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Defence Degree College for Women, Lahore

2nd Short Assessment 2022 (24 March 2022)

Name: ____________________________________
Class/ Section: XII_____ Max Marks: 25
Subject: English Compulsory Time Allowed: 1 hour
Choose the correct answer. (7) A B C D
1 It was the one thing of which the details evaded him. Scared followed attracted puzzled
2 He depreciated himself and his attainments. Failures aim struggle achieve
3 Sometimes she persuaded Chips completely. Snubbed ridiculed mocked convinced
Having all these hundreds of boys cooped up here is really Freely adopted Turning away jailed
unnatural. moving
5 Chips wore his gown till it was almost too tattered. Clustered Shrunk torn faded
6 Ralston was very pontifical and aware of himself. submissive efficient authoritative brilliant
In your case it’s probably a mixture of slackness and flexibility neatness stubbornness dullness
Make sentences of the following idioms (ANY 4): (2*4=8)
1 Every inch
2 Fall in with
3 Far cry
4 Get away
5 Go off

Attempt ANY FIVE (5) of the following questions: (2*5=10)

1. What were Katherine’s views about Chips’ profession?

2. When and where did Mr. Chips and Katherine got married?

3. Describe the poplar boys’ visit to Brookfield.?

4. Why could Mr. Chips not write down his memories?

5. Where did Chips start living after the death of Katherine?

6. How did students and their parents come to know about row between Mr. Chips and Ralston and
how did they respond?

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