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Cell: The Unit of Life

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Investigation Report
• Structure and functions of prokaryotic cell
NEET 4-5 • Structure and function of eukaryotic cell and organells
• Chromosomes - Structure and types

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INTRODUCTION Features of Cell Theory
Cytology: Study of cell structure 1. All livings things are made up of cells and products of
Cell Biology : Structural & Functional study of cell.
2. All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
● Discovery of cell - Robert Hooke examined thin slices of  KEY NOTE
cork and coined the term “Cellula” for honey comb - like Viruses represent a connecting link between living and
structure of bottle cork (Greek cellulae = Hollow space) non-living things. They are exception to cell theory
which was later modified to cell. He published his findings
in his book ‘Micrographia’. AN OVERVIEW OF CELL
● Discovery of living cell -Anton Von Leeuwenhoek first ● Onion cell is a typical plant cell which has a distinct cell wall
saw and described a live cell. as its outer boundary and just within it, is the cell membrane
whereas the human cheek cell have an outer membrane as
● Leeuwenhoek examined mud, semen, saliva, blood, insects,
the delimiting structure of the cell (cell wall is absent in
etc., and observe protozoans, sperm, bacteria, RBC, muscle
animal cells).
cells, etc. He called these tiny creatures as “Animalcules”
● Dense membrane bound structure is found inside each
● Robert Brown discovered the nucleus.
cell which is called as nucleus (brain of cell) which itself
WHAT IS A CELL? contains chromosomes which in turn contain the genetic
● Cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of material, DNA.
all living organisms., i.e., all organisms are composed of ● Most of the cells usually have single nucleus except a few
cells. such as, sieve tube cells of plants and matured mammalian
1. Unicellular organisms: Composed of a single cell RBC, don’t have a nucleus; Rhizopus have more than one
nuclei per cell, Paramecium have 2 nucleus.
2. Multicellular organisms: Composed of many cells
● Unicellular organisms are capable of:  KEY NOTE
1. Independent existence Š Cytoplasm is the main arena of cellular activities
2. Performing the essential functions of life which is consisted of the whole matter inside plasma
membrane except nucleus.
● Cell is quite small and complex. So the complete and clear Š Cytosol is basically the whole content of cell inside
view of all its components is revealed after the invention of plasma membrane except nucleus and all cell
electron microscopes. organelles.
Cytoplasm → Cell content minus nucleus
Cytosol → Cytoplasm minus cell organelles and nucleus
Cell theory was formulated by Matthias Schleiden in 1838 and
Theodor Schwann in 1839. ● Cells differ greatly in size, shape and activities. They may be
● Matthias Schleiden: Examined a large number of plants disc-like, polygonal, columnar, cuboid, thread-like, or even
and observed that all plants are composed of different kinds irregular. The shape of the cell may vary with the function
of cells which form the tissues of the plant. they perform.
● Theodore Schwann (1839): Studied different types of ● Some important cells and their features with their dimensions
animal cells and reported that cells had a thin outer layer are given in the table below:
which is today known as the ‘plasma membrane’. Based on
his studies on plant tissues, he concluded that the presence Cell type Feature/ Size / Shape
of cell wall is a unique character of the plant cells. On the Mycoplasma Smallest cell; 0.3 µm in length
basis of this, Schwann proposed the hypothesis that the
bodies of animals and plants are composed of cells and Bacteria 3-5 µm (on an average)
products of cells. Ostrich egg Largest isolated single cell
● Rudolf Virchow: Cell theory did not explain the mechanism
Human red blood About 7.0 µm in diameter; round
of formation of new cells so Rudolf Virchow (1855) first
cell (erythrocyte) and biconcave disc shaped
explained that cells divided and new cells are formed from
pre-existing cells (Omnis cellula-e cellula). He modified the Nerve cells (neurons) Longest cells in humans; branched
cell theory to give it a final shape. and long

Cell: The Unit of Life 197

Cell Wall
● It determines the shape of the cell and provides a strong
structural support to prevent the bacterium from bursting or
● It is formed up of peptidoglycan (polymer of
N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid) in
Eubacteria and pseudomurein in case of Methanogens.

Cell Coat (Glycocalyx)

Glycocalyx differs in composition and thickness among different
bacteria. It could be a loose sheath called the slime layer in some,
while in others it may be thick and tough, called the capsule.
Plasma membrane
It is selectively-permeable in nature and interacts with the
Fig.: Diagram showing different shapes of the cells
outside world. This membrane is structurally similar to that of the
eukaryotes (lipid bilayer with proteins embedded in it).
On the basis of nuclear organisation, cells are classified mainly Mesosome
into two types: ● A special membranous structure is the mesosome which is
formed by the extensions of plasma membrane into the cell.
1. Prokaryotic cell
● These extensions are in the form of vesicles, tubules and
2. Eukaryotic cell lamellae.
● They help in cell wall Typical bacteria formation, DNA
Prokaryotic Cell
replication and distribution to daughter cells.
● These cells are represented by members of kingdom monera, ● They also help in respiration, secretion processes, to increase
i.e., bacteria, blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria), mycoplasma the surface area of the plasma membrane and enzymatic
or PPLO (Pleuro Pneumonia Like Organisms). content.
● They are generally smaller and multiply more rapidly ● In some prokaryotes like Cyanobacteria, there are other

than the eukaryotic cells. E.coli bacterium can form its membranous extensions into the cytoplasm called
colonies overnight where one colony have more than 1 chromatophores (equivalent to eukaryotic chloroplast)
million bacteria which are formed by the division of single which contain pigments.
bacterium. E.coli usually divides once in every 20 minutes. Motility
● Prokaryotes may vary greatly in shape and size. The four ● Bacterial cells may be motile (they have flagella which is

basic shapes of bacteria are bacillus (rod like), coccus the thin filamentous extension of cell wall) or non-motile.
(spherical), vibrio (comma shaped) and spirillum (spiral). ● Bacteria show a range in the number and arrangement of
flagella such as:
● All prokaryotes are surrounded by plasma/cell membrane
which is itself surrounded by a cell wall. Mycoplasma Arrangement of
Description and examples
is an exception where the cell wall is absent and thus it is flagella
pleomorphic in nature. Monotrichous Single flagella; Vibrio cholerae
Cell Envelope and its Modifications Amphitrichous Single flagella on each of the opposite ends
● Most prokaryotic cells, particularly the bacterial cells, have Lophotrichous Many flagella arise from same spot
a chemically complex cell envelope which consists of a
Peritrichous Multiple flagella present all round the
tightly bound three layered structure, i.e., the outermost
bacteria; E.coli
glycocalyx followed by the middle cell wall (dead) and
then the innermost plasma membrane (living). ● Bacterial flagellum is composed of three parts-filament
● They act together as a single protective unit but each layer (longest portion that extends from cell surface to the outside
and produce motion), hook (joins basal body to the filament)
of the envelope performs distinct function as well.
and basal body (has multiple rings, i.e. L, P, S and M ring in
● Bacteria can be classified into two groups on the basis of the gram negative and S and M ring in gram positive bacteria).
differences in the cell envelopes and the manner in which ● Pili: It is elongated tubular structure made of a pilin
they respond to the staining procedure developed by Gram protein (pilin). Sex pili are formed during conjugation
viz., those that take up the gram stain are Gram positive and (partial DNA transfer from donor to recipient bacterium)
the others that do not are called Gram negative bacteria. process seen in gram negative bacteria.

198 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

● Fimbriae: They are small bristle like fibres sprouting out ● In prokaryotes, ribosomes are associated with the plasma
of the cell. membrane of the cell.
● They are made of fimbrin protein. ● Several ribosomes may attach to a single mRNA and form a
chain called polyribosomes or polysome. The ribosomes of
● In some bacteria, they are known to help attach/anchorage
a polysome translate the mRNA into proteins.
the bacteria to rocks in streams and also to the host tissues.
● Ribosome is formed up of rRNA and proteins
Nucleoid and plasmid ● Inclusion bodies: they stores the reserve material in
● There is no well-defined nucleus. prokaryotic cells inside the cytoplasm.
● The genetic material is basically naked (Histone protein is ● These are not membrane bound and lie free in the cytoplasm,
absent), not enveloped by a nuclear membrane. e.g., phosphate granules, cyanophycean granules and
glycogen granules.
● In addition to the genomic DNA (the single chromosome/
● Gas vacuoles are found in blue-green and purple and green
circular DNA), many bacteria have small circular DNA photosynthetic bacteria that provide ability to float and
outside the genomic DNA. These smaller DNA are buoyancy maintenance and also protect them from UV
called plasmids. light.
● The plasmid DNA confers certain unique phenotypic
Eukaryotic Cells
characters to such bacteria. One such character is resistance
to antibiotics. ● The eukaryotes include all the kingdoms except monera, i.e.,
protista, fungi, plantae, animalia.
● In higher classes you will learn that this plasmid DNA is
● Membrane bound organelles are present in eukaryotes which
used to monitor bacterial transformation with foreign DNA. leads to extensive compartmentalisation.
Ribosomes and Inclusion Bodies ● Mostly eukaryotes do not possess plasmids but some
● Prokaryotic ribosomes are about 15 nm by 20 nm in size lower eukaryotes such as yeast can have plasmids. E.g.
(smallest cell organelle) and are 70S in nature (formed up of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have a plasmid called 2u circle
50S and 30S subunits). (6.3kb large); kb stands for kilo base pairs.

Table: Difference Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell

No. Feature Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
1. Nucleus (a) Nuclear envelope and nucleolus are absent (a) Nuclear envelope, nucleolus and nucleoli
are present
(b) Nuclear material consists nucleoid is present, cir- (b) Nuclear DNA is linear and is associated
cular dsDNA (G-C rich) which is not associated with with (histones).
histone. (naked DNA)
(c) The nucleoid contains a single prochromosome (c) The nucleus contains two to many chromo-
(haploid). somes (haploid and diploid both).
2. Size Smaller Relatively larger
3. Cell wall Cell wall is present surrounding plasma membrane Cell wall is present in some protists, most fun-
and is made of peptidoglycan, polysaccharides + gi & all plants but absent in animals. Strength-
amino acids. Strengthening material is murein. ening material is cellulose in plants, while in
fungi it is chitin.
4. Plasma Present & bears respiratory enzymes (mesosome). Present but lacks respiratory enzymes
5. Photosynthetic Takes place in carboxysomes or lamelles or chloro- Thylakoids are present but within the mem-
apparatus somes in BGA brane enclosed organelle called as chloroplast.
6. Cell organelles Cytoplasm lacks membrane bound cell organelles like Cytoplasm contains membrane bound organ-
E.R., mitochondria, Golgi body, lysosomes etc. elles.
7. Vacuoles Sap vacuoles are absent but gas vacuoles may occur. Sap vacuoles in plants.
8. Ribosomes 70S 70S, 80S
9. Cyclosis There are no streaming movements of cytoplasm. Cytoplasm shows streaming movements.

Cell: The Unit of Life 199

No. Feature Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
10. Cytoskeletal struc- Microtubules, microfilaments, intermedate filament They are present
tures are absent
11. Sexuality Sexuality or true sexual reproduction is absent (In Sexuality or sexual reproduction present
bacteria, reproduction occurs by conjugation, trans- (Meiosis, gamete formation & true fertiliza-
duction & transformation) tion occurs)
12. Flagella Flagella if present is simple (without 9 + 2 arrange- Flagella if present are complex, have 9 + 2
ment) and is formed of a protein Flagellin. pattern & is formed of protein tubulin.
13. Plasmids and pilli Present Absent
14. Cell cycle Short (20–60 min). Cell divide by amitosis. Long (12–24 hours or even days). Mitosis and
meiosis both occurs.
15. Mitotic It is not formed in cell division It is formed during cell division.
16. Centrioles Absent Present (Plants - absent)
Examples Bacteria, Cyanobacteria (BGA) Mycoplasma All plant & Animal cells including Human
(PPLO), Rickettsias, Actinomycetes. cells, protista, algae, fungi, protozoa.

Table: Difference between animal cell and plant cell

Animal Cell Plant Cell

Cell walls absent Possess cellulosic cell walls
Plastids absent Plastids present
Large central vacuole is not Large central vacuole present due
present to which nucleus is not central
Have centrioles and Do not have centrioles
centrosomes so they have
astral cell division
Reserve food is glycogen Reserve food is starch
Complex golgi apparatus is Golgi body is simple called
present dictyosome Fig.: Plant Cell

● Term cell membrane or plasma membrane was given by
Nageli and Cramer.
● Term unit membrane was given by Robertson.
● It is outermost boundary of animal cell.
● The detailed structure of the membrane was studied only
after the advent of the electron microscope in the 1950s.
Meanwhile, chemical studies on the cell membrane,
especially in human red blood cells (RBCs), enabled
the scientists to deduce the possible structure of plasma
● These studies showed that the cell membrane is mainly
composed of lipids and proteins.
● The major lipids are phospholipids that are arranged in a
Fig.: Animal Cell bilayer.
200 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI
● The lipids are arranged within the membrane with the polar
head towards the outer sides and the hydrophobic tails
towards the inner part.
● This ensures that the nonpolar tail of saturated hydrocarbons
is protected from the aqueous environment.
● In addition to phospholipids membrane also contains
● The lipid component of the membrane mainly consists of
phosphoglycerides. Fig.: Sandwitch Model

● Later, biochemical investigation clearly revealed that the 2. Unit Membrane Model
cell membranes also possess protein and carbohydrate. ● It was proposed by J. David Robertson in 1959.
● The ratio of protein and lipid varies considerably in different ● According to this model, all the cellular and organelle
cell types. In human beings, the membrane of the erythrocyte membranes are structurally & functionally similar (difference
has approximately 52 percent protein and 40 percent lipids. in chemical structure & size).
● Depending on the case of extraction, membrane proteins can
be classified as integral and peripheral.
● Peripheral proteins lie on the surface of membrane while
the integral proteins are partially or totally buried in the


Š Plasma membrane is a thin selectively permeable & living Fig.: Unit membrane Model
membrane. ● All these models are rejected because they fails to explain
Š It is flexible. the elasticity and selective permeability of plasmalemma.
Š Plasmalemma of animal cells is elastic due to the presence
3. Fluid Mosaic Model
of lipids.
● This model was proposed by Singer and Nicholson in 1972.
Models of Plasma Membrane It is the latest and most accepted model.
● It described protein as ice bergs in a sea of lipids.
To describe structure of plasma membrane, numerous models have
● According to this model, the quasi-fluid nature of lipid
been proposed but the important model are as follows:
enables lateral movement of proteins within the overall
1. Sandwitch or Trilamellar Model bilayer. This ability to move within the membrane is
● This model was proposed by Danielli and Davson in 1935. measured as its fluidity.
● According to this model, plasma membrane is a trilayered
structure composed of lipoprotein.  KEY NOTE
● The bilayered phospholipid is sandwitched in between two Lipids can move from one monolayer to the other via flip-
flop movement which is absent in proteins due to its large
layers of protein molecule.
size but can show lateral movement within the monolayer.
● The polar or hydrophilic heads of the phospholipid
are directed towards protein. The surface proteins and ● Within phospholipid bilayer, proteins are arranged in two
bimolecular lipid are held together by hydrogen and ionic forms:
bonds. 1. Extrinsic proteins
● The non-polar or hydrophobic tails of the two lipids layer 2. Intrinsic proteins
is directed towards the centre, where they are held together
by Vander Waals forces.

Cell: The Unit of Life 201

Fig.: Fluid mosaic model

Table: Difference between Extrinsic and Intrinsic proteins

Extrinsic Proteins (30%) Intrinsic proteins (70%)

Arranged superficially on the outer and inner surfaces of Partially or wholly remain embedded in phospholipid
relatively less relatively more
Can be easily removed by mild treatment such as change in pH Cannot be separated easily

Transport of Molecules Across Membrane 4. Osmosis

● It is most important function of plasma membrane ● Osmosis always occurs through semipermeable membrane
● The membrane is selectively permeable to some molecules in which movement of solvent occur.
present on either side of it. ● Osmosis is of 2 types.
● Many molecules can move briefly across the membrane (i) Endosmosis
without any requirement of energy and this is called the
● It is the process in which water enters from
passive transport.
surrounding medium in to the cells.
● Neutral solutes may move across the membrane by the
process of simple diffusion along the concentration gradient, ● It is seen when cell is immersed in hypotonic
i.e., from higher concentration to the lower. solution.
● Water may also move across this membrane from higher (ii) Exosmosis
to lower concentration. Movement of water by diffusion is ● It is the process in which water goes out of the cell
called osmosis.
into surrounding medium.
● As the polar molecules cannot pass through the nonpolar
lipid bilayer, they require a carrier protein of the membrane ● It is seen when cell immersed in hypertonic
to facilitate their transport across the membrane. solution.
● A few ions or molecules are transported across the membrane ● It causes plasmolysis.
against their concentration gradient, i.e., from lower to
the higher concentration. Such a transport is an energy  KEY NOTE
dependent process, in which ATP is utilised and is called Bulk transport
active transport, e.g., Na+/K+ Pump.
(A) Endocytosis
1. Active transport Š Pinocytosis or Cell Drinking- Ingestion of liquid
● Occurs from lower concentration to higher concentration. material by plasmalemma in the form of vesicles
● Energy is utilized. e.g., Sodium-potassium pump. or bag like structure (pinosome).
2. Passive transport Š Phagocytosis or Cell eating- Ingestion of solid
● Occurs from higher concentration to lower concentration. complex materials by membranes in the form of
● Energy is not utilized.
vesicles (phagosome).
(B) Exocytosis
3. Diffusion
Š Cell vomitting - Egestion of waste materials from
Movement of ions or molecules from their high concentration to
cell through plasma membrane.
low concentration. If carriers are required, then called facilitated
202 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI
Importance of Fluidity of Plasma Membrane  KEY NOTE
The fluid nature of the membrane is important from the point Š Parenchymatous cells and meristematic cells are
of view of functions like cell growth, formation of intercellular formed of only primary wall
junctions, secretion, endocytosis, cell division etc. Š Secondary wall is absent in meristem cell.
Š Tertiary wall and secondary wall are commonly
Functions of Plasma Membrane known as secondary thickenings.
● Cell growth: due to the flexible nature of cell membrane, Š Fruits become soft and juicy due to dissolving of
cell can grow without breakage and can divide as well. middle lamella.
● Formation of intercellular junctions for communication Plasmodesmata
and exchange of substances.
● The cytoplasmic bridge between adjacent cells are called
● Secretion plasmodesmata.
● Conduction of nerve impulse takes place through plasma ● Plasmodesmata contains E.R. tubules called desmotubules.
membrane of nerve cell. ● Due to presence of plasmodesmata, entire protoplasm are
● Plasma membrane plays important role in recognition of found in the form of continuous system which is called
various cells. E.g., macrophages engulfs only dead RBC. symplast.
● The sites for cell recognition are located on the surface of ● The cell wall and middle lamellae may be traversed
by plasmodesmata which connect the cytoplasm of
plasma membrane.
neighbouring cells.
● The antigenic property of a cells are located on the surface
of plasma membrane. NEED TO KNOW
Š The cellulose formation takes place in the presence of
Cell Wall
celulose synthetase enzymes which is present in membrane.
● It is a non-living rigid structure called the cell wall forms an Š A special protein called expansin helps in the growth of cell
outer covering for the plasma membrane of fungi and plants. wall by losing the cellulose microfibril and addition of new
● Cell wall not only gives shape to the cell and protects the cell wall material takes place in the space. Thus expansin is
cell from mechanical damage and infection, it also helps in known as ‘cell wall loosening factor’.
cell-to-cell interaction and provides barrier to undesirable CELL ORGANELLES
● Cell organelles are organised structure of cytoplasm capable
● Algae have cell wall, made of cellulose, galactans, mannans of growth and, in some cases, multiplication.
and minerals like calcium carbonate, while in other plants
it consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins and proteins.
● The cell wall of a young plant cell, the primary wall is
capable of growth, which gradually diminishes as the cell
matures and the secondary wall is formed on the inner
(towards membrane) side of the cell.

