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AI Applications in People Management:


AI can be used to automate many of the tasks involved in recruiting, such as:

Sourcing candidates: AI can be used to search for candidates on job boards, social media, and other
online platforms.

Screening candidates: AI can be used to screen resumes and cover letters for keywords and skills.

Automating interviews: AI-powered chatbots can conduct initial interviews with candidates to assess
their fit for the role.

Predicting candidate fit: AI can be used to analyze candidate data and predict how well they are likely
to perform in the role.

For example, the company HireVue uses AI to help companies screen and interview candidates.
HireVue's AI platform analyzes candidate videos and identifies keywords, body language, and other
factors that are predictive of job success.


AI can be used to create a more personalized and engaging onboarding experience for new hires. For
example, AI-powered chatbots can provide new hires with information about the company, their
role, and their team. AI can also be used to develop personalized learning plans for new hires and to
track their progress as they get up to speed.

For example, the company BambooHR uses AI to help companies onboard new hires. BambooHR's AI
platform creates personalized onboarding plans for new hires and tracks their progress through the
onboarding process.

Performance management

AI can be used to track employee performance, identify areas for improvement, and provide
feedback. For example, AI-powered performance management systems can track employee goals,
progress, and accomplishments. AI can also be used to identify employees who are at risk of
underperforming and to develop interventions to help them improve.

For example, the company Lattice uses AI to help companies manage employee performance.
Lattice's AI platform tracks employee goals, progress, and accomplishments. It also identifies
employees who are at risk of underperforming and provides recommendations for improvement.

Training and development

AI can be used to create more personalized and effective training programs for employees. For
example, AI-powered learning platforms can assess employee knowledge and skills and develop
personalized learning plans. AI can also be used to deliver training content in a variety of formats,
such as videos, articles, and interactive exercises.

For example, the company Udemy uses AI to help companies develop and deliver training programs.
Udemy's AI platform assesses employee knowledge and skills and develops personalized learning
plans. It also delivers training content in a variety of formats, such as videos, articles, and interactive
Employee engagement

AI can be used to track employee engagement and identify areas for improvement. For example, AI-
powered employee engagement surveys can be used to collect feedback from employees about their
satisfaction with their job, their manager, and the company overall. AI can also be used to analyze
employee data, such as absenteeism and turnover rates, to identify trends and patterns.

For example, the company Glint uses AI to help companies track and improve employee
engagement. Glint's AI platform collects feedback from employees through surveys and analyzes
employee data to identify trends and patterns. It then provides recommendations for improvement.


AI can be used to identify employees who are at risk of leaving and to develop interventions to keep
them engaged. For example, AI-powered retention analytics can be used to identify employees who
are likely to leave based on their past behavior and other factors. AI can also be used to develop
personalized interventions to keep employees engaged, such as offering them new opportunities for
growth and development.

For example, the company PeopleScience uses AI to help companies identify and retain top talent.
PeopleScience's AI platform identifies employees who are at risk of leaving and provides
recommendations for how to keep them engaged.

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