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Having the opportunity to be one of the scholars of Cainta is a great honor and a

blessing, my parents are separated they’ve been separated for some time, right now my
father is in our province because he suffered stroke and the one that supporting my
educational needs is my stepfather he is a mechanic and is willing to support my needs
even though we are not related by blood and the reason I want to be a scholar of the
Municipality of Cain ta because this will be a great help to lessen the burden of my
family when it comes to supporting my educational needs. I came from a family that’s not
blessed financially but my mother and stepfather are willing to do everything just so they
can support me and my siblings daily necessities and school needs, so I am taking this
opportunity to be one of the scholars of Cainta as this will help my parents and me to
possibly reach my dream of becoming a successful accountant.

And if I were chosen to be one of the scholars of Cainta I would be very thankful
and as a student I can only repay this kindness by supporting our municipality I’ll support
Cainta by joining programs that can help the people of Cainta and programs that will
make Cainta one of the best municipality in Rizal. Those little actions are the only
considerable thing I can do for now to support Cainta, but I can promise I will support
our municipality even in just little actions

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