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★ Kiến thức: Nắm vững các cấu trúc câu và một số chủ điểm ngữ pháp nhỏ.
★ Bài học: Thông qua lý thuyết về Emphatic Expressions, Modal Perfect, Absolute
Structure và Present Subjunctive, đúc kết được những kinh nghiệm làm bài hữu
★ Áp dụng: Biết cách ứng dụng những kiến thức và kinh nghiệm đúc kết được vào
bài tập vận dụng và những đề thi, bài tập khác.


Cấu trúc nhấn mạnh (Emphatic Expressions) là trường hợp người nói sử dụng những
cấu trúc đặc biệt để tạo hiệu ứng nhấn mạnh.
Ngoài việc điều chỉnh tông giọng, chúng ta còn có thể dùng các cấu trúc ngữ pháp
để thể hiện sự nhấn mạnh, qua cấu trúc với So/such/too/enough, câu chẻ (Cleft
Sentences) và nhấn mạnh ở đầu câu (Fronting).


1. Các cấu trúc nhấn mạnh cơ bản với so, such, too enough:

Cấu trúc Ví dụ

1. Cấu trúc cơ bản: He was so confident that

sometimes he doesn’t listen to
anyone else.

SO 2. Cấu trúc đảo ngữ với So:

So invested in work were they

that they each got double
that salary they would have
had without their diligence.

3. Cấu trúc với danh từ số ít:

The child was so bad a
student that he was kicked
out of several schools.

4. Cấu trúc So many/much/few/little:

There were so many books on
his desk that there was no
space left for him to study.

I had so little money left that I

was hesitant to buy breakfast.

1. Cấu trúc Such + noun:

He was such a scary guy that I

was afraid to ask him to clean
the board.

The people I met at 2SG were

such talented and nice
friends that I can't help but
recommend it to you.

SUCH 2. Cấu trúc đảo ngữ:

Such was his anger/His anger

was such that we all remained

3. Cấu trúc Such a lot of:

There was such a lot of rain

that I was wet from head to
toe, even though I wore a

1. Cấu trúc cơ bản:

The maths test was too

difficult for him to do.

2. Cấu trúc với Too many/much: There was too much work for
me to handle.
The boys made too many
mistakes in the test to be able
to pass.

Cấu trúc cơ bản: There is enough food for

everybody to enjoy, so you
ENOUGH don’t need to rush!

2. Các cấu trúc nhấn mạnh nâng cao - Cleft Sentences và Fronting:


CLEFT Trong các câu chẻ, thông tin có thể đưa vào trong một
SENTENCES mệnh đề được chia thành hai phần, mỗi phần có động từ


VD: It was my father who took us to the movies.

VD: It was her kindness that won everyone's hearts.


VD: What she really wanted was a quiet getaway to the

VD: Where we found the hidden treasure remains a

Ngoài ra, ta cũng còn một vài cụm danh từ mang tính
giới thiệu để sử dụng trong các câu chẻ:
● The reason why
VD: The reason why I fought with Jim was that he
continuously dismissed my opinion.
● The (only/last) thing
VD: The only thing I want at the moment is to be given a
chance by the admissions committee.
● The person who
VD: The person who helped me get through my college
years was Professor Patrick.

FRONTING Fronting Mục đích: Đưa mệnh đề với To (chỉ mục đích) lên trước để
with nhấn mạnh lý do, nguyên nhân của hành động.
Infinitives Cấu trúc:
of Purpose

VD: To become a successful writer is his ultimate goal in

VD: To achieve financial independence requires careful
planning and disciplined saving.

Fronting Trong văn nói tiếng Anh, đôi khi ta muốn tạo ra sự tương
with phản mạnh mẽ với câu phát biểu trước đó. Chúng ta có
Objects thể làm điều này với tân ngữ bằng cách di chuyển chúng
lên đầu mệnh đề, làm cho chúng trở nên nhấn mạnh
VD: I disagree with that. => That I disagree with.
VD: He ate the delicious cake. => The delicious cake he

with Khi chúng ta muốn bắt đầu một câu với thông tin đã biết
Adjectives: hoặc muốn so sánh một cách nhấn mạnh với thông tin
trong câu trước, chúng ta có thể sử dụng cụm từ so sánh
hoặc so sánh nhất ở đầu.

VD: The first band was dire. Much more exciting was Red
Heat, the second group to play.
VD: The actors were a mixed bunch. Least inspiring of
the lot was Pacino.

Chúng ta còn có thể sử dụng “so” và “such”:

VD: So intense was the heat (that) the firefighters were

unable to enter the building for two hours.
VD: Such was the intensity of the storm that trees were
uprooted and roofs were torn off houses.

