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Oleh :


Dosen Pengampuh

Dr.Dwi Febrimeli, SP, M

Mata kuliah:
Bahasa Inggris

on Friday I did my morning activities as usual I did my morning worship
and yeah as usual at college yeah I was excited and tired because I had a
lot of assignments coming up yeah this one day was full of tiredness

on Saturday I did my morning activities as usual, which is morning

worship and after morning worship I did morning exercise and I did my
usual activities and I knew that today there would be guests from
POLTEKBANG. I only knew that they would just come, but I was
grateful because they came for hydroponics and I am grateful because I
was able to be chosen as a supervisor representative to guide in
hydroponics and I got a lot of knowledge too and on that day there was a
lot of knowledge to be gained.

On Sunday we had morning worship and we experienced a trial where

when we wanted to go to church it rained which made it a trial for us but
because we were loyal to the rainy service we went through it and our
bodies were wet when we arrived at church but we were still enthusiastic
about worshiping. and we are blessed

Monday I did my morning activities as usual, where we did all the

activities as usual until evening, just like usual, nothing new like that.

On Tuesday we had an extraordinary lecture because we were reminded

that we had to remember our mother's pain in conceiving us and we were
reminded of this in the Christian religion course and I was grateful that
we could be reminded of that and then we did activities in the course of
Mr. Makruf where we got a lot of knowledge and we enjoyed this course
and in the evening I did Christmas rehearsals as a drama and yes today I
am grateful and happy

restaurant picket and yeah, it's been a really tiring on Wednesday I did it
a little differently than usual because it was raining I didn't do morning
worship and I just did sports activities in my room and after I did
exercise I did a restaurant picket and well after that I cleaned myself
after the restaurant picket and I went to college and yeah the lecture was
good and in the afternoon we did GMCP activities and were quite tired
because of plowing the fields and after GMCP the hydroponic and horti
groups did flower planting activities at the director's house and yeah
even though I was tired my enthusiasm didn't disappear and I still did
that and yeah after So I did another day

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