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Name: Ryan Charles Ordeniza Course/Year: BSCA 2B Date: _____________

Direction: Essay. Be responsive to the question. Try to be brief and direct. A yes or no answer without

explanation will not earn points. 5 points each

1. Is Globalization is recent phenomenon?

Globalization isn't new; it's been happening for a really long time. Way back, people traded goods and ideas across
different places. Think about the Silk Road or when explorers like Columbus traveled to new lands. Later, during the
Industrial Revolution, things sped up with better technology and trade. After World War II, countries started working
together more, and now, with the internet and fast travel, the world is even more connected. So, globalization is like the
world getting closer and more linked, and it's been happening for a very, very long time.

2. Differentiate “globophobia” from “globophilia”.

Globophobia refers to a fear or aversion towards globalization. Globophilia, on the other hand, is a term used to
describe a positive or favorable view of globalization, while globophobia reflects a negative outlook and fear towards
globalization, globophilia represents a positive and embracing perspective, viewing globalization as a force for positive
change and collaboration on a global scale.

3. Explain why globalization helps accelerate social change.

Globalization makes the world smaller by letting different ideas mix, and this speeds up how societies change. The
internet and media help people share information worldwide, making us more open-minded. Exchanging cultural ideas
challenges old ways of living. Countries doing more business together creates new jobs and can change how families
work. Globalization also helps more people get education and new ideas, so they question old ways and want things to
be better. People with similar values worldwide can connect and push for important changes, like treating everyone fairly
or protecting the environment. New technology, like smartphones, makes it easy for people to talk and work together,
making changes happen faster.

4. Explain why developments in technology is one of the causes of globalization.

Developments in technology cause globalization because they make it easy for people to talk, share information, and do
business with others worldwide, using tools like the internet, smartphones, and fast transportation.

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