Người nói, người viết có thể áp dụng Fronting với các

mệnh đề nhượng bộ (Concessive Clauses) để tạo hiệu
ứng nhấn mạnh sự đối lập, tương phản giữa hai thông
tin, sử dụng với Though hoặc As.

VD: Although the exam was difficult, he passed it with
with As or
flying colours.
VD: Smart though/as she appears, she was unable to
answer the question.


Rewrite the following sentences using the key-word provided in brackets:
1. Although they were defeated they managed to keep smiling.
→ Defeated _________________________________________________________________________________.
2. At the moment, Jim only wants his team to qualify for the regional football
→ The only thing ____________________________________________________________________________.
3. He admired the antique car, but it was way beyond his budget.
→ Much as __________________________________________________________________________________.
4. Their shared passion for music brought them together despite their different
→ Though ___________________________________________________________________________________.
5. His cousin made a scene at his wedding.
→ It was _____________________________________________________________________________________.

MODAL Modal verbs (hay động từ khiếm khuyết) là các động từ khi đi cùng với
VERB một động từ khác thể hiện một khả năng, một sự cho phép, một nghĩa
vụ, một sự cần thiết hay một lời khuyên.
Modal verbs bao gồm: can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will,
would, need, dare

MODAL Modal Perfect là thể quá khứ của các Modal verb. Ngoài công dụng
PERFECT diễn tả những khả năng, sự cho phép, nghĩa vụ, sự cần thiết hay lời
khuyên trong quá khứ ra, Modal Perfect còn được sử dụng để thể hiện
nhiều ý nghĩa khác, chẳng hạn như một dự đoán logic hay lời chỉ trích.
Modal Perfect được hình thành từ động từ have theo sau một số Modal
Các Modal Perfect bao gồm: could (not) have, may (not) have, might
(not) have, must have, can’t have, should (not) have, ought to (not) have,
needn't have

1. Cấu trúc cơ bản mệnh đề chứa Modal Perfect:

Ví dụ:
She needn't have bought him clothes.
You ought not to have criticised her so critically.
He must have been living his best life in Hawaii, now everything had burnt.

2. Cách sử dụng Modal Perfect:


needn't Diễn tả những sự I needn't have come to school that day as all
have việc “không cần activities had been cancelled.
nhưng đã làm”

must have Một dự đoán chắc He must have slept by now, there having been no
chắn, thường là sounds coming from his bedroom.
kết luận có chứng
can't have Dạng phủ định That was such an easy question which she failed
(sometimes của “must have" → to answer! She can't have been listening to the
couldn't Không có “mustn't teacher.
have) have”

may/might/ Diễn tả ý nghĩa “có They might not have been drinking at that party
could have lẽ đã” hoặc một sự since all the tests came back negative.
kiện chưa từng They could have helped the girl (but they didn't).
xảy ra (giả định)

should Dùng để chỉ trích, Somebody should have warned her against that
have mang nghĩa “lẽ ra decision.
ought to You ought to have gone to bed early when you
have know you have an important examination the
following day.

Lưu ý:
1. Modal perfect “may/might (not) have” và “must have” / “can't have” có đô mạnh
khác nhau. Cụ thể, độ chắc chắn của “may/might (not) have” thấp hơn “must
have” / “can't have.”
→ I may/might not have closed the door. Có lẽ tôi đã không đóng cửa.
→ I must not have closed the door. Chắc chắn tôi đã không đóng cửa.
2. needn't have V3 Đã làm nhưng không cần thiết
didn't need to Vbare Vì không cần thiết nên đã không làm
→ I needn’t have studied that day as the examination was rescheduled to a later date.
(Tôi đã học nhưng không có bài kiểm tra. → Tôi không cần học.)
→ I didn't need to study that day since I didn't have any homework.
(Tôi không cần học vì không có bài tập, và tôi đã không học..)

may/might perhaps

must I think/suppose, I strongly believe

can't I don't think/suppose


Rewrite the following sentences using the key-word provided in brackets:
Aunt May cooked for us, even though we told her we were eating out. (NEED)
→ Aunt May _________________________________________________________________________________.
I strongly believe in her having passed the examination. (MUST)
→ She _______________________________________________________________________________________.
You must have mistaken me for my twin brother, I wasn’t in town. (SEEN)
→ You _______________________________________________________________________________________.
Why did you let the children play in that dangerous area? (SHOULD)
→ You _______________________________________________________________________________________.
Perhaps he had forgotten about the appointment. (HAVE)
→ He ________________________________________________________________________________________.