● It is the first structure to be formed during cytokinesis.
● Mitochondria is known as power house of cell.
● The middle lamella is a layer mainly of calcium pectate which
● It is the second largest organelle in animal cells and is semi-
holds or glues the different neighbouring cells together. autonomous organelle.
● It is known as cementing layer ● Mitochondria (sing.: mitochondrion), unless specifically
Functions of Cell Wall stained, are not easily visible under the microscope.

● Cell wall protects the protoplasm and gives a mechanical Site shape and number
support to cell. The number of mitochondria per cell is variable depending on
the physiological activity of the cells. In terms of shape and size
● Cell wall gives a particular size & shape to cell & functions
also, considerable degree of variability is observed. Typically it
in form of exoskeleton of cell. is sausage-shaped or cylindrical having a diameter of 0.2-1.0μm
● Cell wall is permeable so it helps in transport of water & (average 0.5μm) and length 1.0-4.1μm.
mineral substances Occurrence
● Cell wall plays an important role in absorption, transpiration, ● Mitochondria are present in immature RBC. It occur in all
transport and secretion, etc. cells except RBC and prokaryotes.

Cell: The Unit of Life 203

● In prokaryotes, the respiratory enzyme are present on the ● Mitochondria help in yolk formation during the development
cell membrane instead of mitochondria of ovum (vitellogenesis)
Structure ● Mitochondria help in formation of middle piece of sperm
during sperm maturation.
Mitochondria is covered by double unit membrane.
● Mitochondria help in elongation of fatty acids.
Outer Membrane ● In cytoplasmic inheritance.
● Outer membrane is permeable.

● If outer membrane of mitochondria is removed, then

structure is called as mitoplast. ● Plastids are found in all plant and euglenoids.
● It may be colourless or coloured and get converted from
one form of plastid to another. (Exception: Chromoplast to
Chloroplast conversion never occurs)

Fig.: Structure of mitochondrion (LS)

Inner Membrane
● It is projected into the central space in the form of finger
like projections called cristae. Cristae name was given by
● The cristae increase the surface area and provide abundant On the basis of colour, these are following two types:
space for metabolism.
1. Leucoplast
● It is selectively permeable and contains all enzymes of
● These are colourless and irregular in shape.
electron transport chain.
● On the basis of storage of food, leucoplast are divided into
Elementary particles or oxysome or F0-F1–particles three types:
● These are present on the inner membrane of mitochondria. (i) Amyloplast - They store starch and are found in root,
● It is differentiated into base (round part of oxysome), seed and stem.
stalk (joins head with base) and head (embedded in (ii) Proteinoplast (Aleuroplast) - They store proteins and
membrane). are found in seeds (pulses).
● The head piece (F1) behaves as ATP synthase complex and (iii) Elaioplast - They store fats & oil and are found in seeds
thus synthesises ATP by the virtue of proton gradient ((castor, groundnut). They are also called oleosome.
● The inner compartment is filled with a dense homogeneous Etioplasts are plastids without pigments, stored food and
substance called the matrix. lamellar structures. These plastids occur in etiolated plants
● The matrix also possesses single circular DNA molecule, a due to the absence of light.
few RNA molecules, ribosomes (70S) and the components
required for the synthesis of proteins. 2. Chromoplast
● Coloured plastids with red, orange and yellow carotenoids
and other pigments. It is found in fruits and flower.
● Chromoplasts also occurs in petals but colour of petals are
Succinate dehydrogenase is the characteristic or marker mainly due to water soluble pigments occurs in cell sap.
enzyme of mitochondria which is present on inner Examples: Anthocyanin (Blue or violet or red pigment);
mitochondrial membrane. Anthochlor (yellow pigment). Betacyanin (Beetroot)
● The mitochondria divide by fission. ● Chromoplast contains following types of pigments :
(i) Carotenoids
Functions of Mitochondria ● Yellowish - orange colour of fruits are due to
● Mitochodria is the site for cellular respiration because it α-carotene, β-carotene and γ-carotene.
contains all enzymes required for it. ● Xanthophylls : Yellow coloured carotenoids are
● Since mitochondria is a site of cellular respiration, energy also called Xanthols. Fucoxanthin is found in
(ATP) is formed in it. brown algae which provides brown colour to algae.
204 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI
(ii) Phycobilins
They are found in blue green algae & red algae. E.g.,  KEY NOTE
phycoerythrin, phycocyanin and allophycocyanin RuBisCo is the most abundant enzyme on the earth. it
made 16% protein of the chloroplast.
● A photosynthetic functional unit, which consists of about
Š Chromatophores - These are clusters of pigment 230 to 400 molecules of various pigments (Chl-a, Chl-b,
granules in cytoplasm of photosynthetic bacteria. carotenes, xanthophylls etc.) is called as quantasomes.
Š Red colour of chillies and red tomatoes is due to the red ● Chlorophyll is the main pigment of chloroplast. The
pigment lycopene of chromoplastis. following types of chlorophylls are found in plants:
Š In Blue-green algae, the pigments are located on (i) Chlorophyll a: Found in all photosynthetic organism
membranous lamellar structures, scattered in cytoplasm. except photosynthetic bacteria, so it is also called as
universal chlorophyll.
These structures are known as ‘Chlorosomes’ or
‘Lamellisomes’ or ‘Carboxysomes’. (ii) Chlorophyll b: Found in all higher plants and in green
algae but not present in algae of other group.
Chloroplast (iii) Chlorophyll c: Found in brown algae (Phaeophyceae)
and diatoms.
● Due to the presence of chlorophyll, leaves and other parts of
plants exhibits green colour. (iv) Chlorophyll d: Found in red algae (Rhodophyceae).
● These are found in the mesophyll of leaves and chlorenchyma (v) Bacteriochlorophyll a : Found in photosynthetic
region of higher plants. bacteria
(vi) Bacteriochlorophyll b : Found in Rhodopseudomonas
(vii) Chlorobium chlorophyll : Found in green sulphur
These are lens-shaped, oval, spherical, discoid or even ribbon-like bacteria.
Structure: Functions
● They are variable in length (5-10 μm) and width (2-4 μm). ● The main function of chloroplast is photosynthesis; light
Their number varies from 1 per cell of Chlamydomonas, a reaction (in thylakoids), dark reaction (in stroma); in which
green alga, to 20-40 per cell in mesophyll. radiant energy of sun is converted into chemical form of
● In lower plants (e.g., algae) they are as following: energy, which is utilized by all living organism to perform
their life activities. Further, chloroplasts help in maintaining
Shape of chloroplast Plant types
balance of O2 and CO2 in the atmosphere.
Cup-shaped Chlamydomonas ● Storage of starch, vitamin K, vitamin E, RuBisCo protein
Girdle-shaped Ulothrix and iron, etc.
Spiral-shaped Spirogyra ● Chloroplasts can be changed into chromoplasts during
ripening of fruits.
Reticulate-shaped Oedogonium
● Chloroplasts impart in cytoplasmic inheritance.
Stellate-shaped Zygnema
● Chloroplasts impart the pleasing greenery to the earth.
Discoldalor eval Higher plants
● It is a double membrane bound organelle with an outer ENDOMEMBRANE SYSTEM
membrane (permeable) and an inner membrane (less ● All organelles are quite different in terms of structure
permeable). and function but some of them are considered together as
● The space limited by the inner membrane of the chloroplast endomembrane system as their functions are coordinated.
is called the stroma. ● Endomembrane system includes Endoplasmic Reticulum,
● A number of organized flattened membranous sacs called Golgi Complex, lysosomes and vacuoles.
the thylakoids, are present in the stroma (dark reaction of ● Mitochondria, chloroplast and peroxisomes are not
photosynthesis occurs here) which are arranged in stacks
considered as the parts of endomembrane system as their
like the piles of coins (one above other) called grana (light
functions are not coordinated with the ER, GC, lysosomes
reaction occurs here) or the intergranal thylakoids.
and vacuoles.
● There are flat membranous tubules called the stroma
lamellae that connect the thylakoids of the different grana. Endoplasmic Reticulum
● The membrane of the thylakoids encloses a space called a ● It is a single membrane bound organelle
● ER divides the intracellular space into two distinct
● The stroma of the chloroplast contains enzymes required for
compartments, i.e., luminal (inside ER) and extra luminal
the synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins.
(cytoplasm) compartments.

Cell: The Unit of Life 205

Occurrence Table: Difference between SER & RER
● It is absent in prokaryotes, present in all eukaryotes except Rough endoplasmic Smooth endoplasmic
germinal cells and mature mammalian erythrocytes. reticulum or RER reticulum or SER
● It is found scattered in whole cytoplasm (Diffused organelle). Ribosomes are attached on Due to absence of ribosomes
their surface with the help of they appear smooth
Ultrastructure ribophorins (glycoproteins)
● Endoplasmic reticulum is a network of highly branched fine Involved in active synthesis Site for synthesis of lipid,
tubules scattered in the cytoplasm. of proteins and secretion visual pigments and steroids (in
● Its one end is connected with nuclear membrane whereas processes as in goblet cells, animal cells) and their storage;
cells of liver involved in detoxification
the other end with plasma membrane. It is often termed as
of harmful drugs (such as
‘system of membranes’. cytochrome P450 perform this
function in liver)
Extensive and continuous with It is called Sarcoplasmic
the outer membrane of the reticulum in smooth muscles
nucleus which is involved in muscle
Eg. Adipose tissue, Muscles Eg. Liver, Pancreas
● Sarcoplasmic Reticulum: These smooth E.R. occurs in
skeletal and cardiac muscles. SER stores Ca+2 and energy
rich compounds required for contraction of muscles.
● Microsome: When ER is broken into fragments and
centrifuged, small granular structures are obtained called
Fig.: Endoplasmic reticulum
● ER acts as cytoskeleton and provide mechanical support
● It is composed of three components i.e., cisternae, vesicles and shape to the cell.
and tubules ● RER provides precurser of lysosomal exzmes to golgi body.

Cisternae ● SER helps in lipid synthesis of lipids and steroid hormones.

● These are elongated flattened, unbranched tubular structure ● RER is frequently observed in the cells actively involved in

which are found arranged in parallel rows. protein synthesis and secretion.
● Intracellular exchange - ER forms intracellular conducting
● These are generally granular due to presence of ribosome.
system. Transport of materials in cytoplasm from one place
● They are mainly found in cells actively indulged in protein to another may occurs through the ER
synthesis like in liver, pancreas, etc. ● Detoxification - Smooth ER concerned with detoxification

Vesicles of drugs, pollutants and steroids.

● These are rounded, oval structures found well-scattered in NEED TO KNOW

the cytoplasm. Enzymes of Endoplasmic Reticulum
● They are more in pancrestic cells. Š Sucrases, NADH diphosphatase, Gulcose-6-phosphatase,
NADH-cytochrome-C-reductase, Mg+2 activated ATPase,
Tubules Nucleotide diphosphatase, Ascorbic acid synthase are
● These are irregular, tubular, highly branched structures enzymes of E.R.
found near the cell membrane.
● It appears smooth due to lack of ribosomes.
Golgi Complex
● In plant cell, it is also called dictyosome.
● These are mainly found in cells associated with synthesis of
● It was discovered by Camilo Golgi (1898) who observed
cholesterol, glycerides, hormones, etc.
densely stained reticular structures near the nucleus.
Types of Endoplasmic Reticulum
● SER(Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum) - Ribosomes are  KEY NOTE
absent. All the macromolecules which are to be sent outside the
● RER(Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum) - Ribosomes are cell, move through the Golgi body. Hence, Golgi body
found on the surface of ER. is termed as ‘Principal director of macromolecular
traffic in cell’ or ‘Middle men of cell’.

206 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

Occurrence (ii) Materials are chemically modified by Golgi body. For
● Absent in prokaryotic cells, mature RBC and sperm. Example., Glycosylation of proteins and Glycosidation of
● Found in large number in secretory and glandular cells. lipids takes place in Golgi body and it yields glycoprotiens
and glycolipids respectively.
(iii) After chemical modification, materials are packed in
● The cytoplasm surrounding Golgi body have fewer or no
vesicles. These vesicles are pinched off from trans face
other organelles. It is called Golgi ground substance or
of golgi body and discharged outside the cell (reverse
zone of exclusion.
● Golgi body present near nucelus.
● During spermatogenesis, it forms acrosome of sperm.
Structure ● It is helpful in synthesis and storage of yolk and
In Golgi body, four types of structures are found. These are vitelline membrane of egg.
cisternae, vesicles, vacuole and tubules.
● In plant cell, it forms cell plate (phragmoplast).
● It stimulate mitochondria for the production of ATP.
● Secretion of hormones by endocrine glands is
mediated through Golgi body.

These are membrane bound vesicular structures formed by the
process of packaging in the golgi apparatus.

(i) Cisternae It is absent in prokaryotic cells, mammalian RBC and sperm.
● It is also called flattened sac, saccules or parallel These are found in abundant in phagocytic cells and secreted cells
membrane. It is elongated and unbranched tubule. like WBC, kupffer’s cells, pancreatic cells, liver cells, etc.
(a) Forming face/ cis face: The curved convex
structure directed towards nucleus or ER.
(b) Maturing face / trans face: The concave surface ● Lysosome shows polymorphism, i.e., different
directed towards plasma membrane. morphological and physiological stages.
● It is round, sac-like structure bounded by single unit
● The functional unit of Golgi apparatus is cisternae.
membrane composed of lipoprotein.
(ii) Vesicles
● It is filled with granular matrix. It is rich in all types of
Vesicles are spherical structure and are filled with secretory hydrolytic enzymes called hydrolases.
materials. They arise by budding from tubules.
(iii) Vacuole NEED TO KNOW
● It is large spherical structure found around edges of Š Lipases - Breakdown lipids
cisternae (trans face) Š Proteases - Breakdown proteins
● Relatively larger than vesicles Š Amylases - Breakdown carbohydrates
(iv) Tubules Š Nucleases - Breakdown nucleic acids.
These are branched and irregular tube like structure
associated with cisternae. ● All enzymes found in lysosome requires acidic pH for their
action, hence called acid hydrolases.
● These acid hydrolases function at pH-5. Membrane of
lysosome has an active H+ pump mechanism which produce
acidic pH in lumen of lysosome.
● Acid hydrolases are capable of hydrolyzing all classes of
Fig.: Tubules, vesicles and cisternae respectively macromolecules.
Functions Origin
Cell Secretion - Chief function of Golgi body is secretion, i.e., lysosome get originated from :–
export of macromolecules. ● Plasma membrane by the process of pinocytosis or
Secretion Involve Three Steps phagocytosis.
(i) Golgi body recieve the materials from ER through its cis- ● Golgi complex.
face. ● endoplasmic reticulum.
Cell: The Unit of Life 207
● In prokaryotes, ribosomes are attached with plasma
 KEY NOTE membrane and some are scattered in the cytoplasm because
Lysosome is also called suicidal bag because lysosomal no ER is found.
enzymes degrade the old organelles and various ● In eukaryotes, ribosomes are scattered in the cytoplasm
biomolecules of the cell. and attached to endoplamic reticulum and outer nuclear
Types ● They are found in large number in protein synthesizing cells.
Lysosome attains four different forms so it is called polymorphic
organelle. The four forms are as follows: Ultrastructure
● Each ribosome composed of two subunits, i.e., larger and
1. Primary Lysosome (Protolysosome)
smaller subunits.
Small sac-like bodies; secreted directly by ER and cisterne ● Magnesium ion is essential for the binding the ribosome
of Golgi complex and get filled with inactive enzymes. subunits.
2. Secondary lysosome (Heterophagosome or digestive ● Ribosome is composed of rRNA and Protein
vacuoles) (ribonucleoprotein).

When the primary lysosome fuses with the other vacuoles Types
(pinosome / phagosome), it is called secondary lysosome. Ribosome is mainly of two types:
It is also called phagolysosome.
1. Prokaryotic Ribosome (60% RNA + 40% protein)
In it, active enzymes are found. Prokaryotic ribosome is 70S. 70S ribosome have two
3. Residual body / Tertiary Lysosome subunits: 50S (larger) and 30S (smaller).
Secondary lysosome + Undigested food = Residual body. 50S subunit has 23S, 5S rRNA while 30S subunit has 16 S
After the products of digestion have been absorbed into the
2. Eukaryotic ribosomes (40% RNA + 60% Protein)
cytoplasm. The undigested remains are left in the lysosome,
called residual body, which are excreted by exocytosis. It is 80S ribosomes. It is composed of two subunits
60S (larger, contain 28S, 5S, 5.8S rRNA) and 40S
4. Autophagic Lysosome (Autophagosomes or cytolysosomes) (smaller,contain 18S rRNA)
Autophagosome is related the mechanism of autophagy
(eating self molecules such as old organelles, organs during  KEY NOTE
metamorphosis or larval development). When the material Polyribososmes or Polysome: At the time of protein
or pathogens are taken from outside by phagocytosis then synthesis, many ribosomes get attached with mRNA and
they are digested by the formation of phagolysosome. known as polyribosome or polysome.

Function of lysosoms:
Š Intracellar digestion / Heterophagy - Lysosome digests
substance which enter within a cell by phagocytosis and
pinocytosis. Biogenesis of Ribosome
Š Extracellular digestion - Lysosomes of osteoclast (bone In prokaryotes, ribosome originate in cytoplasm.
eating cells) dissolve unwanted part of bones. In eukaryotes, ribosome originates in nucleolus. Therefore
Š Autophagy - Lysosome digest old and damaged cells or nucleolus is also called as ribosomal factory.
Š Crinophagy - Lysosome involves in the digestion of NEED TO KNOW
excessive secretory granules of hormone in endocrine gland The proper folding and transport of proteins is assisted by specific
lysosomes. This event is called crinophagy. proteins called chaperons.

