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Leveling – This is the procedure for determining differences in elevation between two or more points that
are some distance from each other, relative to a reference datum. Leveling entails the measurement of
vertical distance relative to the horizontal line of sight. Hence it requires a graduated staff and an
instrument that provides a horizontal line of sight. The instruments that were used in our fieldwork
include Levelling staff and the automatic level.

There are various types of leveling in surveying, including differential leveling, reciprocal leveling, and
cross-section leveling.

Application of leveling in the field of the survey includes:

 Estimation and planning of various civil engineering works such as roads, bridges, canals, and
 To estimate the quantity of cut and fill well as for balancing the earthwork.
 It is vital for the preparation of contour maps.

The objectives of the leveling survey were:

 To find the elevation of given points with respect to a given datum

 To establish points at a given elevation
 To enable students to learn how to work with leveling instruments and record on a booking sheet.

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