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The war of art

Steven Pressfield

Although it’s considered a self-help book, I find it to be much more philosophical. Self-help books have a
bad reputation because most of them are indeed full of nonsense, but this one focuses much less on the
self-help aspect and more on understanding things on a deeper level. And what things am I talking
about- writer’s block. Or as the author refers to it “resistance”. Resistance is the thing stopping us from
achieving our dreams and following our passions. It’s divided into 3 parts, in the first part Pressfield
teachers us what exactly is resistance, how its manifested in our everyday lives and how we can
recognize it. The second part tells us how to battle and overcome resistance. The third part of the book is
not within the 100 pages of this assignment.

embark- тръгвам на път, залавям се с

entrepreneur- предприемач

venture- начинание

postscript- послепис

succumb- поддавам се

regimen- режим

commitment- ангажимент, обвързаност

characteristics- характеристики

peripheral- периферен

infallible- безгрешен

counterattack- контраатака

parallel- паралелно

unconsciously- несъзнателно

ruthless- безмилостен

procrastinate- отлагам (да свърша нещо)

cruel- жесток

soap opera- сапунена опера, сериал

ingest- поглъщам

copywriter- автор на реклами

passive aggression- пасивна агресия

miserable- нещастен, мизерен

trilogy- трилогия

fiction- измислица (като жанр в литературата)

peasant- селянин

despair- отчаяние

accurate- точен

paradox- парадокс

criticize- критикувам

counterfeit- фалшиво

proportional- пропорционално

commonplace- всекидневно, нещо което се случва често

perplexity- смущение, затруднение

therapeutic- терапевтично

decade- десетилетие

immediately- моментално

injustice- несправедливост

support- подкрепа

greyhound- хрътка

rationalization- рационализация

amateur- аматьор

correspondence- кореспонденция

invaluable- безценен

humiliation- унижение

wander- скитам се

attitude- поведение

supreme- върховен

outwit- надхитрявам

underestimate- подценявам

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