Ribosome Function
● Ribosome was discovered by Robinson and Brown (1953) Main function of ribosome is protein synthesis, thus called
in plant cell of bean roots and Palade in animal cell. protein factory or cell engine.
● Ribosomes are the smallest organelles in a cell.
Centrosome (Centriole)
● Ribosome are also known as “organelle within an
organelle” and “protein factory of cell”. ● Centrosome is an organelle in which two centrioles
(diplosome) are located just outside the nucleus and lie
Occurrence perpendicular to each other. Cytoplasm which surrounded
● Ribosome are smallest cell organelles found in all types of centrioles called centrosphere. Centrioles and centrosphere
cells (except mature mammalian RBC). collectively called centrosome.
208 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI
● Centrosome is absent in higher plants.
● Each centriole is surrounded by pericentriolar mass called
massules, satellite or MTG.
● Centrioles are membraneless elongated structure which
exhibit cart wheel structure. Basal body is also a type of
● Centriole is made up to 9 evenly spaced peripheral fibrils of
tubulin (9 + 0 arrangement). Each of the peripheral fibril
is a triplet.
● The central part of the proximal region of the centriole is Fig.: Diagrammatic representation of internal
structure of cilia/flagella
called hub.
● Hub is connected with tubules of the peripheral triplets by Table: Difference between cilia and flagella
radial spokes made of protein.
● Replication of centriole occur in S-phase of interphase. Cilia Flagella
Size Small (5-10μm) Long (up to 150 μm)
Number Very large Few in number
● In animal cells, centroiles play important role in initiation per cell
of cell division by arranging spindle fibres between two
Movement Cilia beat in a Flagella beats
poles of cell. coordinated manner independently (non-
● The location of centrioles during cell division decides the coordinated manner)
plane of division. Function They take part in Flagella involved in
locomotion, attachment, locomotion.
Cilia and Flagella feeding and sensation.
Cilia and flagella are mechanical, hair-like cellular appendages
and locomotory structure. Flagellar apparatus consist of following
● The vacuole is the membrane-bound space found in the
cytoplasm. It contains water, sap, excretory product and
1. Kinetosome or basal granule or Blepheroplast or Basal other materials not useful for the cell. The vacuole is bound
body by a single membrane called tonoplast.
● In plant cells the vacuoles can occupy up to 90 per cent of
● It is membraneless structure which lies immediately
the volume of the cell.
below the plasma membrane. Basal body exhibit cart
● Vacuoles are generally absent in animal cells and
wheel structure similar to centriole, i.e., 9 triplet fibrils meristematic cells in plants. Cell of permanent tissue in
connected to a central hub in basal body. plants have well-developed vacuoles.
● Vacuoles are surrounded by a single membrane called
● In basal body, 9 microtubules are present on periphery
tonoplast. Tonoplast facilitates the transport of a number of
and each microtubule is composed of three tubules, ions and other materials against concentration gradients into
namely A-tubule, B-tubule and C-tubule. the vacuole, hence their concentration is significantly higher
in the vacuole than in the cytoplasm. Inside vacuole, there is
2. Rootlet or Rhizoplast : A conical bundle of protein fibres
a non-living fluid called cell sap.
which arises from basal body to different directions. It
● Cell sap contains water, salts, sugars, organic acids, vitamins
consists of dark bands having ATPase activity.
and waste materials of metabolism.
3. Shaft or Ciliary part ● In Amoeba the contractile vacuole is important for
● It is projecting hair like part of ciliary apparatus. Cilium excretion. In many cells, as in protists, food vacuoles are
formed by engulfing the food particles.
is made up of 11 microtubules. (9 doublet + 2 singlet)
Functions of Vacuole
● Bundle of microtubules is known as axonema. Nine
● Store house of nutrients.
microtubules are peripheral and each composed of two
● Solutes is cell sap regulates osmotic relations of plant cell.
small tubules. ● Pigments of cell sap provide different colouration to petals.

● Microtubule are made up of tubulin protein. ● Mature plant cell store water in vocuole.

Cell: The Unit of Life 209

● They radiate from the centrosphere around centriole and
 KEY NOTE form spindle fibre.
● They form the cytoskeleton of cillia and flagella.
In many cells, food vacoules are formed by engulfing the
food particles. E.g., protists. ● They are involved in the sliding motion of chromosome
during cell division.
● Associated with cytokinesis in plant cells
● Microbodies are single membrane bound small spherical
● Microfilaments are composed of contractile protein actin.
● Support plasma membrane cytokinesis in animal cell
● Present in both plant and animal cells.
● It includes following:
1. Peroxisomes or Uricosomes Nucleus
● Peroxisomes contain several enzymes like urate oxidase, ● The cell nucleus was discovered by Robert Brown in 1831.
amino acid oxidase, peroxidase which catalyse the oxidation ● Nucleus is double membrane bound dense protoplasmic
of substrates forming H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide). body, which controls all cellular metabolism and encloses
● Catalase is the fastest acting enzyme known after carbonic the genetic information of cell.
anhydrase and it is a marker enzyme of peroxisomes.
● Peroxisomes are also involved in β–oxidation of fatty acids.  KEY NOTE
● In plants, they occur in cells of green tissue and are concerned Generally eukaryotic cell contain at least one nucleus but
with photorespiration (glycolate pathway). nucleus is absent in mature phloem sieve tube elements
2. Spherosomes and mature RBCs of mammals (Exception: Nucleus is
● They occur in plant cells only. present in RBCs of camel and lama).
● They are major site for lipid storage and synthesis.

● May contain hydrolytic enzymes hence cotisidered plant

lysosonase. 1. Nuclear Envelope
● Electron microscopy has revealed that the nuclear
3. Glyoxysomes
envelope, which consists of two parallel membranes
● Glyoxysomes occur only in plants especially in fatty seeds with a space between (10 to 50 nm) called the
(castor seed), guard cells of stomata and unripe fruits. perinuclear space, forms a barrier between the materials
● Glyoxysomes are considered as a highly specialised present inside the nucleus and that of the cytoplasm.
peroxisomes. Glyoxylic acid cycle takes place in The outer membrane usually remains continuous with
glyoxysomes. the endoplasmic reticulum and also bears ribosomes
● This cycle convert fats into carbohydrates on it.Outer membrane remains continous with ER at
(Gluconeogenesis). several places and also bears ribosome.
● Nuclear membrane is perforated by minute nuclear
Cytoskeleton pores, which are formed by the fusion of two
● An elaborate network of filamentous proteinaceous membranes. These nuclear pores are the passages
structures present in the cytoplasm is collectively referred to through which movement of RNA and protein
as the cytoskeleton. molecules takes place in both directions between
● 3 types - Microtubules, Microfilaments, Intermediate the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Each nuclear pore is
filaments guarded by a nucleoplasmin protein called as annulus
or bleb. (Annulus + Pore = Nuclear Pore complex).
Function ● The inner side of inner nuclear membrane is lined by
Mechanical support, motility, maintenance of the shape of the cell. nuclear lamina. This structure is formed by filaments
of lamin protein.
2. Nucleoplasm or Karyolymph
● Microtubules are present in eukaryotic cell.

● The wall is made up of helically arranged polymer chain of ● Nucleoplasm or nuclear sap is a ground substance
protein tubulin. of nucleus which is a complex colloidal formed of
● Microtubules are seen in cilia and flagella, centriole spindle nucleotides, nucleosides, ATPs, proteins and enzymes
fibres. of RNA and DNA polymerases, endonucleases,
Function minerals, cations, (Ca++, Mg++) etc..
● They form a cytoskeleton and are responsible for maintaining ● Chromatin and nucleolus are embedded in
the shape of the cell. nucleoplasm.

210 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

3. Chromatin (Term given by Fleming) Chromosomes
● Chromatin is intranuclear, long, thread-like fine fibre. It ● Term chromosome was proposed by Waldeyer in 1889.
is embedded in nucleoplasm. ● Chromosomes can be best studied at metaphase stage
● Composition: Chromatin = DNA + histone + RNA + because size of chromosome is shortest during metaphase
non-histone. due to highly condensed chromatin threads.
● Chromatin fibres contain genetic information. Structure
● On the basis of relative amount of arginine and lysine, ● Every chromosome (visible only in dividing cells) essentially
there are five type of histone protein (H2A, H2B, H3, has a primary constriction or the centromere on the sides of
H4, H1) which disc shaped structures called kinetochores are present.
● Chromatin is of two types: ● Centromere holds two chromatids of a chromosome. Based
(a) Euchromatin :- Lightly stained and diffused part on the position of the centromere, the chromosomes can be
of chromatin. It is transcriptionally or genetically classified into four types.
active. It lies at central part of nucleus. ● The metacentric chromosome has middle centromere

(b) Heterochromatin :- Darkystained, thick and forming two equal arms of the chromosome.
condensed part of chromatin. It is genetically ● The sub-metacentric chromosome has centromere slightly
inactive chromatin It is further classified into two away from the middle of the chromosome resulting into one
types: shorter arm and one longer arm.
● Constitutive heterochromatin :- Occurs in all ● In case of acrocentric chromosome the centromere is

cells in all stages, e.g., centromeric region. situated close to its end forming one extremely short and
● Facultative heterochromatin :- Occurs in one very long arm, whereas the telocentric chromosome has
some cells in some stages, e.g., Barr body. a terminal centromere.
● Sometimes a few chromosomes have non-staining secondary
4. Nucleolus
constrictions at a constant location. This gives the appearance
● Nucleolus is naked or membraneless, rounded or of a small fragment called the satellite.
slightly irregular in shape, present in nucleus and
usually associated with chromatin (or chromosomes) Types of chromosomes based on the position of the
at specific site called Nucleolar Organiser Region centromere (shape during anaphase)
● Calcium is essential for maintenance of nucleolus.
It disappears during late prophase and reappears in
telophase stage.
● It is a site for active ribosomal RNA synthesis. Larger
and more numerous nucleoli are present in cells
actively carrying out protein synthesis.
● Formation of ribosome is the chief function of
nucleolus, thus called ribosome factory of the cell.

NEED TO KNOW Fig.: From left to right; Acrocentric, sub-metacentric

(2nd and 3rd image) and metacentric (SAT chromosome)
Functions of Nucleus
Metacentric Centromere at middle which
Š Genetic information :- Nucleus contains genetic information chromosome (V-shaped) forms two equal arms of the
in the form of multiple linear DNA molecules organised into chromosome
structures called chromosomes.
Sub-metacentric Centromere slightly away from
Š Transmission of genetic information :- It transfers genetic chromosome (L-shaped) the middle of the chromosome
information from one generation (parent cell) to next resulting into one shorter arm
(daughter cell). and one longer arm
Š Division of nucleus is pre-requisite to cell division. Acrocentric chromosome Centromere is situated close to
Š Control of metabolism :- Nucleus controls metabolism of (J-shaped) its end forming one extremely
short and one very long arm
cell by sending mRNA in cytosol
Š Genetic variations :- Variation develops due to change in Telocentric chromosome Terminal centromere
genetic material of nucleus (evolutionary role).

Cell: The Unit of Life 211

Giant Chromosomes They have a size of approx They have a size of approx 2mm
Lamp brush Polytene chromosomes 5 to 6 mm
chromosomes They are found in They are found in permanent
They are named They are named polytene as permanent diplotene stage prophase stage
Lampbrush as they look polyteny/ endoduplication of meiosis-I
like one. (number of chromonemata There is an axis with Large puffs are found at some
increases two thousand times per lateral loops and matrix places of each strand that are
chromosome) occurs in them. associated with it. Axis known as Balbiani rings named
is formed up of DNA and after the discoverer. DNA is
They are quite abundant They are also called salivary
matrix is mostly formed uncoiled in the puffs for rapid
in primary oocytes of glands chromosomes as they are
up of RNA and proteins. transcription.
Amphibians. discovered in salivary glands of
Lateral loops help in
Chironomus larva of Dipterans.
synthesis of yolk.

212 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

Topicwise Questions

AN OVERVIEW OF CELL & CELL THEORY 12. An exception to cell theory is

(a) Angiosperms (b) Bryophytes
1. Plant cell differs from animal cell by
(c) Insects (d) Virus
(a) Presence of vacuoles
(b) Presence of cell wall and chloroplast 13. Which of the following is the largest isolated single cell?
(c) Absence of cell wall (a) Nerve cell (b) Mycoplasma
(d) Absence of chloroplast (c) Ostrich egg (d) RBCs
2. Cell was discovered by 14. The simplest way to distinguish a prokaryotic from a
eukaryotic cell is to check for
(a) Swanson (b) Leeuwenhoek
(a) a plasma membrane (b) a nucleus
(c) Robert Hooke (d) Robert Brown
(c) DNA (d) proteins
3. Cells having membrane bound nucleus are known as
(a) Prokaryotic cell (b) Eukaryotic cell 15. Living beings are made up of cells. This statement belongs to
(c) Mesophyll cell (d) Both (a) and (b) (a) Lamarck (b) Von Helmont
(c) Hugo de Vries c. Schleiden and Schwann
4. Which of the following cell has a diameter of 7 micrometre?
(a) Erythrocyte (b) Monocyte 16. The cell as a basic unit of structure of living things was
discovered by
(c) Neuron (d) Blood platelets
(a) Schleiden and Schwann (b) Mendel
5. Theodore Schwann named the outer layer of the cell which is
(c) Robert Hooke (d) Aristotle
today known as
(a) Tonoplast (b) Cell membrane PROKARYOTIC CELLS
(c) Basement membrane (d) Biological membrane
17. Mesosomes of prokaryotes are functionally similar to
6. Omnis cellula-e cellula is generalisation given by
(a) Peroxisomes (b) Lysosomes
(a) Lamarck (b) Dutrochet
(c) Mitochondria (d) Ribosomes
(c) Leeuwenhoek (d) Virchow
18. Cell envelope of prokaryotes consists of
7. The main arena of cellular activities in plant and animal cells (a) Glycocalyx (b) Cell wall
(c) Cell membrane (d) All of these
(a) Cell membrane (b) Mitochondria
(c) Cytoplasm (d) Ribosome 19. The genetic material of prokaryotic cells is called
(a) Nucleus (b) Nucleolus
8. Which of the following is present in both prokaryotes and
(c) Nucleoid (d) Centrosome
(a) Lysosome (b) Vesicle 20. Polysomes have two components. One is ribosome while
another is
(c) Chloroplast (d) Plasma membrane
(a) ER (b) mRNA
9. The cells discovered in thin sections of cork by Robert Hooke
(c) Golgi bodies (d) Mitochondria
were actually
(a) Cell wall (b) Cellulose 21. Which of the following is not a function of mesosomes?
(c) Protoplasm (d) Nuclei (a) Respiration
(b) DNA replication
10. Who proposed the theory that “cells arise only from the pre-
existing cells”? (c) Increases enzymatic content
(a) Mohl (b) Virchow (d) Reproduction
(c) Haeckel (d) Brown 22. Larger subunit of prokaryotic ribosome is
(a) 30 S (b) 40 S
11. Cell theory states that
(c) 50 S (d) 60 S
(a) All cells have nucleus
(b) Cell are the functional and structural units of plants and 23. Which of the following structure is not found in a prokaryotic
animals cell?
(c) All cells are living (a) Nuclear envelope (b) Ribosome
(d) Cells reproduce by mitosis and meiosis (c) Mesosome (d) Plasma membrane
Cell: The Unit of Life 213
24. Gas vacuoles are found in 33. The longest portion of the bacterial flagellum that extends
(a) Blue-green photosynthetic bacteria from the cell surface to the outside is called
(b) Purple and green photosynthetic bacteria (a) Filament (b) Hook
(c) Basal body (d) Shaft
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) All bacteria 34. Gas vacuoles are not reported in
(a) Cyanobacteria
25. Muramic acid is present in cell walls of
(b) Purple/green photosynthetic bacteria
(a) Bacteria and blue-green algae
(c) Amoeba
(b) Green algae
(d) Prokaryotes
(c) Yeast
35. Which layer of the cell envelope determines the shape of the
(d) All fungi cell and provides a strong structural support to prevent the
26. Prokaryotic cell does not have bacterium from bursting or collapsing?
(a) Nucleolus (a) Cell wall (b) Cell membrane
(b) Membrane Bound organelles (c) Glycocalyx (d) Capsule
(c) Centrioles 36. Prokaryotic ribosomes are
(d) All of these (a) 50 S (b) 60 S
27. Several ribosomes may attach to a single mRNA and form a (c) 70 S (d) 80 S
chain called 37. Mesosomes are the infolding of cell membrane. They
(a) Polysome (b) Polyribosome (a) Help in cell wall formation, DNA replication and
(c) Phagosome (d) Both (a) and (b) respiration.
28. Cell wall of prokaryotes is made up of (b) Increases the surface area of plasma membrane.
(a) Chitin (b) Cellulose (c) Are present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
(c) Glucose amine (d) Mucopeptide Choose the correct option.
(a) B and C (b) A and C
29. In prokaryotes, chromatophores are
(c) A and B (d) A, B and C
(a) Specialized granules responsible for colouration of cells.
38. Many bacteria have small circular DNA outside the genomic
(b) Structures responsible for organizing the shape of the DNA. These smaller DNA are called
(a) Phasmids (b) Plastids
(c) Inclusion bodies lying free inside the cells for carrying
(c) Plasmids (d) Prophage
out various metabolic activities.
39. The cell wall of both bacteria and cyanobacteria contains
(d) Internal membrane system which becomes extensive and
complex in photosynthetic bacteria. (a) Lipid (b) Pectin
(c) Protein (d) Muramic acid
30. The genetic material in prokaryotes is
40. The best way to identify a cell as either prokaryotic or
(a) Basically naked eukaryotic is to determine whether
(b) Associated with histones (a) It came from a single-celled or multicellular organism.
(c) Enveloped by a nuclear membrane (b) It has a nucleus.
(d) Do not contain genetic material (c) It has a plasma membrane.
31. In a prokaryotic cell, (d) It has cytosol.
(a) Enveloped genetic material is present 41. Which is not found in prokaryotic cell?
(b) Ribosomes are absent (a) Plasma membrane (b) Nuclear membrane
(c) An organised nucleus is absent. (c) Cell wall (d) Ribosomes
The correct option is 42. Which of the following is seen only in prokaryotic cell?
(a) Only A (b) Only B (a) Lysosome (b) Ribosome
(c) Mesosome (d) ER
(c) Only C (d) All of the above
43. Bacteria show a range in the number of arrangement of
32. Correct sequence of layers of bacterial cell envelope is flagella. Bacterial flagellum is composed of
(a) Cell membrane → Glycocalyx → Cell wall (a) Two parts – pili and fimbriae
(b) Glycocalyx → Cell wall → Cell membrane (b) Three parts – filament, hook and basement membrane
(c) Cell wall → Glycocalyx → Cell membrane (c) Three parts – filament, shaft and basal body
(d) Glycocalyx → Cell membrane → Cell wall (d) Three parts – filament, hook and basal body

214 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

44. Which of the following structures would you expect to find in 52. The fluid nature of the membrane is important from the point
a bacterium? of view of functions like
(a) Nucleus (b) Plasma membrane (a) Cell division and cell growth
(c) Golgi apparatus (d) Lysosome (b) Endocytosis and secretion
45. The term “Glycocalyx” is used for (c) Formation of intercullular junctions
(a) A layer surrounding the cell wall of bacteria (d) All of the above
(b) A layer present between cell wall and membrane of
53. The Singer’s Model of plasma membrane differs from the
Robertson’s model in the
(c) Cell wall of bacteria
(a) Number of lipid layers
(d) Bacterial cell genetically engineered to possess
N-glycosylated proteins (b) Arrangement of proteins
(c) Arrangement of lipid layers
46. Why is a capsule advantageous to a bacteria?
(a) It allows the bacterium to attach to the surface (d) Absence of protein layers

(b) To protect bacterium from desiccation 54. In fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane
(c) It provides means of locomotion (a) Upper layer is non-polar and hydrophilic
(d) It allows bacterium to hide from host’s immune system (b) Polar layer is hydrophobic
EUKARYOTIC CELLS (c) Phospholipids form a bimolecular layer in middle
(d) Proteins form a middle layer
47. The shape of red blood cell is
(a) Round and biconcave (b) Flat and thread like 55. Which of the following cell membrane components serve as
recognition signals for interaction between cells?
(c) Irregular (d) Round and oval
(a) Recognition proteins (b) Glycolipids or Glycoprotein
48. A plant cell has
(a) A large central vacuole and rigid cell wall (c) Phospholipids (d) Integral proteins
(b) A centriole for cell division 56. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the fluid
(c) A centrosome inactive in non-dividing cells mosaic model for biological membranes?
(d) Absence of cell membrane (a) Fluidity
49. How many of the following cell organelles are found only in (b) Components symmetrically distributed
animal cells and not in plant cell? (c) Membrane components can move about
A - Cell wall B - Centriole C - Chloroplast (d) Lipids are present as bilayer
D - Mitochondria E - 80S ribosomes
57. What is true regarding fluid mosaic model?
(a) 1 (b) 2
(a) Phospholipid monolayer is present over protein layer
(c) 3 (d) 4
(b) Phospholipid bilayer is present over protein layer
(c) Protein embedded in phospholipid bilayer
50. Cell membranes posses lipid, protein and carbohydrate. The (d) Phospholipid layer is sandwiched between two protein
ratio of protein and lipid varies considerably in different layers
cell types. In human beings, the membrane of the RBCs has
58. Depending on the ease of extraction, membrane proteins can
be classified as
(a) 40 per cent lipids and 52 per cent carbohydrates
(a) Saturated and unsaturated
(b) 40 per cent protein and 52 per cent lipids
(b) Hydrophilic and hydrophobic
(c) 40 per cent lipids and 52 per cent proteins
(c) Integral and peripheral
(d) 40 per cent protein and 52 per cent carbohydrates
(d) Acidic, basic and neutral
51. Which of the following limits the movement of molecules 59. Which of the following macromolecules are found in the
when carrier-mediated facilitated diffusion is involved? plasma membrane?
(a) Concentration gradient (a) Lipids only
(b) Availability of carrier molecules (b) Lipids and proteins
(c) Temperature (c) Lipids, proteins and carbohydrates
(d) Both (a) and (b) (d) Proteins and carbohydrates
Cell: The Unit of Life 215
60. Molecules which are transported across the membrane 70. Function(s) of the cell wall is/are
against their concentration gradient, i.e., from the lower to (a) Provide shape of the cell and protects the cell from the
higher concentration. Such a transport is called mechanical damage and infection
(a) Active transport, e.g., diffusion
(b) Helps in cell-to-cell interaction
(b) Passive transport, e.g., diffusion
(c) Provides barrier to undesirable macromolecules
(c) Active transport, e.g., Na+/K+ pump
(d) Osmosis, a type of simple diffusion (d) All of the above


