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I. Objectives
At the end of this chapter, the pupils should be able to:
a. Define the word workshop
b. To enumerate the important features of a safe and efficient
c. To design and or to sketch a safe and efficient workshop

II. Subject Matter

Important Features of a Safe and Efficient Workshop
III. Learning Resources.
Visual presentation/Manila paper
IV. Reference
Technology and Livelihood Education 9 (Crop Production NCII)
V. Procedure.

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
A. Prayer

“Everybody please stand up”

“May I call STUDENT1 to lead the prayer?” (STUDENT1 led the prayer)

“Thank you STUDENT1 you may now take Students: “thank you ma’am”.
your seats.”

B. Greeting.
“Good Afternoon class!”
Students: Good Afternoon Teacher!”
“ for those who are far sighted or near sighted,
please come forward”

*use differentiated, developmentally appropriate

learning experiences to address learner’s
gender, needs, strengths, interests and

C. Checking of Attendance.

Instead of roll call, the teacher must assigned a

pupil/secretary to check their attendance or to
make sure that the chairs are equal to the
number of the students, to easily identify who
are those absent, to avoid time consuming.
D. Review
“Do you remember the lesson we have last Students: “Yes ma’am!”

“Very good! It was all about?” “It was all about Windbreaks as protection
to our farm from damage that may cause
by strong winds and typhoon”
“Very good!”

“Again there are 2types of windbreak right?

Who can give me one?”
Student2: “A living or also known as
natural windbreak Maam”

”Very good! And what is the remaining one?” Student3: ‘A non-living or artificial
“Perfect!” windbreak”

‘And who can give me basic reason why we

need to plant or to create windbreaks?’

“Nice! What else?’ Student4: “ Reduce wind speed”

“Any other idea from the back?” Student5: ‘Protect livestock’

“Wonderful! I’m so happy to know that you get a Student6: “Aesthetic”

lot of knowledge regarding to our lesson

*Designed, selected, organized and use

diagnostic, formative and summative
assessment strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements
E. Motivation
Before we start our new lesson I will be giving
you different tasks. For now,
Each of you please come here in the front and
you should pick one paper inside this box, in
order you to know what is it and all you need to (The students start to do their tasks…)
do is to paste it on the farm facilities where it
belongs to.
Please be focused and don’t be shy to share
your ideas to each other. I will be giving you 5
minutes to do it and after that we will check it all
together if you classified them properly.

F. Presentation/Discussion

Today we are going to discuss the Important

Features of a safe and Efficient Workshop

Before we proceed to our topic for today, let me

ask you class,
“What suddenly comes in to your mind when Student7: “ It is a place where we are
you hear the word workshop?” repairing our broken tools”

“Yes very good! What else Student8: “It is a place where we are
buying tools and services”
“Ok, everything you said actually we’re correct!

A workshop provides a focal point at the

farmstead for the repair and maintenance of
machines, tools and implements. It also
provides a place where tools can be stored in
an orderly manner, a store of supplies and
spare parts, and a shelter where work can be
carried out during inclement weather. This
facility should be available on every farm.

“Can someone give me an example of shop that

we can visit here at Rizal Palawan?” Student: “a barber shop”

“Yes because its selling services right?” What

else?” Student: “vulcanizing shop’

“Very good! At vulcanizing shop they’re selling

their services also” aside from that?

“Yes very good! They’re selling spare parts and Student: “motor parts shop”
their services as well”

“Do you understand class? If there’s any

question just raise your hand”
Students: “None Maam”
“Ok if there is no any question let’s proceed..”

Let’s talk about Important Features of a Safe

and Efficient Workshop..

“Everybody please read the number 1”

1. Sufficient room for the largest machine
that may need repair, including
workspace around it.
“Ok, So why do we need a sufficient workspace
in our workshop?”

“Yes STUDENT 9?”

“Ok very good! Is there any idea? Yes?”

Student9: “ To make our job easier and
“Yes precisely the point! Thank you”
Studen10” To safely move around the
workshop while doing our job”

“Who wants to read the number 2?”

2. An entrance that is both wide enough
and high enough for the largest
equipment that the shop has been
designed to accommodate
“Why do we need to have an entrance and exit
with high and wide?"

“Yes STUDENT 11?”

Student11:”So that large equipment can
easily enter and exit in our workshop”

“How about the number 3, please read”

3. Some means of lifting and
supporting heavy loads. For a spans or
very heavy loads a truss will be required.

4. Electric lighting
“Everybody please read the number 4” and electrical services for power tools

“How does electric lighting and electrical

services can help us in our workshop?”
Student12: “It help us to extend working
“Anybody? Yes?” even at night, especially in case of

5. A water supply for both

“How about the number 5, please read” convenience and safety

“What is the importance of having a safety

water supply in our workshop?”

