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B2 2.

1a (c)
A Leaf in detail
A waxy layer on the surface of
Most photosynthesis takes the leaf that prevent water loss.
place in these cells.

2. Irregular shape, some
Found inside (1), they contain
chlorophyll, which takes in light
energy used for photosynthesis.


3. Transport water, mineral

salts and sugars around the

Allow gases to circulate.

4. plant.

Control movement of gases in

and out of leaf.

1. Label the boxes: palisade cells, spongy cells, stomata, air spaces, vascular tissue, chloroplasts and add arrows to join each box to
the right part of the leaf.
2. Complete the following sentences:Leaves are thin so that ______________________ can reach internal cells
quickly. Their broad, flat surface provides maximum surface area for light absorption and ___________
___________ capture.
Structure How it helps photosynthesis 1. How do the adaptations help the plant
to do it’s job? (Complete the table to the
2. What is the photosynthesis equation?

Larger surface area

3. Which part of the equation comes into

the plant through the leaf?

Leaves are thin

4. Where does the water get into the

Leaves contain chlorophyll plant?

Stomata and air spaces

Guard cells

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