61. Which of the following is present in both prokaryotic and 71. Semi-autonomous cell organelles of cell are
plant cells? (a) Nucleus and chloroplast
(a) Lysosome (b) Chloroplast (b) Chloroplast and mitochondria
(c) Cell wall (d) Mitochondrion (c) Vacuoles and Golgi complex
62. A structure that connect the cytoplasm of neighbouring cells, (d) Ribosome and lysosome
and another which holds or glues the different neighbouring 72. Small particle projecting from inner surfaces of cristae and
cell together. These are inner mitochondrial membrane are
(a) Cell wall and middle lamella, respectively (a) Microsomes (b) Oxysomes
(b) Plasmodesmata and middle lamella, respectively (c) Myeloid bodies (d) Informosomes
(c) Middle lamella and desmosomes, respectively
73. Energy releasing reaction in a cell occurs in
(d) Middle lamella and plasmodesmata, respectively
(a) Cell wall (b) Ribosomes
63. The cell wall of a young plant cell, the primary wall is capable (c) Mitochondria (d) Plastids
of growth, which gradually diminishes as the cell matures
and the secondary wall is formed on the 74. Which of the following structure is present in mitochondria?
(a) Inner (towards middle lamella) side of the cell (a) Quantasome (b) Centrosome
(b) Outer (towards middle lamella) side of the cell (c) Dictyosome (d) Oxysome
(c) Inner (towards membrane) side of the cell 75. Oxysomes or F0 - F1 particles occur on
(d) Outer (towards membrane) side of the cell (a) Inner mitochondrial membrane
64. Which of the following layer is present nearest plasma (b) Mitochondrial surface
membrane in plant cell? (c) Thylakoids
(a) Tonoplast (b) Middle lamella (d) Chloroplast surface
(c) Primary wall (d) Secondary wall 76. Foldings of inner mitochondrial membrane are called
65. Cell wall is made up of (a) Cristae (b) F0 - F1 structures
(a) Several layers of microfibrils (c) Thylakoids (d) Grana 7 7 .
Organelles which are regarded as ‘power house’ of the cell
(b) Synchronous mitotic division
and in which the oxidative reactions of the respiratory
(c) Cellulose molecules process takes place is
(d) Glucose molecules
(a) Chloroplast (b) Ribosomes
66. The cell are held together by a Ca-pectate layer called (c) Endoplasmic reticulum (d) Mitochondria
(a) Primary cell wall (b) Secondary cell wall 78. Both chloroplasts and mitochondria
(c) Middle lamella (d) Tertiary cell wall
(a) Have more than one membranes.
67. The most abundant substance of middle lamella is (b) Have 70S ribosomes
(a) Suberin (b) Cutin (c) Are found only in eukaryotic cells.
(c) Lignin (d) Pectin (d) All of the above
68. The cytoplasm of neighbouring cells are connected through
79. Cristae are found in
(a) Vacuole (b) Plasmodesmata
(a) Surface of grana
(c) Polysomes (d) Middle lamella
69. In most of the plants, cell wall is made up of (b) Surface of plasma membrane
(a) Cellulose (b) Hemicellulose (c) Wall of mitochondria
(c) Pectins and proteins (d) All of the above (d) Nuclear membrane

216 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

80. In which of the following cell organelles would you expect to 91. Stack of lamella found inside a plastid is
find the biochemical reactions that harness energy from the (a) Thylakoid (b) Stroma
breakdown of sugar molecules to synthesise large amounts of
(c) Granum (d) Oxysome
92. Quantasomes occur in
(a) Lysosome (b) Vesicles
(a) Stroma (b) Grana/chloroplast
(c) Chloroplast (d) Mitochondra
(c) Golgi body (d) Mitochondria
81. F1 particles/oxysome/elementary particles are present in
93. Cell organelle that store carbohydrates is
(a) Endoplasmic reticulum (b) Peroxisome
(a) Elaioplast (b) Aleuroplast
(c) Mitochondria (d) Golgi complex
(c) Amyloplast (d) Leucoplast
PLASTIDS 94. Which is not a plastid?
82. Which of the following colorless plastids are involved in (a) Chloroplast (b) Mitoplast
storage of fat? (c) Chromoplast (d) Leucoplast
(a) Aleuroplast (b) Amyloplasts
95. Which of the following plastids are helpful in starch storage?
(c) Oleoplasts (d) Oleosomes
(a) Chromoplast (b) Leucoplasts
83. Stacks of membranous flattened discs in chloroplasts are (c) Chloroplast (d) Lycopene
termed as
96. Based on the type of pigments, plastids can be classified into
(a) Cisternae (b) Thylakoids
(a) Amyloplasts, elaioplasts and aleuroplasts
(c) Grana (d) Cristae
(b) Chlorophyll, carotenoid and xanthophyll
84. Number of membrane(s) separating intrathylakoid space
from cytoplasm is (c) Chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts
(a) 4 (b) 3 (d) All of the above
(c) 2 (d) 1 97. Majority of the chloroplasts of the green plants are found in the
(a) Mesophyll cells (b) Bundle sheath cells
85. Which of the following stores oils and fats?
(c) Cortical cells (d) Epidermal cells
(a) Aleuroplast (b) Amyloplast 98.Which of the following substance are stored in
(c) Leucoplast (d) Elaioplast aleuroplast?
86. The number of chloroplast varies form 1 per cell in ...A... to (a) Starch (b) Oil and Lipids
...B... per cell in the mesophyll. (c) Proteins (d) Water and Oil
(a) A—Chlorella, B—15 to 20 99. Functional unit of chloroplast is
(b) B—Chlamydomonas, B—20 to 40 (a) Stroma (b) Quantasome
(c) Oxysomes (d) Peroxisomes
(c) A—Chlamydomonas, B—15 to 20
(d) A—Chlamydomonas, B—10 to 40 ENDOMEMBRANE SYSTEM
87. Which of following is not common in chloroplasts & (i) Endoplasmic Reticulum
100. Which of the face, Golgi complex is associated with ER?
(a) Both are present in animal cells
(a) Forming face, i.e., Trans-face
(b) Both contain their own genetic material
(b) Maturing face, i.e., Trans-face
(c) Both are present in eukaryotic cells
(c) Both forming and maturing face
(d) Both are present in plant cells
(d) Forming face or Cis-face
88. The membrane of the thylakoids encloses a space called 101. Organelle involved in modification and routing of newly
(a) Lumen (b) Stroma synthesised proteins to their destination is
(c) Matrix (d) Grana (a) Chlorplast (b) Lysosome
89. Which cell structure occurs in epidermal cells of human but (c) Mitochondria (d) Endoplasmic reticulum
not in epidermal cells of leaves? 102. Which cell organelle connects nuclear envelope with cell
(a) Mitochondria (b) Chloroplast
(a) Lysosome (b) Golgi body
(b) Centriole (d) Cell membrane
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum (d) Mitochondria
90. The bright colours of ripen fruits are due to 103. Rough E.R. mainly responsible for
(a) Leucoplasts (b) Chloroplasts (a) Protein synthesis (b) Cell wall formation
(c) Amyloplasts (d) Chromoplasts (c) Lipid synthesis (d) Cholesterol synthesis
Cell: The Unit of Life 217
104. An interconnected membranous network of the cell composed 113. Which one is not properly paired?
of vesicles, flattened sacs and tubules is (a) Golgi apparatus-Breaking of complex macromolecules
(a) Mitochondria (b) Endoplasmic reticulum (b) Endoplasmic reticulum-Protein synthesis
(c) Lysosomes (d) Nucleus (c) Mitochondria-Oxidative phosphorylation
(d) Chloroplasts-Photosynthesis
105. Detoxification of lipid soluble drugs and other harmful
compound in ER is carried out by cytochrome (iii) Lysosome
(a) a1 - a3 (b) c 114. Hydrolytic enzymes are abundantly found in which cell
(c) b - f (d) P450 organelles?
106. Which structures are responsible for lipid synthesis respectively (a) Ribosome (b) Lysosome
in plants and animal cells? (BN11M2C8E1TWQ046) (c) Oxysome (d) Endoplasmic reticulum
(a) Smooth E. R. 115. Disappearance of tadpole tail during metamorphosis is
(b) Smooth and rough E. R. brought about by
(c) Smooth E. R. and sphaerosomes (a) Lysosome (b) Golgi bodies
(d) Sphaerosomes and smooth E. R. (c) Peroxisomes (d) Endoplasmic reticulum
116. The acidic condition within the lysosome is maintained by
(ii) Golgi Complex
(a) Digestive enzymes synthesized on RER
107. From the list below, choose the two organelles that look most (b) Pumping Cl– ion out of lysosome
alike structurally
(c) Pumping protons (H+) into the lysosome
(a) Nucleus and vesicle
(d) All of these
(b) ER and mitochondrion
(c) Golgi apparatus and smooth ER 117. A single unit membrane organelle is
(d) Vacuole and cytoskeleton (a) Ribosomes (b) Mitochondria
108. The Golgi components are bound by (c) Chloroplast (d) Lysosomes
(a) Single unit membrane 118. What would happen if lysosomes get ruptured inside the cells
(b) Double unit membrane in which they are present?
(c) Cisternae by single, tubules and vacuole by double (a) Cells will swell (b) Cells will shrink
(d) Cisternae and tubules by single and vacuole by double (c) Cells will die (d) Nothing would happen

109. Golgi apparatus 119. Lysosomes contain

(a) Carboxylating enzymes (b) Respitatory enzymes
(a) Modifies and packages proteins
(c) Oxidizing enzymes (d) Digestive enzymes
(b) Occur in animals prokaryotes
120. Cell organelle connected with intracellular digestion of
(c) Is found in prokaryotes
macromolecules is
(d) Is site for rapid ATP synthesis (a) Lysosome (b) Peroxisome
110. Which is a part of endomembrane system of eukaryotic cells? (c) Polysome (d) Glyoxisome
(a) Mitochondria (b) Peroxisomes
(c) Chloroplasts (d) Golgi bodies
111. Three morphological forms of Golgi complex are 121. 70S type of ribosomes is found in
(a) Lamellae, tubules and vesicles (a) Prokaryotic cells
(b) Cisternae, tubules and vesicles (b) Prokaryotic cells, chloroplasts and mitochondria
(c) Cisternae, tubules and lamellae (c) Mitochondria
(d) Granum, thylakoids and vesicles (d) Nucleus, mitochondria
112. Golgi body is associated with 122. In 70S and 80S ribosomes, ‘S’ stands for
(a) Packaging of material (a) Sedimentation coefficient and called Svedberg unit
(b) Cell plate formation (b) Sedimentation rate and called Svedberg unit
(c) Secretion of different substance (c) Svedberg coefficient and called sedimentation unit
(d) All of the above (d) Svedberg unit and called sedimentation rate.

218 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

123. Sedimentation coefficient(s) indirectly is a measure of 132. Centrioles and centrosomes occur in the cells of
(a) Density (b) Size (a) Green plants
(c) Volume (d) Both (a) and (b) (b) Animals
124. Protein synthesis in an animal cell occurs (c) Bacteria and cyanobacteria
(a) On ribosomes present in cytoplasm as well as in (d) Both (b) and (c)
mitochondria. 133. Fill in the blanks
(b) On ribosomes present in the nucleolus as well as in 1. Centrioles are ...A... structures that lie ...B... to each other
2. Centrioles have an organisation like ...C...
(c) Only on ribosmes attached to the nuclear envelope and 3. Centrioles are made up of nine evenly spaced peripheral
endoplasmic reticulum. fibrils of ...D... protein
(d) Only on the ribosomes present in cytosol. 4. Each peripheral fibril of centriole is ...E...
125. Which of the following features are correct regarding 5. Central part of the proximal region of the centriole is
ribosomes? called ...F... which is proteinaceous
(a) They are non-membrane bound. (a) A-spherical, B-parallel, C-cart wheel, D-flagellin,
(b) They take part in protein synthesis. E-doublet, F-bridge
(c) They are present in the cytoplasm and RER. (b) A-cylindrical, B-perpendicular, C-cart wheel, D-tubulin,
E-triplet, F-hub
(d) They are absent in plastids and mitochondria.
(c) A-cylindrical, B-perpendicular, C-cart wheel, D-tubulin,
The correct option is E-doublet, F-hub
(a) Only A (b) A and B (d) A-spherical, B-perpendicular, C-cart wheel, D-tubulin,
(c) A, B and C (d) All of these E-triplet, F-hub
126. Which of the following is NOT a true membrane bound 134. The central proteinaceous part of proximal region of the
organelle? centriole is called
(a) Lysosome (b) Ribosome (a) Radial spoke (b) Hub
(c) Chloroplast (d) Mitochondria (c) Central sheath (d) Axoneme
127. The organelle devoid of DNA but capable of duplication is 135. The principal protein of cilia and flagella is
(a) Plastids (a) Tubulin (b) Nexin
(b) Nucleus (c) Basal body (d) Albumin
(c) Centriole 136. Cilium and flagellum emerge from centriole-like structure
(d) Mitochondria called
128. Centrioles and centrosomes are present in cells of (a) Centrosome (b) Kinetochore
(a) Bacteria (b) Cyanobacteria (c) Basal body (d) Centromere
(c) Green plants (d) Animals VACUOLE
129. Non-membranous organelle is
137. Membrane covering the vacuole is termed as
(a) Chloroplast (b) Nucleolus (a) Cell wall (b) Plasmalemma
(c) Centriole (d) Both (b) and (c) (c) Cell membrane (d) Tonoplast
130. Each centriole has a cartwheel organisation having a whorl of
9 peripheral fibrils, can be represented with MICROBODIES
(a) 9 singlet + 0 central 138. Peroxisomes are rich in
(b) 9 doublet + 0 central (a) DNA (b) RNA
(c) 9 triplet + 2 central singlet (c) Catalytic enzymes (d) Oxidative enzymes
(d) 9 triplet + 0 central 139. Out of peroxisomes, lysosomes and mitochondria, single
membrane covering occurs in
131. Organelle important in spindle formation during nuclear
division is (a) Both peroxisomes and lysosomes
(a) Centriole (b) Golgi body (b) Only peroxisomes
(c) Lysosomes, peroxisomes and mitochondria
(c) Chloroplast (d) Mitochondrion
(d) Only mitochondria

Cell: The Unit of Life 219

140. Membrane bound minute vesicles that contain various 151. L-shaped chromosomes are
enzymes are present in both plant and animal cells called (a) Submetacentric (b) Acrocentric
(a) Chloroplasts (b) Centrosome (c) Telocentric (d) Sex chromosomes
(c) Microbodies (d) Mesosomes 152. Which structure is present in chromosomes?
CYTOSKELETON (a) Nucleus (b) Centromere
(c) Centrosome (d) Golgi body
141. Microtubules are responsible for
153. rRNA is synthesised in
(a) Holding membrane proteins
(a) E.R. (b) Nucleus
(b) Controlling cleavage and cyclosis
(c) Nucleolus (d) Cytoplasm
(c) Conversion of fat to carbohydrate
(d) Formation of spindle and flagella 154. The function of nucleous is the synthesis of
(a) DNA (b) m-RNA
142. Which of the following provides mechanical support and
(c) r-RNA (d) t-RNA
shape to the cell?
155. Nucleoplasm contains
(a) Golgi complex (b) Centrioles
(a) Nucleolus and chromatin
(c) Lomasomes (d) Cytoskeleton
(b) Histone protein, RNA and DNA
NUCLEUS (c) DNA, RNA and chromatin
143. Which of the following pair lack the unit membrane? (d) Non-histone protein and DNA only

