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Detailed Lesson Plan

Science 9: Genetics

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Approved by:
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. illustrate Recombination between eukaryotic species and building a DNA Library,
2. differentiate the three mechanisms of recombination between bacterial species,
3. appreciate the uses of Recombinant DNA Technology.

II. Subject Matter and References

Topic: Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
 Dove biology (2013), Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology? from:
 Insight Medical Publishing (2020), Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology from:
 Nature Education (2014), Genetic Recombination from:
 Khan Academy (2020), Genetic Variation in Prokaryotes from:
 Nature Education (2014), Recombination from:
 Great Pacific Media (2009), Recombinant DNA Technology from:
 AP Tech Nova (2018), Construction of DNA library Retrieved from:

Materials: Laptop, Projector, Speaker, Ppt Presentation, Drawing Materials, printed pictures and
white board marker.

III. Procedure(s)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Daily Routine
“Everyone please stand-up, pick up all the
pieces of trash under your chairs and arrange
your chair properly” “Done Ma’am”

“Very good class you may now take your sits”

B. Prayer
“Class remain standing, any one please leads
the prayer?” (Student’s Prayer)

C. Greetings
“Good Morning 2-A!” “Good Morning Ma’am Abbie, Jesus loves
“Jesus loves you too, you may now take your

D. Checking of Attendance
“Is there any absent Ms. Secretary?” “No one is absent Ma’am!”

“Very Good Class!”

E. Review of the past lesson

“Before we start our next lesson let’s have a
short recall about what we tackle last time.
Now, can anyone still remember what we
discuss last time?” “Ma’am we tackled about the RNA Synthesis
along with the Imitation, Elongation,
Termination, Protein Synthesis and Gene
Regulation in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes”
“That’s right thank you, now what was the
other term for RNA synthesis?” “Ma’am RNA synthesis is also known as
transcription, it is the production of an RNA
molecule from the nucleotides adenine,
cytosine, guanine or uracil.”
“Wow so precise good job! For our last
question who can remember what was the
process in which cells make proteins and its
two stages, anyone?” “The process in which cells make proteins are
Protein Synthesis and it occurs in two stages
the transcription and translation.”
“Exactly, your memory was so good.”

“Each one will be going to find their partner

within 10 seconds, and 10 seconds start now” “Yes Ma’am!”
(Student’s find their pair)

“Now that you find your pair, I will handout

drawing materials and you have to choose
who will going to be the blind artist and the
(choosing who is going to be the Director and
other will going to be the Director”
Blind Artist

“The Blind Artist is the one who will going

to draw while the Director, he or she will be
going to guide the blind artist in drawing the
picture that handed by them. They may
ONLY say directions, lines, colors and shapes
and you will do this back to back so you can’t
see each other.”
(sit back to back with each other)
“I will handout now the picture to the
Director. And I will give you 3 minutes to
finish the activity. Do you understand class?” “Yes Ma’am!””

“Based on your observation, what was the
activity all about” “Ma’am, I think what we draw is related on
the topic that we are going to discuss today”

“Excellent, another who wants to share their

observation about what we did earlier”
“Ma’am, I think it’s about DNA processes”
“Very well said, now who wants to give their
perception or who wants to guess what we’re
going to tackle for today?”
“Ma’am based on our activity I think we will
be dealing with Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology in line with DNA
“Exactly! Later on, we will use the picture Recombination.”
that the blind artist draws along with the


“Genetic engineering, also called genetic

modification, is the direct manipulation of an
organism’s genome using biotechnology. It is
a set of technologies used to change the
genetic makeup of cells, including the transfer
of genes within and across species boundaries
to produce improved or novel organisms.
New DNA is obtained by either isolating or
copying the genetic material of interest using
molecular cloning methods or by artificially
synthesizing the DNA. A construct is usually
created and used to insert this DNA into the
host organism. As well as inserting genes, the
process can also be used to remove, or "knock
out", genes. The new DNA can be inserted
randomly, or targeted to a specific part of the

