prisoners.
o Shaima, the daughter of Halima Saadia (RA) was among the prisoners of battle. Prophet
(SAW) recognized her and treated her with massive respect.
o Prophet (SAW) ordered booty to be taken to Jiranah, a place near Makkah and he himself
proceeded with his army and laid siege to the fortresses in which the enemy had taken refuge.

➢ The Siege of Taif

o After the battle, Hawazin managed to escape to Taif, a well-fortified city, and took refuge in
fortress with Adequate supplies
o Prophet (SAW) led his troops towards Taif and laid siege around it.
o The Muslims were deficient in weapons, Banu Thaqeef and Hawazain were skilful archers,
whenever, the Muslims tried to move near the city, they showered them with arrows and
spears, which forced the Muslims to keep a distance.

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Chapter 3 – Battle of Hunain and siege of Taif

o This siege lasted for twenty days, seeing that the fortress was too well stocked and
protected for any immediate surrender from Hawazins, Prophet (SAW) decided to lift the siege
and return after consultation with his companions.

➢ Distributed the booty (Spoils of War)

o After returning from Taif, Muslims stayed in Je’rana for more than ten days. The Prophet
(SAW) delayed the distribution of booty for few days hoping that the Hawazin would come to
claim their property and families. However, when they did not come, Prophet (SAW)
distributed the booty amongst the new converts to reconcile their hearts to Islam.

➢ The Complaint of Ansar

o The Ansars were upset for not getting share from booty and they were also afraid that Prophet
(SAW) might stay in Makkah.
o Prophet (SAW) respond to Ansars’ when he realized their resentment by saying, “O’ men of
Ansar, why you disturb your hearts because of the things of this life? Would you not
prefer that the other people return to their homes with the goats and camels, while you
go back to your homes with me in your midst?”
o Upon hearing his words, the Ansar wept and said that they wanted only Muhammad (S.A.W)
and nothing else.

➢ Deputation from Taif

o Later, a delegation of Hawazin came and accepted Islam. They demanded their properties
and captives back too but they were told to choose any one. So, their families were returned

➢ Conclusion/Effects of Battle
o Victory in Hunain was quite significant as it marked the elimination of the threat to Makkah
from the south.
o Prophet (SAW)’s generous treatment touched Hawazin profoundly in a result, this town also
embraced Islam in the 9th year of Hijra.
o Ultimately, the Battle of Hunain was the last Arabian battle that had proved the supremacy of

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