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Winona State Modified edTPA-Referenced Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate Name: Jeremia Bernard

Grade & Subject Area: Grade 8 Social Studies
Date for Planned Lesson: November 29th, 2023
Personal Goal: What lesson delivery skill do you want to improve?
I want to get better at actively engaging my students. Whenever I imagine myself teaching
it is in a lecturing style, so I want to get better at ideas which engage the students and
teaching in a way which is engaging and involving.

Lesson Title Minnesota Jeopardy

MN/CC State Standard(s) “14. Places and Regions: Describe places and regions, explaining
- direct quote from MN standards how they are influenced by power structures.”
documents “23. Identity: Analyze the ways power and language construct the
- if only focusing on one part of a social identities of race, religion, geography, ethnicity and gender.
given standard, underline the part Apply these understandings to one’s own social identities and other
being focused upon groups living in Minnesota, centering those whose stories and
histories have been marginalized, erased or ignored.”
Learning Target for this Students will learn about the different cultural groups that have
Lesson made Minnesota home.
- concisely says what students Students will learn about the Native American population which
will be able to know and do has called Minnesota home for thousands of years.
- start with appropriate language Students will learn the important cities, locations, and geographical
function (active verb) regions of Minnesota.
Academic Language (AL) Physical Geography: the study of the earth and its features.
a. Domain-specific Academic Cultural Geography: the study of interactions between humans and
vocabulary the earth.
b. General Academic vocabulary Region: an area with shared characteristics.
(words used in school across Race: Assigned to a person by others based off of physical
many subject areas) perceptions.
What must be taught?
Ojibwe People: Native American group who is most commonly
associated with the most northern and northeastern parts of
Dakota People: the most common Native American group
associated with Minnesota. They lived in much of current day
Minnesota before United States occupation.
Population: number of people or things in a given area.
Ethnic groups: Group of people with perceived commonalities
which sets them apart from a larger population.
Lakes: Bodies of water which are surrounded by land.
Midwest: Region of the United States which Minnesota is apart of.

Needed Instead of lecturing my student I will make a jeopardy style game

modifications/supports for him to play featuring Minnesota trivia. It provides visual and
a. Identify how some form of interactive elements that can be slowed down or sped up to the
additional support will be speed of my student.
provided for some aspect of
the lesson for given student
- ie. visual, graphic, interactive
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-
in the blank notes, word
banks, verbal prompts
- graphic organizers, sentence
Resources & materials I need my computer. I will be making a note sheet with a list of
needed terms for my student to write down definitions on.
What materials do you need for
this lesson?
What materials does the
student need for this My student will need a pencil and a paper to right down
lesson? information.

Lesson Part Activity description

Write a general description of We played a game of jeopardy which I created for him.
what you did with your focus

Analyzing Teaching He was engaged in trivia style questions, but he struggled with most of
Completed after lesson has them because it was not based around his knowledge. It would have
been taught. worked great playing in a classroom where he and his peers can share
their knowledge and answer the questions together.
What worked?
If I were to teach the lesson again in the exact same circumstances, I
would have made the questions a little easier, except in the Minnesota
What did not work? Ethnicities section because that was the real main focus of the lesson.

Adjustments: I need to work on my lead up questions, so that they can get to the right
answer themselves without me telling them the right answer.
What instructional changes are
needed before you teach
the next lesson?

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