A. DNA Recombination in Nature

“How does DNA recombination work? It

occurs frequently in many different cell types,
and it has important implications for genomic
integrity, evolution, and human disease,
anyone who can guess?” “DNA recombination involves the exchange
of genetic material either between multiple
chromosomes or between different regions of
the same chromosome.”
“Very good, also this process is generally
mediated by homology; that
is, homologous regions of
chromosomes line up in preparation for
exchange, and some degree of sequence
identity is required. Various cases of
nonhomologous recombination do exist.
When we say homologous and
nonhomologous what is it?” “Ma’am homologous is having the same
relative position, value or structure while
nonhomologous is being of unlike genetic
constitution or used of chromosomes of one
set containing nonallelic genes.”
1. Recombination between Bacterial

“Exactly! Now we were going to proceed in

Recombination between bacterial species
. When you hear the word “clone”, what do
you think of?” “replica”




“That’s right! But now what do you think
when you hear the word clone in terms of
bacteria? maybe you will think the bacteria
around you, on your skin, growing on your
kitchen sink are “cloning” themselves all the
time. What else can you think how does the
bacteria cloning their selves?” “Bacteria are cloning their selves by splitting
in two via binary fission

“Yeah and when we say Binary fission it

makes clones, or genetically identical copies,
of the parent bacterium. Since the “child”
bacteria are genetically identical to the parent,
binary fission doesn’t provide an opportunity
for genetic diversity. This contrasts with
sexual reproduction. Still, genetic variation is
key to the survival species, allowing groups to
adapt to changes in their environment by
natural selection. That’s true for bacteria as
well as plants and animals. So, it’s not too
surprising that prokaryotes can share genes by
three other mechanisms the conjugation,
transformation and transduction”

1. Transformation
“First let’s discuss Transformation, so come
here in front the pair that draw the bacterial
transformation and show the original picture
and the pictured draw by our blind artist” (Student’s go in front and showcase what they
did earlier in the activity)

“Behind the original picture is how

transformation happen, can you please read.” “In transformation a bacterium takes up a
piece of DNA floating in its environment,
often DNA that’s been shed by other bacteria.
In a laboratory, the DNA may be introduced
by scientists. If the DNA is in the form of a
circular DNA called plasmid, it can be
copied in the receiving cell and passed on its
“Thank you, you may now go back to your (go back to their sits)
respective sits”

“Imagine that a harmless bacterium takes up

DNA for a toxin gene from a pathogenic
(disease-causing) species of bacterium. If the
receiving cell incorporates the new DNA into
its own chromosome (which can happen by a
process called homologous recombination), it
too may become pathogenic”
2. Transduction
Insert picture
“Next is the transduction, whose pair do the
bacterial transduction? can you go here in front
to show what you did earlier and read how
transduction happen?”
(Student’s go in front and showcase what they
did earlier in the activity)

“Transduction happen when virus that infect

bacteria move short pieces of chromosomal
DNA from one bacterium to another “by
“You heard it right, even a bacterium can get a
virus! thank you, you may now take your sits.”
(go back to their sits)
“The virus that infect bacteria are called
bacteriophages. Bacteriophages, like other
virus, are the pirates of the biological world-
they command a cell’s resource and use them
to make more bacteriophages. Bacteriophages
can accidentally transfer genetic material from
one bacterium to another. However, this
process can be a little sloppy, sometimes,
chunks of host cell DNA get caught inside the
new bacteriophage as they are made. When one
of these “defective” bacteriophages infects a
cell, it transfers the DNA, some bacteriophages
chop the DNA of their host cell into pieces,
making this transfer process more likely.”

3. Conjugation

“Lastly is the conjugation, whose pair do the

bacterial conjugation? can you go here in front
to show what you did earlier and read how
transduction happen?”

“DNA is transferred between bacteria through

a tube between to another cell. After the
donor cell pulls itself close to the recipient
using a structure called a pilus, DNA is
transferred between cells.”