(a) Nucleus & E.R. (b) Mitochondria & chloroplast 156. Balbiani rings (puffs) are sites of
(c) Ribosome & nucleolus (d) Golgi body & lysosome (a) Synthesis of lipids
(b) Synthesis of polysaccharides
144. Which of the following organelles is directly connected to the
outer membrane of the nucleus in a eukaryotic cell? (c) RNA and protein synthesis
(a) Mitochondrion (b) Lysosome (d) DNA replication
(c) Golgi apparatus (d) Endoplasmic reticulum 157. In nucleoplasm, a conspicuous body of spherical shape
attached to a particular chromosome on a definite position is
145. Extra chromosomal DNA occurs in called
(a) Mitochondria (b) Ribosomes (a) Plasmid (b) Karyolymph
(c) Nucleus (d) Chromosomes (c) Nucleolus (d) Nuclear reticulum
146. The diagrammatic representation of chromosomes is known 158. Which of the following is/are the nucleoprotein structure(s)?
(a) Chromatin (b) Ribosome
(a) Idiogram (b) Karyotype
(c) Virus (d) All of the above
(c) Holotype (d) Homotype
159. In which type of chromosome, one arm is very long and one
147. A chromosome having sub- terminal centromere is called arm is very short?
(a) Telocentric (b) Acrocentic (a) Acrocentric (b) Metacentric
(c) Metacentric (d) Sub-metacentric (c) Submetacentric (d) Telocentric
148. Chromosome having centromere in its middle is 160. If A - Nucleus, B - Plastid, C - Mitochondria and D - Vacuole,
(a) Acrocentric (b) Telocentric then arrange the given structures on the basis of their size
(a) A > B > C > D (b) D > B > A > C
(c) Metacentric (d) Sub-metacentric
(c) D > A > B > C (d) D > B > A > C
149. DNA occurs in
161. Where in a eukaryotic cell can DNA be found?
(a) Mitochondria, Plastids and Chromosomes
(a) Nucleus (b) Mitochondrion
(b) Chromosomes, Mitochondria and Ribosomes (c) Chloroplast (d) All of the above
(c) Chromosomes, Mitochondria and Cell Membrane 162. Which of the following organelles are double membrane-
(d) Chromosomes, Ribosomes and Cytoplasm bound?
150. Within nucleus, DNA is organised along with proteins into (a) Nucleus (b) Chloroplast
material called (c) Mitochondria (d) All of the above
(a) Nuclear lamina 163. Which organelle is surrounded by a double phospholipid
(b) Chromosome bilayer with many large pores?
(c) Chromatid (a) Nuclear envelope (b) Plasma membrane
(d) Chromatin (c) Golgi1 apparatus (d) Mitochondrion
220 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI
Learning Plus
1. Different cells have different sizes. Arrange the following 8. Which of the following statement of a bacterial cell is/are
cells in an ascending order of their size. Choose the correct correct?
option among the followings.
(i) Mesosome is formed by the extensions of plasma
I. Mycoplasma II. Ostrich eggs membrane into the cell.
III. Human RBC IV. Bacteria (ii) The pili are elongated tubular structures made up
(a) I, IV, III, II (b) I, II, Ill, IV of a protein.
(iii) Flagellum is composed of filament, hook and basal
(c) II, I, III, IV (d) III, II, I, IV
2. Which one of these is not a eukaryote? (iv) Ribosomes are about 30 nm by 50 nm in size.
(a) Euglena (b) Anabaena (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (b) (iii) and (iv)
(c) Spirogyra (d) Agaricus (c) (ii) and (iv) (d) None of the above
3. A cell organelle in prokaryotes is concerned with storage of 9. Bacterial cells have a chemically complex cell envolope. The
reserve food materials, e.g., cyanophycean granules, etc. It is cell envelope consists of a tightly bound three layer structure,
a non-membrane bound cell organelle. Identify it among the i.e., the
following (a) Outermost cell wall followed by the plasma membrane
(a) Gas vacuoles (b) Mesosomes and then the glycocalyx
(c) Plasmids (d) Inclusion bodies (b) Outermost glycocalyx followed by plasma membrane
and the cell wall
4. Which of the following features is common to prokaryotes
(c) Outermost cell wall followed by the glycocalyx and then
and many eukaryotes?
the plasma membrane
(a) Chromatin material present (d) Outermost glycocalyx followed by the cell wall and then
(b) Cell wall present the plasma membrane.
(c) Nuclear membrane present 10. A common characteristic feature of plant sieve tube cells and
(d) Membrane bound sub-cellular organelles present most of mammalian erythrocytes is
5. Reserve material in prokaryotic cells are stored in the (a) Absence of mitochondria (b) Presence of cell wall
cytoplasm in the form of (c) Presence of haemoglobin (d) Absence of nucleus
(a) Pyrenoid 11. Which of the following is not true for a eukaryotic cell?
(b) Paramylum bodies (a) Cell wall is made up of peptidoglycans
(c) Inclusion bodies which are bounded by single membrane. (b) It has 80S type of ribosome present in the cytoplasm
(d) Inclusion bodies which are not bounded by any membrane (c) Mitochondria contain circular DNA
system (d) Membrane bound organelles are present
6. How many of the given cell organelles are found only in 12. Which one of the following structures between two adjacent
prokaryotic cells?
cells is an effective transport pathway?
[Vacuoles, Mesosomes, Ribosomes, Flagella, Cell wall,
Mitochondria] (a) Plasmodesmata (b) Plastoquinones
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) Endoplasmic reticulum (d) Plasmalemma
(c) 3 (d) 4 13. Who proposed the fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane?
7. Read the following statements and find out the incorrect (a) Camillo Golgi (b) Schleiden and Schwann
statement (c) Singer and Nicolson (d) Robert Brown 1 4 .
(a) Prokaryotes are generally smaller and multiply more Which of the following statement is not true for plasma
rapidly than the eukaryotic cells. membrane?
(b) Glycocalyx could be a loose sheath called slime layer in (a) It is present in both plant and animal cell
some, while in others it is called the capsule. (b) Lipid is present as a bilayer in it
(c) The plasma membrane of prokaryotes is structurally (c) Proteins are present integrated as well as loosely
dissimilar to that of eukaryotes. associated with the lipid bilayer
(d) Chromatophores are the membranous extensions into the
(d) Carbohydrate is never found in it
cytoplasm of cyanobacteria which contain pigments.
Cell: The Unit of Life 221
15. The lipid component of the cell membrane mainly consists of 22. In terms of shape and size of mitochondria, considerable
(a) Triglycerides (b) Phosphoglycerides degree of variability is observed. The number of
(c) Glycolipids (d) Mono and diglycertides mitochondria per cell is variable depending on the
(a) Morphology of the cells
16. Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct
(b) Biochemical activity of the cells
combination from the options given
(c) Physiological activity of the cells
Column I Column II (d) All of the above
A. Osmosis 1. Without any requirement 23. What is common between chloroplasts, chromoplasts and
of energy leucoplasts?
B. Active transport 2. ATP energy is utilised (a) Presence of pigments
C. Passive transport (b) Presence of thylakoids and grana
(c) Storage of starch, proteins and lipids
(a) A-1 B-2 C-2
(d) Ability to multiply by a fission-like process
(b) A-2 B-2 C-1
24. Plastid differs from mitochondria on the basis of one of the
(c) A-2 B-1 C-2
following features. Mark the right answer
(d) A-1 B-2 C-1
(a) Presence of two layers of membrane
17. Phospholipid molecules of cell membrane possess
(b) Presence of ribosome
(a) One polar head and one polar tail
(c) Presence of thylakoids
(b) One non-polar head and one non-polar tail
(d) Presence of DNA
(c) One polar head and two nonpolar tails
25. Consider the following statements
(d) One non-polar head and two non-polar tails
A. In prokaryotic cell, outgrowth of plasma membrane into
18. Order the following terms in a way that depicts how cell is called polysome.
membranes are likely to move through the cell
B. SER is major site for glycoprotein synthesis.
A. ER, B. Nuclear envelope, C. RuBisCO is most abundant protein of biosphere.
C. Glolgi apparatus, D. Vesicle, D. Mitochondria, chloroplasts and peroxisomes are not part
E. Plasma membrane of endomembrane system.
(a) A → B → C → D → E Which of the following statements are correct?
(b) A → D → B → D → C → D → E (a) C and D (b) C and B
(c) B → C → A → D → E (c) B and A (d) A and D
(d) B → A → D → C → D → E 26. A cell organelle ‘X’ is divided into two types on the basis of a
19. A student placed two cells in the same solution in two cell organelle ‘Y’, that helps in the protein synthesis. Identify
different containers. The observation was given in the table. ‘X’ and ‘Y’ respectively.
(a) Golgi complex and ribosome
Container Observation
(b) SER and mitochondria
1. Cell burst
(c) ER and ribosome
2. Cell does not change its shape
(d) Lysosome and ER

Which structure maintains the shape of the cell present in 27. Which of the following statement is true for a secretory cell?
container 2 and provides the most significant difference (a) Golgi apparatus is absent
between the two cells?
(b) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) is easily observed
(a) Nucleus (b) Cell wall in the cell.
(c) Chloroplast (d) Cell membrane (c) Only Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) is present
20. If living cells similar to those found on earth, were found (d) Secretory granules are formed in nucleus
on another planet where there was no oxygen. Which cell
28. The organelle ‘X’ is associated with the detoxification of
organelle would most probably be absent?
drugs. It involves in the muscle contraction by the release
(a) Cell membrane (b) Ribosome and uptake of Ca+2 ions. Identify ‘X’.
(c) Mitochondria (d) Chromosomes (a) Golgi complex
21. The stain used to visualize mitochondria is (b) RER
(a) Fast green (b) Safranin (c) SER
(c) Acetocarmine (d) Janus green (d) Free ribosomes

222 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

29. Read the statements given below with regard to the functions 37. Given below are some characters of a cell organelle. Identify
performed by Golgi apparatus? the correct organelle which shows all the characters described
(i) Transport and chemically modify the materials above
contained within it. (i) It is a membrane bound space found in the cytoplasm.
(ii) Performs the function of packaging materials.
(ii) It is bound by a single membrane called tonoplast.
(iii) Important site of formation of glycoproteins and
glycolipids. (iii) It contains water, sap, excretory products and other
materials not useful to the cell.
Which of the following is the correct answer?
(a) (i) is wrong but (ii) and (iii) are correct (iv) It has higher concentration of sap than the cytoplasm.
(b) (ii) is wrong but (i) and (iii) are correct (a) Golgi apparatus
(c) (ii) and (iii) are wrong but (i) is correct (b) Lysosomes
(d) All are correct (c) Endoplasmic reticulum
30. How many of the following properties are related to (d) Vacuoles
lysosomes? Membrane bound vesicular structure, hydrolases, 38. What is a tonoplast?
basic pH, formed in the RER, capable of digesting nucleic
acids (a) Outer membrane of mitochondria
(a) Two (b) Three (b) Inner membrane of chloroplast
(c) Four (d) Five (c) Membrane of the vacuole of plant cells
31. Choose the incorrect match (d) Cell membrane of a plant cell
(a) Nucleus — RNA 39. Which of the following statement is correct regarding
(b) Lysosome — Protein synthesis vacuole?
(c) Mitochondria — Respiration (a) It is membrane-bound and contains storage proteins and
(d) Cytoskeleton — Microtubules lipids.
32. Lysosomes are produced by (b) It is membrane-bound and contains water and excretory
(a) Golgi complex substances.
(b) Mitochondria (c) It lacks membrane and contains air.
(c) Endoplsmic reticulum (d) It lacks membrane and contains water and excretory
(d) Leucoplasts substances.
40. Fill in the blanks
33. Hydrolytic enzyme - lipases, proteases and carbohydrases are
found in 1. In plant cells, the vacuoles can occupy up to ...A... of the
(a) Lysosome (b) Golgi Bodies volume of the cell.
(c) ER (d) Mitochondrion 2. In plants, the tonoplast facilitates the transport of a
number of ions and other materials ...B... in concentration
34. Select one which is not true for ribosome
gradient into the vacuole, hence their concentration is
(a) Made up of two sub-units
significantly ...C... in the vacuole than in the cytoplasm.
(b) Form polysome
(c) May attach to mRNA 3. In Amoeba, the ...D... vacuole is important for excretion.
(d) Have no role in protein synthesis 4. In many cells, as in protists ...E... vacuoles are formed by
engulfing the food particles.
35. If A - 70S ribosomes, B - 80S ribosomes, C - single circular
DNA, D - RNA molecules, E - double helical linear DNA, F - (a) A-70%, B-along, C-higher, D-food, E-contractile.
thylakoids and G - stromal lamelllae, which of the following (b) A-70 to 90%, B-against, C-higher, D-contractile, E-food
set is found is mitochondria?
(c) A-90%, B-against, C-lower, D-contractile, E-inclusion
(a) B, D, E, F (b) D, E, F, G
(d) A-90%, B-against, C-higher, D-contractile, E-food
(c) A, D, E (d) A, C, D
41. Which of the following is not a function of cytoskeleton in a
36. Which of the following pair are correctly matched? cell?
A. Microtubules – Structural components of cilia (a) Protein synthesis
B. Centrioles – Store hydrolytic enzymes (b) Maintenance of cell shape and structure
C. Amyloplasts – Store oil protein and starch in plants (c) Support of the organelle
(a) A, B and C (b) A and B (d) Cell motility
(c) A only (d) A and C
Cell: The Unit of Life 223
42. Axonemal arrangement of microtubules is 44. Satellite means
(a) 6 peripheral pairs of doublets and one central pair of (a) Terminal part of the chromosome beyond secondary
singlets constriction.
(b) 6 peripheral pairs of doublets and one central singlets (b) Terminal part of the chromosome beyond primary
(c) 9 peripheral pairs of doublets and one central pair of constriction.
singlets (c) Terminal part of chromosome beyond tertiary constriction.
(d) 9 peripheral pairs of doublets and one central singlet
(d) None of the above
43. Which of the following stain is not used for staining
45. An outer covering membrane is absent over
(a) Basic fuschsin (b) Safranin (a) Nucleolus (b) Lysosome
(c) Methylene blue (d) Carmine (c) Mitochondria (d) Plastid

Multiconcept MCQs
1. Incorrect statement is 5. You are asked to examine a cell using a powerful light
(a) The shape of the cell may vary with the function they microscope. The image you see has a clearly defined nucleus
perform. and mitochondria. It also has a large central vacuole and
(b) The plasma membrane is the main arena of cellular chloroplasts. From what group of organisms did this cell
activities in both, plant and animal cells. most likely come?
(c) Ribosomes are non-membrane bound organelles found in
(a) Bacteria (b) Protists
all cells.
(d) Animal cell contain a non-membrane bound organelle (c) Fungi (d) Plants
called centriole which helps in cell division. 6. According to fluid mosaic model (proposed by Singer &
2. You have found a mass of cells in the sediment surrounding Nicolson), plasma membrane is composed of
a thermal vent in the ocean floor, the salinity in the area is
quite high. Upon microscopic examination of the cells you (a) Cellulose, hemicellulose
find no evidence of membrane-bound organelles. How would (b) Phospholipid and integrated protein
you classify this cell?
(c) Phospholipid, extrinsic protein and intrinsic protein
(a) As a eukaryotic cell
(b) As a prokaryotic cell (d) Phospholipid and hemicellulose
(c) As a member of domain Archaebacteria 7. In “Singer and Nicolson” model of plasma membrane, the
(d) Both (b) and (c) extrinsic proteins are
3. Correct statement is
(a) Tightly associated with intrinsic protein and can be easily
(a) Unicellular organisms are capable of independent
(b) Unicellular organisms are capable of performing essential (b) Relatively more than intrinsic proteins
functions of life (c) Loosely associated with lipid bilayer and can be easily
(c) Anything less than a complete structure of a cell does not separated
ensure independent existence
(d) All of these (d) Loosely associated with intrinsic protein and can’t be
easily separated
4. Single-celled animal like Amoeba engulf entire cells for
food. Which of the following represents the manner in which 8. Incorrect statement is/are
amoeba “eat”? A. All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
(a) Amoeba binds only what it has receptors for, the amoeba’s
cell membrane surrounds the cell to be digested, a vesicle B. Various chemical reactions occur in cytoplasm to keep
forms, and the vesicle fuses with a lysosome for digestion. the cell in the living state.
(b) Amoeba’s cell membrane surrounds the cell to be digested C. Plant cell have centrioles which are absent in almost all
a vesicle forms, and the vesicle fuses with a lysosome for animal cells.
(c) The cell is taken into the Amoeba’s vacuole, a vesicle D. The lipid component of the plasma membrane mainly
is formed, and the vesicle fuses with a lysosome for consists of phosphoglycerides.
digestion. (a) A, C and D (b) C only
(d) None of these (c) B and D (d) B only
224 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI
9. Keeping in view, the fluid mosaic model for the structure 14. Consider the following five statements ( A to E) w.r.t
of cell membrane, which one of the following statements is chloroplast shown below. Select the correct option stating
correct with respect to the movement of lipids and proteins which ones are True (T) and which ones are False (F)
from one lipid monolayer to the other described as flip-flop
(a) Both lipids and proteins can flip-flop
(b) While lipids can rarely flip-flop, proteins cannot
(c) While proteins can flip-flop, lipids cannot
(d) Neither lipids, nor proteins can flip-flop
10. Correct statement regarding mitochondria and Chloroplast.
A. ATP synthesis is seen in both
B. Outer membrane has more surface area in both A. It is impermeable and lack porins
C. Circular naked DNA, RNA and 70S ribosomes are seen B. It is selectively permeable having carrier proteins for
in both
C. Stalked thylakoids one over other which is the site of
D. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in both
production of assimilatory power
(a) A and B (b) B and C D. Present between two grana and contains enzymes of dark
(c) A and C (d) A and D reaction
11. Which labeled part increases surface area in mitochondria? E. It contains enzymes for the synthesis of sugar and
(a) F T T T T
(b) F T T F T
(c) T F T T T
(d) T F F T T
15. Identify correct options
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) Both (a) and (c)
12. Centrifugation of a cell results in the rupture of the cell
membrane and the contents compacting into a pellets in
the bottom of the centrifuge tube. Bathing this pellet with
a glucose solution yields metabolic activity including the
production of ATP. One of the contents of this pellet is most
likely which of the following?
(a) Cytosol (b) Mitochondria
(a) 1 = Outer membrane, 3 = Granum, 6 = Stroma
(c) Lysosomes (d) Golgi bodies
(b) 2 = Inner membrane, 3 = Stroma, 6 = Stromal lamellae
13. Find out the correct match with regard to stored food (c) 1 = Outer membrane, 4 = Thylakoid, 5 = Stroma
A. Aleuroplasts–Proteins (d) 2 = Inner membrane, 3 = Thylakoid, 6 = Matrix
B. Elaioplasts–Fats and Oils
16. Chloroplast does not contain
C. RER - Glycogen A. Double membraned envelope
D. Amyloplasts –Starch B. Grana and Stroma
(a) A & B only C. Matrix and Cristae
D. Circular DNA and 70S ribosomes
(b) A, B, C & D
(a) A and D (b) A and C
(c) A, B, & D
(c) C only (d) B and D
(d) A, C and D

Cell: The Unit of Life 225

17. Match the columns and find out the correct combination 21. The Golgi complex plays a major role
A. Endoplasmic 1. Stack of cisternae (a) In trapping the light and transforming it into chemical
reticulum energy
B. Sphaerosome 2. Store oils or fats (b) In digesting proteins and carbohydrates
C. Dictyosome 3. Synthesis and storage of (c) As energy transferring organelles
lipids (d) In post-translational modification of proteins and
D. Peroxisome 4. Photorespiration glycosylation of lipids
E. Elaioplasts 5. Detoxification of drugs 22. Study the following table.

