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Topic: Describe something important that you lost

• What it was: The item that I lost was my phone, which was a crucial part of my
daily life. It was an iPhone that I had been using for the past two years.
• How you lost it: I lost it last year when I was returning home from my friend's
house after completing my ETABs assignments. While I was traveling in a
rickshaw, I realized that I had misplaced my phone. Initially, I thought that I had
left it at my friend's house. I went back to search for it but couldn't find it. Later, I
realized that I must have dropped it in the rickshaw while getting down. I
immediately tried calling my number, but it was unreachable, which confirmed
my worst fear that I had lost my phone.
• Why was it important to you: My phone was a vital gadget in my life. It contained
all my contacts, pictures, and other essential files. It was also a means of
communication between me and my friends, family, and colleagues. I had
captured numerous photos on my phone, which were priceless memories for me.
These pictures included vacations, special occasions, and everyday moments that
I cherished. Additionally, I had important documents, such as notes for my
studies, stored on my phone, which I had not backed up.
• How you felt when you lost it: Losing my phone was a devastating experience for
me. I felt broken and depressed because it contained many memories that were
priceless to me. I had captured a lot of photos that held significant emotional
value. Moreover, I lost all my contact numbers, which added to my distress. I also
felt anxious about the possibility of someone accessing my personal information
or misusing my phone. It was a frustrating experience to realize that I had not
taken enough precautions to protect my belongings.

Overall, losing my phone was a traumatic experience, and it taught me the importance
of taking better care of my belongings. I learned to be more cautious and responsible in
the future, especially with things that hold such significant value in my life.

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