Student13:”It is important because in our

daily lives we are using water for drinking,
“Very good!” domestic use, production or recreational

6. One or more extinguishers of a type

“Everybody please read the number 6” suitable for fuel fires. 2 or 3 buckets of dry
sand are possible substitute to a fire

“Why is fire extinguishers important inside the


Student14:” It should be there inside of

our workshop because, we will use this
device in case of emergency specifically
“Ok. You are very good at that!” to prevent fires, but if we cannot afford to
buy fire extinguishers we can use 2 or 3
buckets of dry sand as substitute

7. Storage cabinets for tools, supplies

“The last but not the least number 7, Everybody and spare parts. Sturdy doors can be
please read” locked for security and also

Students: No maam!
“Is it appropriate to put our tools anywhere
inside of our workshop?
Students: (chorus)
“Then what is the right thing to do?”

“Wait a minute. Again as I said earlier don’t

answer me in chorus. If you want to answer me Students: “Yes Maam!”
just raise your hand and I will call your name.
Do you understand?”
*managed learner behavior constructively by Student15: “We need to put or to install a
applying positive and non-violent discipline to cabinets for or supplies and spare parts
ensure learning-focused environments to secure those tools from the thieves and
of course to provide space to hang the
“Anybody? Oh yes please stand up” tools for easy access.

“Ok thank you so much class! Now if you are

planning to create your workshop for your farm
in the future, don’t forget and always bear in
your mind these important features for you to
have an efficient and effective workshop for the
repair and fixation of the broken tools ok.” ‘No Maam”

“Do you have any question regarding to the


*used a range of teaching strategies that

enhance learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills
*planned , managed and implement
developmentally sequenced teaching and
learning processes to meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching contexts

G. Generalization
Since we had discussed the Important
Features of a Safe and Efficient Workshop, I will
summarize it again.

Farmers are using tools and equipment to

improve farm production and reducing their
efforts as well but sometimes these tools and
equipment will be broken, thus this Workshop
provides a focal point for repair and
maintenance of our tools and equipment. But of
course in order to be an efficient workshop we
must to follow these important features to
secure not only the tools and equipment but the
workers or the farmers as well.

“How does efficient and a safe workshop can

help us in our daily lives as a farmer in the Student: It will help us to make our farm
future?” work much easier, and to avoid any
problem or delaying in work due to the
broken tools or equipment, because we
can fix these broken tools in our
“Why is it important to follow those important Student: to make our workshop be an
features of a workshop?” efficient and safe, and to secure the
farmers and the workshop as well from
*applied a range of teaching strategies to any emergency that may possible happen
develop critical and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order-thinking skills
H. Application
(group activity) (The Students starts to do their activity)
“Here is your group activity! I
“I want you to group yourselves into 3
groups, and each group please select a leader
to facilitate your group.. I want you to cooperate
with each other, be focused and don’t be shy to
share your ideas..
“I have a manila paper and marker here,, I
want you to create or to draw your ideal
workshop that you want in the future..

“I will be giving you 5minutes to do it and after

5minutes lets proceed to the presentation of
each group.. Ok? So you 5minmutes may starts (The presents their activity)

*used a range of teaching strategies that

enhance learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills
*applied knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching area
. Evaluation

Direction: Get one ¼ sheet of paper number

your paper from 1 to 5, and write the correct
answer. I will read the question twice and
answer it carefully.
1. A
1. Which of the following describes a
A. Provides a focal point at the farmstead for
the repair and maintenance of machines and
B. Provides for crop production
C Provides for lecture 2. B

2. Which of the following is NOT true about

A. Presence of water supply for convenience
and safety
B. Presence of wide entrance only for large
C. Presence of storage cabinet for tools,
supplies and spare parts 3. B
d. Presence of fire extinguishers

3. Why do we need to have an efficient

workshop in our farm?
A. It provides playground for the children
B. It provides a centralized location for
equipment maintenance and repairs,
C. It provides an area for relaxation

4. Why is it important to set clear goals for our 4. A.

A. It help us to define the purpose and outcome
of the workshop
B. It help us to make our workshop expensive
C. It help us to

5. What will be the possible substitute if we
cannot afford to buy a fire extinguisher for our
A. Provide 3 buckets of water as substitute to
the fire extinguisher
B. Provide 2 to 3 buckets of dry sand as
substitute to the fire extinguisher
K. Assignment.
Kindly research the differences between
storage of hazardous products and storage of
non-hazardous materials



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