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Name: __Daisy Chi__________________

The Spanish Conquistadores Class Work

Third Form
Caribbean History
Instructions: Using your textbook and the internet complete the following
table. For each Conquistador you are to indicate which territory they
conquered, which group of indigenous people they subdued and include a picture of the person.
(15 points)
Conquistador Picture Territory Conquered Indigenous People
Ponce De Leon The first Governer of The Taino’s in Puerto
Puerto Rico, He also Rico and in Florida
named and explored the Native Americans.
coastline of Florida

Juan D’ Esquivel Jamaica Taino

Diego Velasquez Cuba Taino

Hernan Cortez Mexico Aztec

Francisco Pizarro Peru, Francisco Pizarro Incas

replaced Cusco with the
new Spanish town

Note that you are to be as creative and neat as possible. Ensure to check your grammar and

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