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Topic: Bone structure

Main goal:
- Understanding the physical structure and chemical composition of bones.
Operational goals:
- discusses the physical structure of bones,
- lists the chemical composition of bones,
- describes an experiment showing the role of mineral salts and ossein,
observation, elements of lecture and show, research, practical.

Forms of work:
individual or in groups.

Teaching aids: trays with chicken femurs (natural, burnt, soaked in vinegar)

Stages of the lesson:

I. Introductory phase
1. Organizational activities.
2. Checking students' understanding of the previous lesson.
3. Providing the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II. Main phase

1. Presentation of the chemical composition of bones and the functions of individual
components, students observe the contents of the jars

Experiment no. 1.

Research problem: What properties do minerals give bones?

Hypothesis: Minerals make bones hard and durable.

Prediction: Acetic acid will remove minerals from the bones. The bones will become soft and flexible.

Materials: Two chicken bones, 250 ml of acetic acid, 250 ml of water, two 500 ml jars with lids.

Performing the experiment: Prepare the experimental set.

Test: Pour 250 ml of vinegar into a jar and immerse one of the prepared bones in it. Close the jar and
set aside for the duration of the experiment.

Control test: Pour 250 ml of water into the jar and immerse the second bone in it. Close the jar and set
it aside for the duration of the experiment.
Duration of the experience: 5 days.

Method of collecting results: After completing the experiment, compare the properties of the bones
from the control and test samples.
Write down the results and conclusions in your notebook.

Results: Nothing happened to the bone kept in water - it is the same as before. The bone kept
in vinegar became very flexible and impossible to break.
Conclusion: Bone is made of organic compounds and minerals. The vinegar washed away the
bone minerals, leaving only organic compounds. It follows that mineral compounds give
bones hardness and stiffness, and organic compounds - elasticity.

Experiment no. 2.
Warning! Carry out the experiment under the supervision of an adult.
Research problem: What properties do proteins give to bones?
Hypothesis: Proteins make bones flexible.
The course of the experiment:
Prepare: two chicken bones of similar shape and similar length, a burner, and tongs.
Test test: Bone exposed to high temperature.
Control: Bone not subjected to high temperature.

Task completion:
1. Light the burner. Grab one of the bones with tongs and hold it over the burner so that it
starts burning.
Do not expose the second bone to high temperature.
2. Wait until the high-temperature bone cools down.
Result: Compare the study sample with the control sample. Check what properties the bone
acquires after burning the protein substance.
Write down the results and conclusions in your notebook

Results: the bone lost elasticity under the influence of high temperature.


The protein contained in bones will lose its properties under the influence of high
temperature, and the bone will become lighter and brittle.

III. Summary phase

1. Assessment of students' activity.

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