(a) A-5 B-3 C-1 D-4 E-2 Cell organelle Function

(b) A-5 B-3 C-2 D-4 E-1
I. Ribosomes Protein synthesis
(c) A-2 B-3 C-1 D-4 E-5
II. Golgi complex DNA synthesis
(d) A-4 B-3 C-1 D-5 E-2
(e) A-3 B-5 C-1 D-4 E-2 III. Glyoxysomes Fat metabolism

18. It is important that certain free ribosomes bind to the outer IV. Nucleus Cell plate
surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in order to
complete their protein synthesis because Which two show the correct combination?
(a) The ER membrane will break down without the presence (a) I and II (b) II and III
of numerous ribosomes. (c) III and IV (d) I and III
(b) It allows for the synthesis of certain proteins to be 23. Match the columns and find out the correct combination
completed in the cytosol.
(c) It prevents the possibility that the synthesis of certain A. Flimmers 1. Peripheral tubules of
proteins, such as lysosomal hydrolases, would go to basal granule
completion in the cytoplasm.
B. Doublets 2. Lateral appendages of
(d) Mitochondrial ribosomes must transcribe proteins
encoded for, by mitochondrial DNA in this manner.
19. Name the labeled part ‘A’ in given diagram of endoplasmic C. Singlets 3. Pairs of arms
D. Triplets 4. Central tubules of axial

5. Peripheral tubules of axial


(a) A-3 B-5 C-4 D-1

(b) A-1 B-4 C-5 D-2
(a) Mesosomes
(c) A-2 B-5 C-4 D-1
(b) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
(c) Nuclear pore (d) A-1 B-3 C-4 D-5
(d) Ribosomes
24. “Many membrane bound minute vesicles called microbodies
20. Select correct set of statements from given below. that contain various enzymes are present in both plant and
A. The cytoplasm is the main arena of cellular activities in animal cells”.
plants and animals.
Above statement is correct for:
B. Cell envelope in bacteria is tightly linked 5 - layered
structure. (a) Organelle participating in photorespiration along with
C. The endomembrane system does not include semi- chloroplast and mitochondria.
autonomous organelles. (b) Plant lysosomes.
D. Convex face of golgi bodies is maturing face.
(c) Organelle having catalase as a marker enzyme.
(a) A & D (b) A & C
(d) All of these
(c) A, C, D (d) All are correct

226 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

25. Find out the correct option on the basis of following diagrams 28. Some cellular structures bounded by single or double
membranes, while some other without a membrane. Match
the organelle in List I with the nature of membrane in List II
and select the correct answer using the codes given below the
A. Mitochondria 1. Without membrane
B. Lysosomes 2. Single membrane
C. Ribosomes 3. Double membrane
D. Nucleus 4. Double membrane with pores
(a) A - Satellite, B-Secondary constriction C- Short arm, D-
Long arm (a) A-1 B-4 C-3 D-2
(b) A - A satellite, B - Centromere, C- Short arm, D- Long (b) A-3 B-1 C-2 D-4
(c) A-3 B-2 C-1 D-4
(d) A-2 B-4 C-1 D-3
(c) A - Secondary constriction, B - Satellite C - Long arm, 29. Match the columns and find out the correct combination
D - Short arm
A. Suicidal bags 1. Mitochondria
(d) A - NOR, B- secondary constriction C - Short arm, D -
B. Power house of the cell 2. Lysosomes
Long arm
C. Cell Brain 3. Nucleolus
26. Match the columns and find out the correct combination D. Ribosome factory 4. Chloroplast
A. Lysosomes 1. Protein synthesis 5. Nucleus

B. Ribosomes 2. Hydrolytic activity (a) A-2 B-4 C-5 D-3

(b) A-1 B-4 C-5 D-3
C. Smooth endoplasmic 3. Steroidogenesis (c) A-2 B-1 C-5 D-3
reticulum (d) A-2 B-4 C-5 D-1
D. Centriole 4. Glycolytic activity 30. Incorrect statement is
(a) All eukaryotic cells are not identical.
E. Chromosomes 5. Repository of genetic (b) Plant cells possess cell walls, plastids and a large central
information vacuole, which are absent in animal cell.
6. Formation of spindle (c) Animal cells have centrioles and dictyosomes which are
apparatus absent in almost all plant cells.
(d) Eukaryotic genetic material is organised into
(a) A-2 B-1 C-3 D-6 E-5 chromosomes.
(b) A-6 B-3 C-4 D-5 E-1 31. Match the columns and find out the correct combination
(c) A-1 B-4 C-3 D-6 E-1 A. Golgi apparatus 1. Conversion of lipids to
(d) A-4 B-3 C-1 D-2 E-5 B. Glyoxysomes 2. Catabolism of long chain
fatty acids
27. Most wild plants contain toxins that deter animals from C. Peroxisomes 3. Formation of glycopro-
eating them. A scientist discovered that a toxin produced teins and glycolipids
by a certain plant was also toxic to the same plant if it was D. Endoplasmic 4. Synthesis of lipids
applied to the roots of the plants. As the first step in finding reticulum
out why the plant was not normally killed by its own toxin, 5. Osmoregulation
he fractionated some plant cell and found that the toxin was (a) A-2 B-3 C-5 D-1
in the fraction that contained the largest cell organelle. He (b) A-4 B-5 C-1 D-2
also found that the toxin was not longer toxic after it was (c) A-5 B-4 C-2 D-3
heated. Which of the following statement are consistent with (d) A-3 B-1 C-2 D-4
the scientist’s observations? 32. Read the following statement carefully and mark them as true
A. The toxin was stored in the central vacuole (T) or false (F).
B. The toxin can cross the plasma membrane but not the A. The content of nucleolus is continuous with the rest of
membrane of the organelle in which it is stored the nucleoplasm.
B. In the chromoplast, water soluble carotenoid pigments
C. The toxin was stored in the chloroplast
like carotene and xanthophyll are present.
D. The toxin is likely to be lipid soluble C. Basal body of bacterial flagellum has 9 + 2 arrangement
E. The toxin may be an enzyme of microtubules.
(a) A, B and E (b) A, D and E (a) T, F, F (b) F, T, T
(c) B and C (d) C and E (c) T, F, T (d) T, T, F

Cell: The Unit of Life 227

NEET Past 10 Years Questions
1. Which of the following is an incorrect statement? (2021) 6. Which is the important site of formation of glycoproteins and
(a) Microbodies are present both in plant and animal cells. glycolipids in eukaryotic cells?  (2020)

(b) The perinuclear space forms a barrier between the (a) Peroxisomes (b) Golgi bodies
materials present inside the nucleus and that of the (c) Polysomes (d) Endoplasmic reticulum
cytoplasm. 7. The biosynthesis of ribosomal RNA occurs in:
(c) Nuclear pores act as passages for proteins and RNA  (2020 Covid Re-NEET)
molecules in both directions between nucleus and (a) Golgi apparatus (b) Microbodies
cytoplasm. (c) Nucleolus (d) Ribsosomes
(d) Mature sieve tube elements possess a conspicuous
8. Inclusion bodies of blue-green, purple and green
nucleus and usual cytoplasmic organelles.
photosynthetic bacteria are: (2020 Covid Re-NEET)
2. Match List-1 with List-2 (2021) (a) Gas vacuoles (b) Centrioles
List-1 List-2 (c) Microtubules (d) Contractile vacuoles
1. Cristae (i) Primary constriction in chromosome 9. Match the following columns and select the correct option;
 (2020 Covid Re-NEET)
2. Thylakoids (ii) Disc-shaped sacs in Golgi apparatus
Column-I Column-II
1. Smooth Endoplasmic (i) Protein synthesis
3. Centromere (iii) Infoldings in mitochondria
4. Cisternae (iv) Flattened membranous sacs in stroma
2. Rough endoplasmic (ii) Lipid synthesis
of plastids reticulum
Choose the correct answer from the options given below. 3. Golgi complex (iii) Glycosylation
(a) A-i B-iv C-iii D-ii 4. Centriole (iv) Spindle formation
(b) A-iii B-iv C-i D-ii
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(c) A-ii B-iii C-iv D-i
(a) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(d) A-iv B-iii C-ii D-i
(b) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
3. When the centromere is situated in the middle of two equal (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
arms of chromosomes, the chromosome is referred as:
(d) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(a) Telocentric (b) Sub-metacentric 10. The size of Pleuropneumonia - like Organism (PPLO) is:
(c) Acrocentric (d) Metacentric  (2020 Covid Re-NEET)
(a) 1 - 2 μm (b) 10 - 20 μm
4. The organelles that are included in the endomembrane system
(c) 0.1 μm (d) 0.02 μm
are: (2021)
(a) Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, Lysosomes and 11. The shorter and longer arms of a submetacentric chromosome
Vacuoles. are referred to as  (2019)

(b) Golgi complex, Mitochondria, Ribosomes and (a) s-arm and l-arm respectively
Lysosomes. (b) p-arm and q-arm respectively
(c) Golgi complex, Endoplasmic reticulum, Mitochondria (c) q-arm and p-arm respectively
and Lysosomes. (d) m-arm and n-arm respectively
(d) Endoplasmic reticulum, Mitochondria, Ribosomes and 12. Which of the following statements is not correct? (2019)
(a) Lysosomes have numerous hydrolytic enzymes.
5. Which of the following statements about inclusion bodies is (b) The hydrolytic enzymes of lysosomes are active under
incorrect?  (2020) acidic pH.
(a) These are involved in ingestion of food particles. (c) Lysosomes are membrane bound structures.
(b) They lie free in the cytoplasm (d) Lysosomes are formed by the process of packaging in the
(c) These represent reserve material in cytoplasm endoplasmic reticulum.
(d) They are not bound by any membrane

228 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

13. The concept of “Omnis cellula-e cellula” regarding cell 22. Which of the following components provides sticky character
division was first proposed by (2019) to the bacterial cell? (2017-Delhi)

(a) Rudolf Virchow (b) Theodor Schwann (a) Cell wall (b) Nuclear membrane
(c) Schleiden (d) Aristotle (c) Plasma membrane (d) Glycocalyx

14. Which of the following statements regarding mitochondria is 23. The correct sequence of involvement of cell organelles in
incorrect? (2019)
secretion of proteins from the cell is: (2017-Gujarat)
(a) Nucleus → Endoplasmic reticulum → Ribosomes
(a) Outer membrane is permeable to monomers of → Golgi apparatus → Secretory vesicles → Plasma
carbohydrates, fats and proteins. membrane
(b) Enzymes of electron transport are embedded in outer (b) Nucleus → Ribosomes → Endoplasmic reticulum
membrane. → Golgi apparatus → Secretory vesicles → Plasma
(c) Inner membrane is convoluted with infoldings.
(c) Nucleus → Ribosomes → Endoplasmic reticulum →
(d) Mitochondrial matrix contains single circular DNA Lysosomes → Plasma membrane
molecule and ribosomes. (d) Nucleus → Endoplasmic reticulum → Ribosomes →
15. Which among the following is not a prokaryote?  (2018) Golgi apparatus → Lysosomes → Plasma membrane
(a) Saccharomyces (b) Mycobacterium 24. Which of the following pathways is involved for packaging
(c) Nostoc (d) Oscillatoria of secretory proteins? (2017-Gujarat)
(a) RER → Trans face of Golgi body → Cis face of Golgi
16. Which of the following is true for nucleolus?  (2018) body → Secretory vesicles
(a) Larger nucleoli are present in dividing cells. (b) Trans face of Golgi body → Cis face of Golgi body →
(b) It is a membrane-bound structure. RER → SER → Secretory veiscles
(c) RER → Cis face of Golgi body → Trans face of Golgi
(c) It takes part in spindle formation.
body → Secretory vesicles
(d) It is a site for active ribosomal RNA synthesis (d) Cis face of Golgi body → Trans face of Golgi body →
17. The Golgi complex participates in  (2018) RER → Secretory vesides
(a) Fatty acid breakdown 25. The type of ribosomes is same in (2017-Gujarat)
(b) Formation of secretory vesicles (a) Eukaryotic cytoplasm, mitochondria and endoplasmic
(c) Respiration in bacteria reticulum
(d) Activation of amino acid (b) Cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, their mitrochondria and
18. Which of the following events does not occur in rough
endoplasmic reticulum?  (2018) (c) Cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, their chloroplasts and
(a) Protein folding
(b) Protein glycosylation (d) Prokaryotes, mitochondria and chloroplasts
(c) Cleavage of signal peptide 26. Reserved material in prokaryotic cells is stored as:
(d) Phospholipid synthesis  (2017-Gujarat)

19. Many ribosomes may associate with a single mRNA to form (a) Basal body (b) Inclusion bodies
multiple copies of a polypeptide simultaneously. Such strings (c) Mesosome (d) Polysome
of ribosomes are termed as  (2018)
27. A complex of ribosomes attached to a single strand of mRNA
(a) Polysome (b) Polyhedral bodies
is known as: (2017-Gujarat)
(c) Plastidome (d) Nucleosome
(a) Okazaki fragment (b) Polymer
20. Select the incorrect match:  (2018)
(c) Polyribosome (d) Polypeptide
(a) Lampbrush chromosomes – Diplotene bivalents 28. A cell organelle containing hydrolytic enzymes is: (2016 - II)
(b) Allosomes – Sex chromosomes
(a) Ribosome (b) Mesosome
(c) Submetacentric – L-shaped chromosomes
chromosomes (c) Lysosome (d) Microsome
(d) Polytene chromosomes – Oocytes of amphibians 29. Select the wrong statement: (2016 - II)

21. Which of the following cell organelles is responsible (a) Cyanobacteria lack flagellated cells.
for extracting energy from carbohydrates to form ATP? (b) Mycoplasma is a wall-less microorganism
 (2017-Delhi) (c) Bacterial cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan.
(a) Lysosome (b) Ribosome (d) Pilli and fimbriae are mainly involved in motility of
(c) Chloroplast (d) Mitochondrion bacterial cells
Cell: The Unit of Life 229
30. Select the mismatch: (2016 - II) 40. Match the columns and identify the correct option.
(a) Protists - Eukaryotes  (2015 Re)
(b) Methanogens - Prokaryotes Column-I Column-II
(c) Gas vacuoles - Green bacteria A. Thylakoids (i) Disc-shaped sacs in Golgi
(d) Large central vacuoles - Animal cells apparatus
31. Microtubules are the constituents of: (2016 - I) B. Cristae (ii) Condensed structure of DNA
(a) Cilia, Flagella and Peroxisomes
C. Cisternae (iii) Flat membranous sacs in stroma
(b) Spindle fibres, Centrioles and Cilia
(c) Centrioles, Spindle fibres and Chromatin D. Chromatin (iv) Infoldings in mitochondria
(d) Centrosome, Nucleosome and Centrioles (a) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(ii)
32. Spindle fibres attach on to: (2016 - I) (b) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(ii)
(a) Telomere of the chromosome (c) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(i)
(b) Kinetochore of the chromosome (d) A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(ii)
(c) Centromere of the chromosome 41. Cellular organelles with membranes are: (2015 Re)
(d) Kinetosome of the chromosome (a) Chromosomes, ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum
33. Mitochondria and chloroplast are (b) Endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and nuclei
(a) Semi-autonomous organelles (c) Lysosomes, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria
(b) Formed by division of pre-existing organelles and they (d) Nuclei, ribosome and mitochondria
contain DNA but lack protein synthesizing machinery
Which one of the following options is correct? (2016 - I) 42. Balbiani rings are sites of: (2015 Re)
(a) Nucleotide synthesis
(a) Both (A) and (B) are correct
(b) Polysaccharide synthesis
(b) (B) is true but (A) is false (c) RNA and protein synthesis
(c) (A) is true but (B) is false (d) Lipid synthesis
(d) Both (A) and (B) are false
43. Chromatophores take part in:  (2015 Re)
34. Which one of the following is not an inclusion body found in (a) Growth (b) Movement
prokaryotes? (2015) (c) Respiration (d) Photosynthesis
(a) Glycogen granule (b) Polysome
44. The structures that help some bacteria to attach to rocks and /
(c) Phosphate granule (d) Cyanophycean granule or host tissues are: (2015 Re)
35. The chromosomes in which centromere are situated close to (a) Fimbriae (b) Mesosomes
one end are: (2015) (c) Holdfast (d) Rhizoids
(a) Telocentric (b) Sub-metacentric
45. Which of the following structures is not found in a prokaryotic
(c) Metacentric (d) Acrocentric
cell? (2015 Re)
36. Select the correct matching in the following pairs: (2015) (a) Ribosome (b) Mesosome
(a) Rough ER – Synthesis of glycogen (c) Plasma membrane (d) Nuclear envelope
(b) Rough ER – Oxidation of fatty acids
(c) Smooth ER – Oxidation of phospholipids 46. Which of the following is not membrane-bound? (2015 Re)

(d) Smooth ER – Synthesis of lipids (a) Ribosomes (b) Lysosomes

(c) Mesosomes (d) Vacuoles
37. The structures that are formed by stacking of organized
flattened membranous sacs in the chloroplasts are: (2015) 47. The motile bacteria are able to move by: (2014)

(a) Stroma lamellae (b) Stroma (a) Pili (b) Fimbriae

(c) Flagella (d) Cilia
(c) Cristae (d) Grana
48. The solid linear cytoskeleton elements having a diameter of 6
38. Nuclear envelope is a derivative of: (2015)
nm and made up of a single type of monomer are known as:
(a) Microtubules  (2014)
(b) Rough endoplasmic reticulum (a) Lamins (b) Microtubules
(c) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (c) Microfilaments (d) Intermediate filaments
(d) Membrane of Golgi complex
49. The osmotic expansion of a cell kept in water is chiefly
39. DNA is not present in: (2015) regulated by: (2014)
(a) Nucleus (b) Mitochondria (a) Ribosomes (b) Mitochondria
(c) Chloroplast (d) Ribosomes (c) Vacuoles (d) Plastids

230 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

50. Which structures perform the function of mitochondria in 55. Which one of the following cellular parts is correctly
bacteria? (2014) described? (2012 Mains)
(a) Mesosomes (b) Nucleoid (a) Thylakoids - flattened membranous sacs forming the
(c) Ribosomes (d) Cell wall grana of chloroplasts
51. Match the following and select the correct answer: (2014) (b) Centrioles - sites for active RNA synthesis
A. Centriole i. Infoldings in mitochondria (c) Ribosomes - those on chloroplasts are larger (80S) while
B. Chlorophyll ii. Thylakoids those in the cytoplasm are smaller (70S)

C. Cristae iii. Nucleic acids

(d) Lysosomes - optimally active at a pH of about 8.5

D. Ribozymes iv. Basal body cilia or flagella 56. Which one of the following structures is an organelle within
an organelle? (2012 Mains)
(a) A-iv B-iii C-i D-ii (a) Ribosome (b) Peroxisome
(b) A-iv B-ii C-i D-iii (c) ER (d) Mesosome
(c) A-i B-ii C-iv D-iii 57. Select the correct statement from the following regarding cell
(d) A-i B-iii C-ii D-iv membrane: (2012 Pre)

52. Which one of the following organelle in the figure correctly (a) Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane was proposed by
matches with its function? (2013) Singer and Nicolson
(b) Na+ and K+ ions move across cell membrane by passive
(c) Proteins make up 60 to 70% of the cell membrane
(d) Lipids are arranged in a bilayer with polar heads towards
the inner part

58. What is true about ribosomes? (2012 Pre)

(a) Rough endoplasmic reticulum, protein synthesis (a) These are self-splicing introns of some RNAs
(b) Rough endoplasmic reticulum, formation of (b) The prokaryotic ribosomes are 80S, where “S” stands for
glycoproteins sedimentation coefficient
(c) Golgi apparatus, protein synthesis (c) These are composed of ribonucleic acid and proteins
(d) Golgi apparatus, formation of glycolipids (d) These are found only in eukaryotic cells
53. A major site for synthesis of lipids is: (2013)
59. Which one of the following does not differ in E.coli and
(a) Nucleoplasm (b) RER Chlamydomonas? (2012 Pre)
(c) SER (d) Symplast (a) Cell membrane
54. The Golgi complex plays a major role: (2013) (b) Ribosomes
(a) In post translational modification of proteins and (c) Chromosomal Organisation
glycosidation of lipids (d) Cell wall
(b) In trapping the light and transforming it into chemical
energy 60. Ribosomal RNA is actively synthesised in: (2012 Pre)

(c) In digesting proteins and carbohydrates (a) Ribosomes (b) Lysosomes

(d) As energy transferring organelles (c) Nucleolus (d) Nucleoplasm

Cell: The Unit of Life 231

Topicwise Questions
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (d) 27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (d) 30. (a)
31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (d) 40. (b)
41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (d) 44. (b) 45. (a) 46. (d) 47. (a) 48. (a) 49. (a) 50. (c)
51. (d) 52. (d) 53. (b) 54. (c) 55. (b) 56. (b) 57. (c) 58. (c) 59. (c) 60. (c)
61. (c) 62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (d) 65. (a) 66. (c) 67. (d) 68. (b) 69. (d) 70. (d)
71. (b) 72. (b) 73. (c) 74. (d) 75. (a) 76. (a) 77. (d) 78. (d) 79. (c) 80. (d)
81. (c) 82. (c) 83. (c) 84. (b) 85. (d) 86. (b) 87. (a) 88. (a) 89. (c) 90. (d)
91. (c) 92. (b) 93. (c) 94. (b) 95. (b) 96. (c) 97. (a) 98. (c) 99. (b) 100. (d)
101. (d) 102. (c) 103. (a) 104. (b) 105. (d) 106. (d) 107. (c) 108. (a) 109. (a) 110. (d)
111. (d) 112. (d) 113. (a) 114. (b) 115. (a) 116. (c) 117. (d) 118. (c) 119. (b) 120. (a)
121. (b) 122. (a) 123. (d) 124. (a) 125. (c) 126. (b) 127. (c) 128. (d) 129. (d) 130. (d)
131. (a) 132. (b) 133. (b) 134. (b) 135. (a) 136. (c) 137. (d) 138. (d) 139. (a) 140. (c)
141. (d) 142. (d) 143. (c) 144. (d) 145. (a) 146. (a) 147. (b) 148. (c) 149. (a) 150. (d)
151. (a) 152. (b) 153. (c) 154. (c) 155. (a) 156. (c) 157. (c) 158. (d) 159. (a) 160. (c)
161. (d) 162. (d) 163. (a)

Learning Plus
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (d)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (d) 30. (b)
31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (d) 36. (c) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (d)
41. (a) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (a)

Multiconcept MCQs
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (c)
31. (d) 32. (a)

NEET Past 10 Years Questions

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20. (d)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (c) 29. (d) 30. (d)
31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (d) 36. (d) 37. (d) 38. (b) 39. (d) 40. (a)
41. (c) 42. (c) 43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (d) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (a)
51. (b) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (a) 57. (a) 58. (c) 59. (a) 60. (c)
232 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI
Cell: The Unit of Life
Topicwise Questions
AN OVERVIEW OF CELL & CELL THEORY 19. (c) The genetic material of prokaryotic cells is called
1. (b) Only plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplast.
20. (b) Polysomes have two components. One is ribosome while
2. (c) Cell was discovered by Robert Hooke. another is mRNA.
3. (b) Cells having membrane bound nucleus are known as 21. (d) Reproduction not a function of mesosome.
Eukaryotic cell.
22. (c) The larger component of a bacterial ribosome is 50 S,
4. (a) Blood platelets have a diameter of 2-3 m, although they are
whereas the smaller subunit is 30 S.
classified as cell fragments rather than cells themselves.
As a result, erythrocytes are the tiniest cells. 23. (a) Nuclear envelope is not found in a prokaryotic cell.
5. (b) Theodore Schwann named the outer layer of the cell 24. (c) Gas vacuoles can be seen in photosynthetic bacteria that
which is today known as Cell membrane. are blue, green, or purple.
6. (d) Rudolf Virchow gave Omnis cellula-e cellula. 25. (a) Muramic acid is present in cell walls of Bacteria and blue-
7. (c) The main arena of cellular activities in plant and animal green algae.
cells is cytoplasm. 26. (d) Membrane-bound organelles, nucleolus, and centrioles
8. (d) Plasma membranes are found on all cells. Organelles can are absent in prokaryotic cells.
only be found in eukaryotes. 27. (d) A polysome or polyribosome is formed when several
9. (a) The cells discovered in thin sections of cork by Robert ribosomes connect to a single mRNA.
Hooke were actually cell wall. 28. (d) Peptidoglycan makes up the prokaryotic cell wall. Murein
10. (b) Rudolf Virchow was the first to explain how cells divide or mucopeptide are other names for it.
and new cells are produced from pre-existing cells (Omnis 29. (d) Some prokaryotes, such as cyanobacteria, have
cellula-e cellula). chromatophores, which are membrane extensions into the
11. (b) Cell theory states that Cell are the functional and structural cytoplasm that carry pigments.
units of plants and animals. 30. (a) Prokaryotes' genetic material is essentially naked, as it is
12. (d) An exception to cell theory is Virus. not encased by a nuclear membrane.
13. (c) The ostrich egg is the largest isolated single cell. 31. (c) Prokaryotes lack a well-developed nucleus but do have
14. (b) Prokaryotes lack a clearly defined nucleus. ribosomes.
15. (d) Schleiden and Schwann states that living beings are made 32. (b) Bacteria's cell envelope is made up of three parts:
up of cells. glycocalyx, cell wall, and cell membrane.
16. (c) Robert Hooke discovered the cell as a basic unit of Glycocalyx is the cell envelope's outermost mucilage
structure in living things. layer.