“In most cases, this DNA is forming a plasmid

Donor cells typically act as donors because
they have a chunk of DNA called the fertility
factor or F factor. This chunk of DNA codes
for the proteins that make up the sex pilus. It
also contains a special site where DNA transfer
during conjugation begins. If the F factor is
transferred during conjugation, the receiving
cell turns into an F+ donor that can make its
own pilus and transfer DNA to other cells.”

Here’s one analogy: this process is sort of like

how a vampire can turn other people into
vampires by biting them.
2. Recombination between Eukaryotic

“Let’s move on to Recombination between

Eukaryotic Species, come here in from the pair
that draw this, and read how the recombination

(Student’s go in front and showcase what they

did earlier in the activity)

“In eukaryotic cells, which are cells with a

nucleus and organelles, recombination
typically occurs during meiosis. Meiosis is a
form of cell division that produces gametes, or
egg and sperm cells. During the first phase of
meiosis, the homologous pairs of maternal and
paternal chromosomes align. During the
alignment, the arms of the chromosomes can
overlap and temporarily fuse, causing a
crossover. Crossovers result in recombination
“For you to understand clearly, we have two and the exchange of genetic material between
copies of each chromosome in our cells, one the maternal and paternal chromosomes.”
from our father and one from our mother.
These chromosomes are known as
homologous chromosomes. During genetic
recombination, homologous chromosomes
physically exchange pieces of genetic
information. As a result, offspring can have
different combinations of genes than their
parents. Genes that are located farther apart
on the same chromosome have a greater
likelihood of undergoing recombination,
which means they have a greater
recombination frequency”

B. Recombinant DNA Technology

[video presentation by Great Pacific Media
(2009), Recombinant DNA Technology
Retrieved from:]

“Based on the video what can you say about

Recombinant DNA Technology?”

“Recombinant DNA Technology have many

uses like modifying an organism so that it can
produces a material such as a protein that is
useful to human”

“through this it allows human gene that codes

for the production of insulin into bacteria to
produce human insulin”

“it genetically modified characteristics of

organisms in a manner that either increases
their commercial value or semi lights the
characteristics of human diseases and
experimental organisms so that researcher can
study various treatments in more controlled
1. Building DNA Library and Identifying conditions that would be possible with human
gene subjects”

“Recombinant DNA technology works by

constructing DNA Library. This form of a
library allows a research to analyze unique
human DNA fragments and locate the
fragments that contain the gene the researcher
wants to study”

[video presentation by AP Tech Nova (2018),

Construction of DNA library Retrieved from:

“Now for the remaining drawings that we do

in our activity, choose one representative each
pair, come here in front and I want you to
arrange yourself on how to create a DNA
Library based on the video”

(arranging the drawing based on how to build

“For the remaining pair who can enumerate a DNA library)
how DNA Library created?”

“Ma’am first is to extract and purify DNA,

Next is digest DNA with restriction enzyme,
then insert into plasmids, seal DNA with
DNA ligase and Lastly, make bacteria take up
recombinant DNA. So, the entire collection of
cells and DNA represents a human DNA

“Very good, also the recombinant plasmids

remain separated from the bacteria’s own
DNA making it easy to extract again, to
analyze any of the DNA fragments the
bacteria are grown on a rich medium that
allows them to reproduce to make more of the
recombinant DNA that’s all for our discussion
for today.”

IV. Application
A. Identify the following:
________1. Chunk of DNA
________2. It can be copied in the receiving cell and passed on its descendant.
________3. Another term for Genetic Engineering.
________4. Virus that infect bacteria are called___.
________5. Result in recombination and the exchange of genetic material between the
maternal and paternal chromosomes.

B. Write 1-5 on the step on how to create a DNA Library

_______ Seal DNA with DNA ligase
_______ Digest DNA with restriction enzyme
_______ Extract and purify DNA
_______ Insert into plasmids
_______ Make bacteria take up recombinant DNA
C. Draw and explain the Recombination between Eukaryotic Species (5pts)

The students able to identify the following statement, then enumerate the steps on creating DNA
Library and lastly, they can draw and explain the Recombination between Eukaryotic Species.

Research about Euthenics and Eugenics

“As we keep discovering our world, science blends with spirituality and accepts we must
believe in order to see”

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