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B 部分

推断/推论: 看到 + 因为 (作比较,答双方)
Inferences / give reason / why: observation + because

观察: 看到, 不需要理由

Observation: write down only what we can see,taste,feel. Do not add reason.

假设/关系: (改变的事项/操纵性变数) 越 . . . . . , (观察的事项/反应性变数) 越 . . . . .

Hypothesis/relationship between: As the what to change increase/decrease, the what to
measure/observe increase/decrease.
Example: As the size of the towel increase, the water will
be absorbed increase.

实验目的: 为了研究 (改变的事项/操纵性变数)和(观察的事项/反应性变数)之间的关系.

Aim/purpose: to investigate the relationship between ( what to change) and ( what to measure)
Living thing : to show that food is the basic need of animals.

预测 (Predict): 将会发生/预测数量

Trend in changes: increase, decrease, did not change

What to keep the same: size of ______ / type of _______ (the size of the cloth)

what to change:the size of the cloth

what to measure/observe: the size of the cloth

资料/鉴定的变数 information:what to change / what to observe

改变的事项/操纵性变数 或 观察的事项/反应性变数

结论:(改变的事项/操纵性变数) 越 . . . . . , (观察的事项/反应性变数) 越. . . . .
Conclusion : the biggest the size of the towel, the most the water will be absorbed.
Living things: animals need food to stay alive
Aim/purpose: To investigate the relationship between ( what to change) and ( what to

What to keep the same: the things remain the same from the beginning
(size of ………… / type of …………… )

what to change: the things not the same

what to measure/observe: the result of experiment

Trend / pattern : increase / decrease / did not change

Predict : what will happen

Hypothesis/relationship between : As the (what to change) increase / decrease, the (what

to observe / measure) increase/decrease

Observation: write down only what we can see, taste, feel. Do not add reason.

Inferences / give reason / why: reason why it happen

Conclusion : The (bigger/taller/higher/faster) the (what to change),

the (lower/smaller/shorter/slower) the (what to observe / measure)
实验目的: 为了研究 (改变事项)和(观察事项)之间的关系.
改变事项 观察事项

须观察的事项:实验结果 改变事项

须固定的事项:相同,同样,一样 (………的种类 / ……………的大小)

变化形式:增加 / 减少 / 保持不变


假设 / 之间的关系:(改变事项) 越 ………………… , (观察事项) 越 ………………

观察: 看到的东西, (作比较) 不需要理由

推断/推论/原因: 写出发生的原因

结论: (改变事项) 越 . . . . . , (观察事项) 越 . . . . .

实验目的: 为了研究 (改变事项)和(观察事项)之间的关系.
改变事项 观察事项

须观察的事项:实验结果 改变事项

须固定的事项:相同,同样,一样 (………的种类 / ……………的大小)

变化形式:增加 / 减少 / 保持不变


假设 / 之间的关系:(改变事项) 越 ………………… , (观察事项) 越 ………………

观察: 看到的东西, (作比较) 不需要理由

推断/推论/原因: 写出发生的原因

结论: (改变事项) 越 . . . . . , (观察事项) 越 . . . . .

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