PROKARYOTIC CELLS The cell wall is a stiff solid covering that gives the cell
its shape and provides structural support. Between the
17. (c) Mesosomes, which are infoldings of the prokaryotic cell plasma membrane and the glycocalyx is the cell wall.
membrane, have mitochondria-like functions. The deepest component of the cell envelope is the plasma/
18. (d) Cell envelope of prokaryotes consists of glycocalyx, cell cell membrane, which is a selectively permeable covering
wall and cell membrane. of the cytoplasm.
33. (a) The filament is the longest part of the bacterial flagella 56. (b) Membrane components, particularly proteins, glycolipids,
that extends from the cell surface to the outside. and glycoproteins, are distributed asymmetrically.
34. (c) Gas vacuoles are tonoplast-free vacuoles seen in some 57. (c) Proteins are embedded in phospholipid bilayers, according
prokaryotes. Photosynthetic bacteria such as blue-green, to the fluid mosaic model.
purple, and green, for example. 58. (c) Membrane proteins can be classed as integral or peripheral
35. (a) The cell wall shapes the cell and offers a strong structural depending on how easy they are to remove.
support to keep the bacterium from bursting or collapsing. 59. (c) Lipids, proteins and carbohydrates macromolecule are
36. (c) Ribosomes in prokaryotes are made up of two subunits found in plasma membrane.
(30 S + 50 S), which when combined create 70 S. 60. (c) Active transport involves molecules being transported
37. (c) A mesosome is a unique membranous structure created across a membrane against a concentration gradient, i.e.
when the plasma membrane extends into the cell. from a lower to a higher concentration. For example, the
Vesicles, tubules, and lamellae are examples of these Na+/K+ pump.
extensions. They play a role in cell wall construction,
DNA replication, and daughter cell dispersal. They also CELL WALL AND LAMELLA
aid respiration and secretion activities by increasing 61. (c) Both prokaryotic and plant cells have cell walls.
plasma membrane surface area and enzymatic content. 62. (b) Plasmodesmata link the cytoplasm of neighbouring cells,
38. (c) Outside of the genomic DNA, several bacteria have tiny while the central lamella retains or binds the cells together.
circular DNA. Plasmids are tiny pieces of DNA. 63. (c) A young plant cell's main wall can develop, but as the cell
39. (d) The cell wall of both bacteria and cyanobacteria contains matures, the primary wall shrinks and the secondary wall
Muramic acid. forms on the inner (membrane) side of the cell.
40. (b) The existence or absence of a nucleus was the only 64. (d) After the creation of the main wall, the secondary wall is
distinguishing feature listed. located near the plasma membrane.
41. (b) A prokaryotic cell does not have a nuclear membrane. 65. (a) The cell wall is made up of several layers of microfibrils.
42. (c) Only prokaryotic cells have mesosomes. 66. (c) The middle lamella is made up of Ca-peptate, which
43. (d) The filament, hook, and basal body of a bacterial flagellum connects the neighbouring cells.
are made up of three pieces. 67. (d) The most abundant substance of middle lamella is pectin.
44. (b) Eukaryotic cells contain all of the additional features 68. (b) The cytoplasm of neighbouring cells are connected
listed. through middle lamella.
45. (a) The term “Glycocalyx” is used for layer surrounding the 69. (d) Cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, and proteins make up
cell wall of bacteria. the cell wall of plants.
46. (d) Capsule allows the bacterium to hide from the host’s 70. (d) The cell wall's diverse tasks include providing structure
immune system. to the cell, protecting it from mechanical damage and
EUKARYOTIC CELLS infection, aiding cell-to-cell connection, and acting as a
barrier to unwanted macromolecules.
47. (a) Shape of RBC is round and biconcave.
48. (a) A plant cell has a stiff cell wall and a big central vacuole. MITOCHONDRIA
49. (a) Centriole is present in only animal cell. 71. (b) Semi-autonomous cell organelles of cell are chloroplast
and mitochondria.
PLASMA MEMBRANE 72. (b) Oxysomes, also known as F0-F1 particles, are tiny
50. (c) Lipid, protein, and carbohydrates make up the cell particles that protrude from the inner surfaces of cristae
membrane. In different cell types, the protein-to-lipid and the inner mitochondrial membrane.
ratio varies greatly. RBC membranes include around 40% 73. (c) Mitochondria is referred to as the cell's powerhouse. It's in
lipids and 52% proteins in humans. charge of energy-releasing processes.
51. (d) Membrane components, particularly proteins, glycolipids, 74. (d) Oxysome present in mitochondria.
and glycoproteins, are distributed asymmetrically.
52. (d) The fluid nature of the membrane is vital for tasks such 75. (a) Oxysomes or F0 - F1 particles occur on Inner mitochondrial
as cell division, cell proliferation, endocytosis, secretion, membrane.
and the creation of intercellular junctions. 76. (a) Folding of inner mitochondrial membrane are called
53. (b) The Singer’s Model of plasma membrane differs from the Cristae.
Robertson’s model in the arrangement of protein. 77. (d) Mitochondria are known as the cell's powerhouse or ATP
54. (c) In fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane phospholipids mills because they are sites of ATP generation, respiration,
form a bimolecular layer in middle. electron transport, and oxidative phosphorylation, all
55. (b) Both glycolipids and glycoproteins function as cell-to-cell of which are utilised in the cell's different metabolic
recognition signals. activities/functions.
56 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI
78. (d) All above mentioned statements are correct. 104. (b) Vesicles flattened sacs, and tubules make up the
79. (c) Cristae can be found in the mitochondrial wall. endoplasmic reticulum, which is a cell's interconnected
membranous network.
80. (d) The mitochondrion is known as the cell's powerhouse. It
is in this organelle that the majority of the processes and 105. (d) Cytochrome P450 is responsible for the detoxification of
ATP synthesis occur. lipid-soluble medicines and other hazardous compounds
in the endoplasmic reticulum.
81. (c) Oxysomes (elementary particles or F0 or F1 particles) are
found in mitochondria and are in charge of phosphorylation 106. (d) Sphaerosomes are primarily involved in lipid metabolism.
Plant lysosomes are another name for them. Smooth
of the respiratory chain.
endoplasmic reticulum is involved in lipid production in
PLASTIDS animal cells.
82. (c) Elaioplast is also known as oleoplast. (ii) Golgi Complex
83. (c) Stacks of membranous flattened discs in chloroplasts are 107. (c) The Golgi apparatus and the SER are both folded
termed as grana. membranes capable of forming vesicles.
84. (b) The intrathylakoid space (lumen) is separated from the 108. (a) The Golgi components are bound by Single unit
cytoplasm by three membranes: the thylakoid membrane membrane.
and two double membranous chloroplast. 109. (a) The Golgi apparatus is a crucial site for protein
85. (d) Elaioplast stores oils and fats. modification and packing.
86. (b) Chlamydomonas has one chloroplast per cell, while the 110. (d) ER, golgi complex, lysosomes, and vacuoles are all part
mesophyll has 20 to 40 chloroplast per cell. of the endomembrane system of eukaryotic cells.
87. (a) Chloroplasts & mitochondria are present in animal cells. 111. (b) Three morphological forms of Golgi complex are
Cisternae, tubules and vesicles.
88. (a) The thylakoids' membrane encloses a space known as the
112. (d) Golgi body is associated with packaging of the material,
cell plate formation and secretion of different substance.
89. (c) Centriole structure occurs in epidermal cells of humans
113. (a) Complex macromolecules are broken down by lysosomal
but, not in epidermal cells of leaves.
enzyme and golgi complex associated with modification,
90. (d) Proplastids, leucoplasts, and chloroplasts are the precursors packaging, transportation and cell plate formation.
to chromoplasts. Chloroplasts undergo transformation
during ripening of fruit (e.g., tomato, chilli), when the (iii) Lysosome
colour of the fruit changes from green to reddish orange. 114. (b) Hydrolytic enzymes are abundantly found in Lysosome.
91. (c) Granum is a stack of lamella found inside a plastid. 115. (a) 'Apoptosis' causes the tadpole tail to disappear during
92. (b) Quantasomes can be discovered in the grana/chloroplast. metamorphosis. Lysosomes have a role in autophagy's
final stages.
93. (c) Cell organelle that store carbohydrates is amyloplast.
116. (c) The lysosome contains 40 different acid hydrolases
94. (b) Mitoplast is not a plastid type. (digestive enzymes). The operation of an ATP-fueled
95. (b) Leucoplasts helps in the storage of starch. proton pump in the lysosome membrane causes an acidity
of pH 5(4.6 to 5). RER produces digesting enzymes,
96. (c) Plastids are divided into three types based on the pigments
which are then packed into lysosomes.
they contain: chloroplasts, chromoplasts, and leucoplasts.
117. (d) E.R., Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, spherosomes, vacuoles,
97. (a) The mesophyll cells contain the majority of the microbodies (peroxisomes, glyoxisomes), thylakoids,
chloroplasts in green plants. cilia and flagella are bound by a single unit membrane ,
98. (c) Protein are stored in aleuroplast. mitochondria, plastids and nucleus are enclosed by 2 unit
99. (b) Functional unit of chloroplast is quantasome.
118. (c) If lysosomes within the cell break due to the release
ENDOMEMBRANE SYSTEM of lysosomal enzymes, the cell will perish (hydrolytic
(i) Endoplasmic Reticulum
119. (d) Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes.
100. (d) Forming face, Golgi complex is associated with ER. 120. (a) Lysosomes contain nearly all types of hydrolytic enzymes
101. (d) The endoplasmic reticulum is responsible for the and are hence capable of intracellular macromolecule
modification and routing of freshly synthesised proteins
to their final destination. RIBOSOME
102. (c) The endoplasmic reticulum is extensive and connects to 121. (b) 70S type of ribosomes are found in prokaryotic cells,
the nucleus' outer membrane. It is the link between the chloroplasts and mitochondria.
nuclear envelope and the cell membrane.
122. (a) The 'S' in 70S and 80S ribosomes stands for sedimentation
103. (a) Rough E.R. mainly responsible for protein synthesis. coefficient and is referred to as the Svedberg unit.
Cell: The Unit of Life 57
123. (d) Sedimentation coefficients are a measure of size and 140. (c) Microbodies are membrane-bound minute vesicles that
density indirectly. contain a variety of enzymes and are found in both plant
124. (a) Protein synthesis takes place on ribosomes. Protein and animal cells.
synthesis takes place in both the cytoplasm and the
mitochondria of animal cells. CYTOSKELETON
125. (c) Ribosomes, which are non-membrane bound organelles 141. (d) Microtubules are responsible for the formation of spindle
found in all cells, are and flagella.
They can be found in the cytoplasm, chloroplasts (in 142. (d) Cytoskeleton provides mechanical support and shape to
plants), mitochondria, and the rough endoplasmic the cell.
reticulum (ER).
126. (b) Ribosome is not consider as true membrane bound
organelle. 143. (c) Ribosome & nucleolus lacks unit membrane.
CENTROSOME (Centriole) 144. (d) The ER is directly attached to the nucleus' outer membrane.
This link enables material synthesised in the nucleus to
127. (c) The organelle devoid of DNA but capable of duplication enter the ER directly through the nuclear pores.
is centriole. 145. (a) Extrachromosomal DNA is found in mitochondria and
128. (d) Centrioles and centrosomes are present in animal cells. chloroplast.
129. (d) The nucleolus, ribosome, and centriole are non- 146. (a) The diagrammatic representation of chromosomes is
membranous organelles. known as Idiogram.
130. (d) Each centriole has a cartwheel organisation having a 147. (b) A chromosome having sub-terminal centromere is called
whorl of 9 peripheral fibrils, which can be represented acrocentric.
with a 9+0 arrangement. 148. (c) Chromosome having centromere in its middle is
131. (a) Centriole is vital in spindle formation during nuclear
division. 149. (a) DNA is found in mitochondria, plastids, and chromosomes.
150. (d) The nucleus has chromatin, which is a loose and unclear
132. (b) Centrioles and centrosomes are found in the cells of
network of nucleoprotein fibres.
151. (a) L-shaped chromosomes are telocentric.
133. (b) Centrioles are cylindrical structures that are perpendicular
152. (b) Centromere is present in chromosome.
to each other. Centrioles are made up of nine uniformly
spaced peripheral fibrils of tubulin protein, and each 153. (c) rRNA is synthesised in the nucleolus.
peripheral fibril of a centriole is triplet. The hub is the 154. (c) Function of the nucleolus is the formation of r- RNA.
central section of the centriole's proximal area. 155. (a) Nucleoplasm contains Nucleolus and chromatin.
134. (b) The central proteinaceous part of proximal region of the 156. (c) Balbiani rings (puffs) are sites of RNA and protein
centriole is called hub. synthesis.
157. (c) In nucleoplasm, a conspicuous body of spherical
shapeattached to a particular chromosome on a definite
135. (a) The principal protein of cilia and flagella is Tubulin. position is called nucleolus.

136. (c) Cilium and flagellum originate from the basal body, a 158. (d) The nucleoprotein structures are chromatin, ribosome,
and virus.
centriole-like structure.
159. (a) In an acrocentric chromosome, the centromere is near the
VACUOLE end, with one arm being very long and the other being
very short.
137. (d) Membrane covering the vacuole is termed as tonoplast.
160. (c) D > A > B > C
161. (d) Chromosomes are found in the nucleus. Chloroplasts and
138. (d) Peroxisomes are high in glycolic acid and oxidase, which mitochondria have their own DNA, as do chloroplasts and
converts glycolic acid (a photosynthetic product) to mitochondria.
glyoxylic acid.
162. (d) Organelles with double membranes include the nucleus,
139. (a) Peroxisomes and lysosomes are both membrane-bound mitochondria, and chloroplasts.
organelles with a single membrane.
163. (a) The nuclear pores are the channels via which RNA and
Factors that alter diffusion rate will also affect carrier- protein molecules flow in both directions between the
mediated facilitated diffusion. nucleus and the cytoplasm.
58 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI
Learning Plus

1. (a) The size, shape, and activity of cells in an organism vary 13. (c) Singer and Nicolson (1972) presented a widely accepted
widely. cell membrane structure known as the fluid mosaic
I. Mycoplasmas are the tiniest cells, measuring about model, which argues that fluid, composed of lipids, aids
0.3 m in length. in protein migration within the membrane.
II. Bacterial cells are 3 to 5 m in size. 14. (d) The biochemical analysis of the cell membrane clearly
demonstrates that protein and carbohydrates are
III. Human red blood cells have a diameter of roughly
biochemical components of the cell membrane.
7.0 m.
IV. With a size of 15 x 13 cm, ostrich eggs are among the 15. (b) Phosphoglycerides make up the majority of the lipid
largest cells. component of the cell membrane.
2. (b) Anabaena is the only organism in the list that is not 16. (d)
Passive osmosis and There are no energy
a eukaryote and only has prokaryotic characteristics, osmosis transport requirements.
such as the lack of membrane-bound organelles and an
undefined nucleus. Active transport The energy stored in ATP is
3. (d) Inclusion bodies are non-membrane bound cell organelles used.
that store reserve food materials such as cyanophycean 17. (c) Cell membrane phospholipid molecules made up of two
granules. non-polar tails and one polar head.
4. (b) In both prokaryotic and some eukaryotic cells, the presence
of a cell wall is a common feature. Bacteria contain it 18. (d) The normal flow of membrane within the cell is from the
(prokaryotes). Fungi, algae, and plants are all examples nuclear envelope (B) to the rough ER (A), and then from
of microorganisms (eukoryotes). Prokaryotes have no the rough ER to the nuclear envelope (B).
nuclear membrane, no membrane-bound subcellular From the Golgi apparatus (A) to the plasma membrane
organelles, and their genetic material, known as nucleoid, (C), and from the plasma membrane to the Golgi
is naked.
apparatus (C) (E). Vescles allow membrane mobility
5. (d) In prokaryotic cells, reserve material is kept in the between the nuclear envelope, Golgi appartus, and ER.
cytoplasm as inclusion bodies. These are unbound by any
membrane system and are found floating around in the 19. (b) The cell wall protects the cell, keeps it in shape, and
cytoplasm. provides it with support and strength. The cell's actions
are controlled by the nucleus. Chloroplast is a plant cell
6. (a) Mesosomes are present exclusively in bacterial cells.
organelle that produces food. The cell membrane connects
7. (c) Prokaryotes' plasma membrane is physically comparable the many components of the cell while simultaneously
to that of eukaryotes. separating it from its environment.
8. (a) Ribosomes have a size of roughly 15 nm by 20 nm. 20. (c) Aerobic respiration takes place in mitochondria. They
9. (d) The cell envelope is made up of a closely bound three- produce cellular energy in the form of ATP, which is why
layer structure, with the glycocalyx on the outside, the they are called mitochondria. The cell's 'power homes' are
cell wall on the inside, and the plasma membrane on the referred to as such. In the absence of oxygen, respiration
outside. ceases and mitochondria cease to exist.
10. (d) The absence of a nucleus is a common feature of both
21. (d) Janus green is a staining agent for mitochondria. Janus
plant sieve tubes and human erythrocytes. Sieve tubes are
a phloem component that are devoid of nucleus. Similar green is a colour indicator that changes colour depending
to erythrocytes in mammalian cells, erythrocytes lack on how much oxygen is present. In the presence of oxygen,
a nucleus. RBCs known as erythrocytes aid in gaseous it turns blue, while in the absence of oxygen, it turns pink.
exchange. 22. (c) The quantity of mitochondria per cell varies according to
11. (a) A peptidoglycan-based cell wall can be found in the cells' physiological activity. There is a great deal of
Eukaryotes, on the other hand, are bacteria, not variation in terms of shape and size as well.
eukaryotes. Cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and chitin
23. (d) The ability to multiply by a fission-like process in all
are all components of the eukaryotic cell wall.
12. (a) Plasmodesmata are a transport channel that connects
two neighbouring cells. They are really little. Plant and 24. (c) The presence of thylakoids, which are structural
algal cells have channels that run through their cell walls, components of chloroplasts, distinguishes them (plastids)
allowing them to communicate and carry information. from mitochondria.

