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BSSW 2-1

It's Monday today is the first day of the mass demo, First of all I woke up early to enter the first day of the
mass demo to join the parade. When I arrived I was late because they paraded earlier. What happened on the
first day was we just had to do our props and practiced to our Mass Dance. On the second day of the mass
demo Tuesday we had an amazing race and our friends were in front of the chapel for our fellow department
CAS members to support. while the participants were starting to play, others were fainting because of the
hot day on Tuesday. On the third day of the mass demo, It was Wednesday, February 14. There were many
scattered booths in our school for this day because it’s Valentine’s day. The medical and surgical mission of
the colleges of nursing also took place on this day in the gym. and this day is also ash Wednesday, This day
is memorable for me because it was so fun.
On Thursday, This is the day I look forward to the most because this is the 2 weeks we practiced for the
Mass demo Competition. I woke up early at 5:00 am and dressed up to reach the parade that will be held
before the mass demo starts, I arrived at the school They lined up and we paraded, the mass demo started,
we will be the number 6 who will participate in the competition that’s why we first practiced in the gym
and took Pictures. After we took the picture we proceed in the front of chapel and performed. When we
performed, we were happy because our hard work was done, even though we didn't win this competition, we
won with our unity.
The last thing that happened today was the MS and MR Wesleyan. I watched it live because it was held at
night, I was happy because the one I support won this pageant, she answered well and she really deserves to
win, all in all I am proud the candidates who joined it. Even though I wasn't at their performance, I was able
to follow them thru live and I was happy because even though I didn't watch it face to face, I still enjoyed it
on the last day of the foundation which is Friday what happened was the awarding of everything that
Happened. All in all the one week that happened in my foundation day was happy because as a 2nd year
students we experienced this in our P.e before our 3rd year because when we step In our 3rd year, nothing
like this will happen to us again and I'm thankful for that, I'm happy because we made it through this week
and I know we did our best for each other.

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