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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
Sorsogon City Campus

Magsaysay St. Sorsogon City

Magdaong, Jerome C.


Midterm part C2

Title: Computer self efficacy and ICT integration in education. Structural

relationship and mediating effects. (International)

Author: Afari, Ernest, Esksail, Fuad Ali Ahmed, Khine, Mytint Swe, Alaam, Shaima Ali

Reference List: Author/Authors

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More than Seven Authors

Organization as Author

Unknown Author

3. The location of this research in the Perth, Australia

4. Objectives

This research is aiming to:

 To identify the self efficacy and ICT integration in education.

 To describe the importance of self-efficacy and ICT integration in education.
 To explore the association between computer self-efficacy and pre-service
teachers intention.

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