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じょうけん つた ひょうげん

jooken o tsutaeru hyoogen

You have learned “ば・と・たら・なら” which are used to make conditional sentences.
In this lecture, we will explain and organize the other usage.

ば・・・lesson22 How can I get there from here?

It expresses hypothetical conditions. If a hypothesis comes true, the action or the
state will become possible.

◆ba-form、 ・・・・・・If A comes true, B will become possible.

A B (Unless A comes true, B will not become possible.)

koko kara doo ikeba ii desu ka.

How can I get there from here?

とうきょうえき け い よ う せん の か まいはま えき お
tookyoo eki de keeyoosen ni norikaete, maihama to iu eki de orireba ii desu yo.

Change to Keiyo line at Tokyo Station and get off at Maihama Station.

It is an expression used to ask for advice or answer on how to solve problems.

はし つぎ でんしゃ ま あ
hashireba, tsugi no densha ni maniaimasu.

If you run, you will be able to catch the next train.

(If you don’t run, you will not be able to catch the next train.)

It is an expression used to give advice or tell your opinions.

A indicates the condition and B conveys the action. B will be possible under the
condition A. If the condition indicated in A does not come true, B will not be possible.

When action verbs are used in A, you cannot express the speaker’s intention in B.

× a statement in the volitional form × a request × an invitation ×encouragement

× a prohibition. In such cases, “~たら” is generally used.

とうきょう く わたし あそ き
×東京へ来れば、 私 のうちに遊びに来てください。
tookyoo e kureba, watashi no uchi ni asobi ni kite kudasai.

If you come to Tokyo, please come and visit me.

とうきょう き わたし あそ
⇒○東京へ来たら、 私 のうちに遊びに来てください。
tookyoo e kita ra, watashi no uchi ni asobi ni kite kudasai.

あめ ふ し あ い
ashita ame ga fureba, sakkaa no shiai wa yameyoo.

If it rains tomorrow, let’s cancel the soccer game.

あめ ふ し あ い
ashita ame ga futta ra, sakkaa no shiai wa yameyoo.

When non-action verbs or adjectives are used in A, you can express the speaker’s
intention in B.

atsukereba, eakon o tsukete kudasai.

If it’s hot, please turn on the air conditioner.

と・・・lesson23 If you turn around the corner, you'll find the library on your right.
It expresses a constant result that is caused as a natural consequence of the action.

◆dictionary-form/nai-form と、 ・・・・・・When A happens, B always occurs.


ま みぎがわ としょかん
magaru to sugu, migigawa ni toshokan ga arimasu.

If you turn around the corner, you'll find the library on your right.

ふゆ ひ みじか
冬になると、日が 短 くなります。
fuyu ni naru to, hi ga mijikaku narimasu.

In winter, the days get shorter.

にく さかな れいぞうこ い くさ
肉や 魚 は冷蔵庫に入れないと腐ります。
niku ya sakana wa reezooko ni irenai to kusarimasu.

If you don’t keep meat and fish in a refrigerator, they will be rotten.
たら・・・lesson24 What are you going to do after graduating from high school?
It expresses a particular result that will happen after the action comes true.

◆ta-form ら、 ・・・・・・After A, B will happen.

A B ※ A is something that will happen
soon for sure.

こうこう そつぎょう
kookoo o sotsugyoo shita ra, doo suru n desu ka.

What are you going to do after graduating from high school?

ち ょ う り し せん も ん が っ こ う べんきょう りょうり おも

choorishi no senmon gakkoo de benkyoo shite, furansu ryoori no shefu ni naroo to omotte masu.

I’m going to study at a cooking school to be a French chef.

It is an expression used to ask and answer what will happen after A has occurred.

◆ta-form ら、 ・・・・・・If A happens, B.

A B ※ A should be hypothetical conditions.

い はたら
Q:フランスへ行って 働 くんですか。
furansu e itte hataraku n desu ka.

Will you go to France and work there?

はたら ところ おも
A: 働 ける 所 があったら、そうしようと思ってます。
hatarakeru tokoro ga atta ra, soo shiyoo to omotte masu.

If there is a place where I could work, I think I will do that.

It is an expression used to tell what you want to do when or if A came true.

Unlike “ば”, you can express the speaker’s intention in B. “たら” is a spoken expression.
なら・・・lesson25 If you visit someone's house, you should let them know

that you are coming beforehand.

It expresses advice or state opinions. It is used by responding to what the other party

◆plain-form なら、 ・・・・・・If A is true, B.

A B ※ A is responding to what the other party said.

ともだち あそ い おも
tomodachi no uchi e asobi ni ikoo to omotteru n desu ga…….
でんわ い
denwa shinai de itta hoo ga ii deshoo ka.

I’m going to go and visit my friend’s house. Should I go without calling beforehand?

たく たず い まえ し おも
dareka no otaku o tazuneru nara, iku mae ni shirasete oita hoo ga ii to omoimasu yo.

If you visit someone's house, you should let them know that you are coming beforehand.

It is an expression used to give advice or state opinions by responding to what the other
party said. When you make a sentence, you can express the action in B which may
happen before A. Timewise, the order of A and B won't matter.

◆noun なら、 ・・・・・・A is the one you want to emphasize among B.


ど よ う び え い が み い
doyoobi, eega o mi ni ikimasen ka.

Why don’t we go to see a movie on Saturday?

ど よ う び にちようび
A:土曜日はだめですが、日曜日 ならいいですよ。
doyoobi wa dame desu ga, nichiyoobi nara ii desu yo.

Saturday is not available, but Sunday will be fine.

It is an expression used to emphasize the subject.

◆na-adjective/noun なら、 ・・・・・・If it is A, B will happen.

A B (Unless it is A, B will not happen.)

らいしゅう ひま え い が み い
来週、暇 なら映画を見に行きます。
raishuu, hima nara eega o mi ni ikimasu.

If I am free next week, I will go to see a movie.

となり る す に も つ あず
隣 が留守 なら、荷物を預かります。
tonari ga rusu nara, nimotsu o azukarimasu.

If my neighbor is not home, I will keep their package.

If A is a な-adjective or a noun, “なら” is used to show a condition such as a desirable

outcome or a particular action in B.

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