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Jessica S.



1. It is defined as any movement that makes your muscles work and requires your body to burn calories.

A. Fitness

B. Exercise

C. Aerobic

D. Physical fitness

2. Types of Physical activity, EXCEPT

A . Running

B. Walking

C. Swimming

D. Watching movies

3.Is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports,
occupations and daily activities.

A. Physical fitness

B. Fitness

C. Dance

D. Aerobic

4.The process of making long-term lifestyle changes is to maintain a healthy body weight based on your
age, height and sex.

A. Body mass index

B. Physical fitness test

C. Active lifestyle

D. Weight management
5. It is known as BMI

A. Body measure Index

B. Body masses Index

C. Body measure Index

D. Body mass Index

6. Is the process of assisting consumer to acquire the correct information and understanding to be able to
make a wise decision about a certain health item.

A.Health services

B.Consumer Health Education

C.Health Information

D.Consumer Health

7. These could lead to a better health and should also be associated with physical activity.

A. Weight management

B. Lifestyle

C. Diet and nutrition

D . Weight and nutrition

8. What happen to the student when fewer calories are consumed and more calories are expended?

A.wlWeight loss

B.Sustain weight

C.Live healthy

D. Weight gain

9. The principles of fitness test Wich will produce the same results for the same individual, regardless of
the tester administering the test.

A. Principal validity
B. Principal of objectivity

C. Principal of specificity

D. Principal of reliability

10. This should be associated with balanced healthful eating combined with physical activities and
exercises to support the energy needed by the body throughout workout

A. Lifestyle

B. Weight and nutrition

C. Weight management

D. Diet and nutrition

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