Cell: The Unit of Life 59

25. (a) Polysome refers to the extension of the plasma membrane 37. (d) The provided properties are associated with the vacuole,
into the cell in prokaryotic cells. The Golgi apparatus a cell organelle. The vacuole is a membrane-bound
is a key site for the production of glycoproteins and organelle found in both animal and plant cells, albeit plant
glycolipids. cells are significantly larger. Vacuoles are simply confined
compartments filled with water containing inorganic and
26. (c) ER is split into two forms based on the presence or lack of organic molecules in solution, including enzymes, though
ribosomes, RER and SER, respectively. Protein synthesis they may also include solids that have been engulfed in
is aided by RER, while lipid synthesis is aided by SER. some situations. Vacuoles can store food or any other
27. (b) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) is seen in cells that nutrients that a cell requires to live. They can even store
are involved in protein synthesis and secretin production. waste items in order to keep the remainder of the cell clean.
28. (c) The main site for lipid synthesis is the smooth endoplasmic 38. (c) The vacuole in a plant cell is separated from the rest of
the cell by a single membrane called the tonoplast. The
reticulum. It has something to do with drug detoxification
tonoplast aids in the transfer of ions and other materials
and metabolism. The release and uptake of Ca+2 ions are
into the vacuole against a concentration gradient. As a
involved in muscle contraction. "Both plant and animal result, their concentration in the vacuole is higher than in
cells contain several membrane-bound minute vesicles the cytoplasm.
called microbodies that carry diverse enzymes." 39. (b) A vacuole is a membrane-bound organelle that can
29. (d) The Golgi apparatus performs all of the roles indicated.In be found in both animal and plant cells, though plant
most eukaryotic cells, the Golgi apparatus is an organelle. cells are much larger. Vacuoles are essentially confined
Camillo Golgi, an Italian surgeon, discovered it in 1897 compartments that contain bacteria.
and named it after him in 1898. The Golgi apparatus Vacuoles, which are filled with water containing inorganic
is a key site for the production of glycoproteins and and organic compounds in solution, including enzymes,
glycolipids. may store food or any other nutrition a cell requires to
thrive. They can even store waste items in order to keep
30. (b) These are membrane-bound vesicular structures generated
the remainder of the cell clean.
during the Golgi apparatus packaging process. Almost
40. (d)
all types of hydrolytic enzymes were discovered to be
(a) In plant cells, vacuoles can take up to 90 percent of
abundant in the isolated lysosomal vesicles, which are
the cell's volume.
best active at acidic pH. Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids,
(b) In plants, the tonoplast supports the transport of a
and nucleic acids can all be digested by these enzymes.
variety of ions and other materials into the vacuole
31. (b) Protein synthesis occurs in ribosomes, which are connected against a concentration gradient, resulting in a
to the endoplasmic reticulum's surface by ribophorin-I and substantially higher concentration in the vacuole than
ribophorin-II. The lysosome contains about 50 hydrolytic in the cytoplasm.
enzymes. Proteases, nucleases, glycosidases, lipases, (c) The contractile vacuole is necessary for excretion in
phospholipases, phosphatases, and sulphatases are among Amoeba.
the enzymes. Acid hydrolases are found in all lysosomal (d) Food vacuoles are generated by engulfing food
enzymes and are most active at pH 5.0. particles in numerous cells, including protists.
32. (a) Lysosomes are membrane-bound vesicular structures 41. (a) The cytoskeleton is unrelated to intracellular transport.
generated during the Golgi apparatus packing process. The cytoskeleton is made up of microtubules and
microfilaments, which are important for cellular and
33. (a) Hydrolytic enzymes such as lipases, proteases, and
intercellular movement. The remaining selections
carbohydrases are abundant in lysosomal vesicles. represent cytoskeleton functions in a cell.
34. (d) Ribosomes are non-membrane bound organelles that are 42. (c) The axoneme normally has nine pairs of radially oriented
essential for protein production. As a result, the claim that peripheral microtubules and a pair of microtubules in
ribosomes play no function in protein synthesis is false. the centre. The 9 + 2 array refers to this configuration of
35. (d) The mitochondrial matrix contains a single circular DNA axonemal microtubules.
molecule, a few RNA molecules, ribosomes (70S), and 43. (b) In gramme staining and endospore staining, safranin is
the components necessary for protein synthesis. utilised as a counterstain. It's also capable of detecting
cartilage, mucin, and mast cell granule.
36. (c) Pair A is the right answer.
44. (a) A satellite is a tiny chromosomal section that is separated
Hydrolytic enzymes are stored in lysosomes. from the chromosome's main body by a secondary
Amyloplasts — Through the polymerization of glucose, constriction. It's frequently linked to the short arm of an
they are responsible for the creation and storage of starch acrocentric chromosome in humans. They are essential in
granules. the development of the nucleolus following cell division.
SAT (satellite) chromosomes are found in humans on
Elaioplasts - It's where oil and fats are stored. Proteins are
chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22.
stored in aleuroplasts.
45. (a) A membrane does not surround the nucleolus.
60 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI
Multiconcept MCQs

1. (b) In both plant and animal cells, the cytoplasm is the primary 19. (d)
site of cellular activity.
2. (d) Membrane-bound organelles are absent in prokaryotes.
Archaebacteria may thrive under extremes of salinity and
3. (d) All the above-mentioned options are correct.
4. (b) When an Amoeba swallows its prey, a portion of the
plasma membrane pinches off, forming a feeding
vacuole within the cell. The vacuole joins a lysosome, a
A is ribosomes.
membrane-enclosed sac that contains hydrolytic enzymes
that decompose the prey. Before the indigestible, the little 20. (b) The cell envelope is made up of three layers, the outermost
food molecules are absorbed into the cytoplasm. of which is the glycocalyx, followed by the cell wall, and
finally the plasma membrane. The golgi bodies' convex
5. (d) Plants are the only organisms that have chloroplast with
faces are forming a face.
well define nucleus.
21. (d) The Golgi apparatus is a key site for glycoprotein
6. (c) The plasma membrane is made up of phospholipids,
and glycolipid synthesis. Phosphorylation (adding a
extrinsic protein, and intrinsic protein, according to Singer
phosphate group) and glycosylation (adding a saccharide)
& Nicolson's fluid mosaic model.
are the most important post-translational changes in many
7. (c) There are two types of membrane proteins: integral protein functions.
and peripheral. Integral proteins are buried partially or
22. (d) Ribosomes help in protein synthesis, Glyoxysomes helps
completely in the membrane, whereas peripheral proteins
in fat metabolism.
are found on the surface.
23. (c) A-2 B-5 C-4 D-1
8. (b) Animal cells have centrioles, whereas plant cells lack
them in almost all cases. 24. (d) Microbodies are membrane-bound vesicular organelles
with a small size. Both plant and animal cells have them.
9. (b) A lipid bilayer, as well as extrinsic and intrinsic proteins,
They include a variety of enzymes and proteins but no
make up the plasma membrane. Flip-flop movement is the
genetic information.
migration of lipid molecules from one lipid monolayer
to the next. In lipid molecules, flip-flop movement is 25. (b) A - A satellite, B - Centromere, C- Short arm, D- Long
uncommon, but it is absent in protein molecules. arm.
10. (c) Mitochondria and chloroplast are both regarded sources 26. (a) A-2 B-1 C-3 D-6 E-5
of cellular energy production. They are made up of bare 27. (a) The following claims are in agreement with the scientist's
circular DNA, RNA, and 70S ribosomes. observation:
11. (c) Cristae help to increase surface area. The poison was stored in the central vacuole in the first
12. (b) Cellular respiration, or the creation of ATP, is taking place place.
in the pellet. It takes place in the mitochondria. B. The toxin can pass through the palsma membrane but
13. (c) Smooth ER synthesises and stores glycogen in skeletal not the organelle membrane where it is kept.
muscle and liver cells. E. It's possible that the toxin is an enzyme.
14. (b) Chloroplasts have an exterior membrane that is highly 28. (c) A-3 B-2 C-1 D-4
permeable and an inner membrane that is much less
permeable and contains membrane transport proteins. 29. (c) A-2 B-1 C-5 D-3
30. (c) Dictyosomes are tiny Golgi apparatus-type vesicles found
15. (a) 1 = Outer membrane, 3 = Granum, 6 = Stroma
in plant cells. Centrioles, on the other hand, are not found
16. (c) Mitochondrial matrix and cristae are present. in plant cells.
17. (a) A-5 B-3 C-1 D-4 E-2 31. (d) A-3 B-1 C-2 D-4
18. (c) As proteins are produced, they must be deposited into the 32. (a) Because the nucleolus is not a membrane-bound structure,
ER lumen (membranous sacs). Some must be secreted out its contents are continuous with the remainder of the
of the cell and must begin their journey in the ER; others, nucleoplasm. Carotene, xanthophylls, and other fat-
such as lysosomal hydrolases, are simply too toxic to soluble carotenoid pigments are found in the chromoplasts.
synthesise in the cell's cytoplasm (cytosol), as they would The axoneme generally has nine pairs of radially arranged
digest away sections of the cell if they were. doublets.

Cell: The Unit of Life 61

NEET Past 10 Years Questions

1. (d) Mature sieve tube elements do not have nucleus but have 11. (b) The 'p' arm (p = petite, i.e. short) and the 'q' arm (q =
cytoplasm. (Anucleated living cells). long) of the chromosome are the shorter and longer arms,
2. (b) A-(iii) B-(iv) C-(i) D-(ii) respectively.
12. (d) Lysosomes bud off from transface to Golgi bodies
3. (d)
Precursor of lysosomal enzymes are synthesized by RER
I. Telocentric Centromere placement very close and then send to Golgi bodies for further processing.
to the top, p arms barely visible if So, the not correct answer is Lysosomes are formed by the
visible at all. process of packaging in the endoplasmic reticulum.
II. Acrocentric q arms are still much longer than the 13. (a) Rudolf Virchow was the first to introduce the concept of
p arms, but the p arms are longer than "Omnis cellula-e cellula" in relation to cell theory.
those in telocentric. 14. (b) Electron transport enzymes are situated in the inner
III. Submetacentric p and q arms are very close in length membrane of mitochondria.
but not equal. 15. (a) Saccharomyces is a yeast genus.
IV. Metacentric p and q arms are equal in length. 16. (d) In the nucleus of a cell, the nucleolus is a tiny compact
spherical structure. Ribosome biosynthesis takes place
4. (a) Endomembrane system includes the endoplasmic here.
reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes. Vesicles
17. (b) The Golgi complex (apparatus), like the ER, is a packaging
also allow the exchange of membrane components with a
organelle. It concentrates and packs proteins and lipids
cell's plasma membrane.
from the ER into secretory vesicles after modifying them.
5. (a) In prokaryotic cells, reserve material is stored in the 18. (d) Phospholipid production occurs in the cystosol close to
cytoplasm as inclusion bodies. These are unbound by any the ER membrane.
membrane system and are found floating around in the Phospholipids are made in the smooth endoplasmic
cytoplasm. reticulum from phosphatidic acid and 1, 2 diacylglycerol.
Food particle ingestion is aided by lysosomes. 19. (a) Polysome or polyribosome is a cluster of ribosomes bound
6. (b) The production of glycoproteins and glycolipids takes together by a strand of mRNA in
place in the Golgi bodies. 20. (d) Polytene chromosomes are present in salivary glands of
Dipteran larvae, according to NCERT
7. (c) Nucleolus is a location where active ribosomal RNA
synthesis takes place. In cells that are actively synthesising 21. (d) Mitochondria is where carbohydrates are aerobically
proteins, nucleoli are larger and more numerous. oxidised to produce ATP.
22. (d) The glycocalyx or slime layer is responsible for the
8. (a) In prokaryotic cells, reserve material is stored in the
bacterial wall's stickiness. Glycoproteins abound in this
cytoplasm as inclusion bodies. Phosphate granules, stratum.
cyanophycean granules, and glycogen granules, for
23. (b) The nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi
example, are not bound by any membrane system and
apparatus, secretory vesicles, and plasma membrane are
lie free in the cytoplasm. Blue green, purple, and green
the correct order of cell organelles involved in protein
photosynthetic bacteria have gas vacuoles.
9. (d) The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) is the primary 24. (c) Materials from the RER that will be packaged as vesicles
location for lipid production. SER produces lipid-like fuse with the cis face of the Golgi apparatus and migrate
steroidal hormones in animal cells. towards the developing face before being released from
RER is found in a lot of cells that are involved in protein the trans face.
synthesis and secretion. They are long and contiguous 25. (d) 70S ribosomes are found in mitochondria, chloroplasts,
with the nucleus's outer membrane. and bacterial ribosomes.
The Golgi apparatus is a key site for the production of 26. (b) NCERT (XI) Ch - 8, Pg. 129 In prokaryotic cells, reserve
glycoproteins and glycolipids. material is stored in the cytoplasm as inclusion bodies.
27. (c) In the cytoplasm, a polyribosome or polysome is formed
During cell division in animal cells, the centrioles create
when many ribosomes connect to a single strand of
the basal body of cilia or flagella, as well as spindle fibres
that give rise to the spindle apparatus.
28. (c) Almost all types of hydrolytic enzymes (hydrolases –
10. (c) Bacteria, blue-green algae, mycoplasma, and PPLO are lipases, proteases, carbohydrases) were discovered to be
examples of prokaryotic cells (Pleuro Pneumonia Like abundant in the isolated lysosomal vesicles, which are
Organisms). PPLO has a diameter of 0.1 mm. best active at acidic pH.

62 Full Course Study Material NEET-XI

29. (d) The pili are tubular elongated structures formed of a 45. (d) Membrane-bound organelles do not exist in prokaryotic
unique protein. Fimbriae are small bristle-like threads that cells.
emerge from the cell's surface. They are known to aid in They don't have a nucleus that is attached to the membrane.
the attachment of bacteria to rocks in streams as well as 46. (a) Riibosomes are granular formations that are primarily
host tissues in some bacteria, but they do not play a role in made up of RNA and proteins. They are not encased in
motility. any kind of membrane.
Plant cells have cell walls, plastids, and a big central
47. (c) Flagella helps with motility. Pili and fimbriae are not
vacuole, which are lacking in animal cells.
involved in motility.
30. (d) Plant cells have cell walls, plastids, and a large central
48. (c) Microfilament is a single monomer with a diameter of 5-7
vacuole, which are absent in animal cells. Animal cells,
on the other hand, have centrioles, which are lacking in
practically all plant cells. 49. (c) Osmoregulation is the purpose of vacuoles.
31. (b) Microtubules are the constituents of spindle fibres, 50. (a) In prokaryotes, similar to mitochondria, the mesosome
centrioles, and cilia. aids in respiration.
32. (b) Spindle fibres adhere to the chromosome's kinetochore. 51. (b) On flagella, the centriole is the basal body cilia. Infoldings
33. (c) Mitochondria and chloroplast are semi-autonomous in mitochondria - Chlorophyll - Thylakoid Cristae Nucleic
organelles that include single circular DNA, a few RNA acid ribozymes
molecules, ribosomes (70S), and other proteins-synthesis- SER: Ribosome absent, engaged in lipid synthesis
related components. 52. (a) SER: Ribosome absent, involved in lipid synthesis RER:
34. (b) In prokaryotic cells, reserve material is retained in Ribosomes are present and play a role in protein synthesis.
the cytoplasm as inclusion bodies, such as phosphate
53. (c) SER is the location of lipid production.
granules, glycogen granules, and cyanophycean granules.
35. (d) The centromere is located in acrocentric chromosomes. At 54. (a) Plays a key function in protein post-translational
its ends, forming one extremely short and one extremely modification and lipid glycosidation. It's also useful for
long arm. packaging.
36. (d) RER stands for protein synthesis. 55. (a) Centriole - Contributes to cell division Nucleolus - Active
SER stands for lipid and steroidal hormone synthesis. RNA production sites
37. (d) The stroma contains a number of thylakoids, which are 56. (a) Ribosomes are found in two types of organelles:
flattened membrane sacs that are organised. Thylakoids chloroplasts (in plants) and mitochondria (in animals).
are stacked in grana, which are stacks of coins. 57. (a) The membrane's intricate structure was only explored
The nucleus is a double membrane bound organelle. following the invention of the electron microscope in the
38. (b) Its outer membrane is normally contiguous with the 1950s. Singer and Nicolson (1972) introduced the fluid
ribosome-bearing endoplasmic reticulum. mosaic model, which is largely acknowledged as a better
Except for ribosomes, the nucleus, chloroplast, and description of cell membrane structure.
mitochondria all carry DNA. The erythrocyte membrane contains around 52 percent
39. (d) Ribosomes are made up of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein and 40 percent lipids in humans.
proteins and do not have a membrane surrounding them. Within the membrane, the lipids are organised with the
40. (a) The stroma of chloroplasts contains a number of organised polar heads on the outside and the hydrophobic tails on
flattened membrane sacs called thylakoids. The cristae the inside. This guarantees that saturated hydrocarbons'
form a series of infoldings in the inner mitochondrial nonpolar tails are protected from the aqueous environment.
membrane as it moves towards the matrix. Golgi bodies
Active transport transports Na+ and K+ ions through the
are made up of multiple flat, disc-shaped sacs or cisternae
cell membrane.
that are stacked parallel to one other and range in diameter
from 0.5 to 1.0 m. 58. (c) Ribosomes are non-membrane bound organelles that
41. (c) Ribosomes are the granular structures first observed can be found in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
by George Palade. They are not encased in any kind of Ribosomes are connected with the cell's plasma membrane
membrane. in prokaryotes. They measure roughly 15 nm by 20 nm
42. (c) Polytene chromosomes were discovered for the first time and are made up of two subunits: 50S and 30S units
in the salivary gland of Chironomus tantans. They have that combine to make 70S bacterial ribosomes. Protein
puff or balbiani rings that create lateral loops where DNA synthesis takes place on ribosomes. Ribonucleic acid and
becomes active and copies of RNA are produced. proteins make up ribosomes.
43. (d) Other membrane expansions into the cytoplasm of 59. (a) Prokaryotic cell membranes are structurally identical
some prokaryotes, such as cyanobacteria, are called to eukaryotic cell membranes. As a result, there is no
chromatophores, and they carry photosynthetic pigments. difference between E.coli and Chlamydomonas.
44. (a) Fimbriae are small bristle-like fibres that emerge from 60. (c) Protein synthesis takes place on ribosomes. The nucleolus
the cell's surface. They are known to aid in the bacteria's is where active ribosomal RNA production takes place.
adhesion to rocks in streams as well as host tissues.

Cell: The Unit of Life 63

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