Absolute Structure (Cấu trúc đọc tập) là một nhóm các từ (danh từ, đại từ, phân từ, từ
bổ ngữ) kết hợp lại với nhau. Cụm từ độc lập không có quan hệ về chức năng ngữ
pháp với các thành phần khác trong câu, nó có thể đứng trước, sau hoặc chen vào
giữa câu mà không ảnh hưởng tới cấu trúc trong câu.


Công Nhấn mạnh hay thêm thông tin cho cả câu.

dụng Thể hiện mối quan hệ nhân quả hay làm rõ trình tự thời gian.

Công Một câu chứa Absolute Structure cơ bản: It/There/S + Participle

thức (Participial Phrase), Clause.

Ví dụ The Sun setting, we head home.

Each student having been hard-working, the school reached the top.
There being no more time, I moved on to the next section.
It being a Saturday, I slept until the afternoon.
Lưu ý:
- Participle là dạng tính từ của một động từ. Có 2 dạng Participle chính: Present
Participle (Ving), Past Participle (Ved).
- Participial phrase là một cụm tính từ mà tính từ chính là Participle.
Ví dụ (participle, participial phrase):
Having run as fast as possible, he tripped and fell. (Participial Phrase)
Painted, the fence looks amazing. (Participle)

Ví dụ:
On arriving home, I went straight to bed.
Upon his arrival, we rushed to the departure gate to catch a glimpse.
Rewrite the following sentences using the key-word provided in brackets.
After the Sun sets, we went back to our cabin in the woods. (SET)
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________.
The hungry boys went home for lunch. (BEING)
→ The _______________________________________________________________________________________.
If only there was more time for us to complete the assignment. (MANAGED)
→ There _____________________________________________________________________________________.
When I leave for school, I always get a feeling of anxiety. (ANXIOUS)
→ Upon _____________________________________________________________________________________.

Subjunctive (Thức giả định) được sử dụng để miêu tả những tình huống giả định, ước
nguyện, lời khuyên hay ra lệnh. Trong bài học ngày hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ tập trung
vào Thức giả định trong hiện tại.
Khi sử dụng để khuyên hay ra lệnh, thức giả định có dạng:

Các trường hợp sử dụng Thức giả định trong hiện tại:
1. Cấu trúc cơ bản với một số tính từ

It + be best, imperative, obligatory, advisable, important, that S (should) Vbare

essential, vital, crucial, desirable, necessary…

Ví dụ:
It is essential that you should throw away the rotten milk.
It was advisable that youngsters be able to follow instructions.
For the past few years, it has been imperative that people not underestimate the
power of Artificial Intelligence.
2. Cấu trúc cơ bản với một số động từ (Verbs of Demand)

S Propose, recommend, beg, insist, order, decree, suggest, move, that S (should)
demand, require, request, command, urge, ask, advise… Vbare

Ví dụ:
The teacher advised that we not make noise in the examination lest our test results be
The agency requested that I should give them $40 in advance.
My mom suggested that I ask you.
3. Cấu trúc bị động với một số động từ (Verbs of Demand)

It + be proposed, recommended, begged, suggested, (by sb) (that) + Clause

moved, requested, urged, asked, advised…
Ví dụ:
It has been proposed by the experts that the aim of this project be shifted.
My mother was advised that she give up the job to take care of the family.
His teacher was urged by the students that he should slow down while teaching.
4. Một số cấu trúc khác

Cấu trúc Ví dụ

Lest + Subjunctive I brought the umbrella lest it should rain.

For fear that + Subjunctive He ran for fear that someone should be chasing him.

In case + Subjunctive In case I should fail the test, I will look for jobs.

Lưu ý: Cả ba cấu trúc trên đều mang nghĩa “vì sợ rằng”


Rewrite the following sentences using the key-word provided in brackets.
He didn’t go to school because he was scared the teacher would punish him because
he hadn’t done the homework. (LEST)
→ Having ____________________________________________________________________________________.
There is no better alternative than following the plan proposed yesterday. (BEST)
→ It __________________________________________________________________________________________.
They requested us to make way for them. (SHOULD)
→ It __________________________________________________________________________________________.
On no account should you ignore this advice. (OBLIGATORY)
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________.
Since my cold cleared up, we were allowed to go swimming. (HAVING)
→ My ________________________________________________________________________________________.


Nội dung Tóm tắt ý chính

Emphatic Sử dụng để nhấn mạnh mức độ hành động được thực hiện hay
Expressions một cụm từ được nhắc đến trong câu.

Modal Perfect Diễn tả sự chắc chắn hay quan điểm của người nói về một sự việc
đã xảy ra trong quá khứ.

Absolute Cấu trúc độc lập, bổ nghĩa cho cả câu, thường thể hiện trình tự
structure thời gian hay mối quan hệ nhân - quả giữa các vế trong câu.
Present Còn gọi là Thức giả lập trong hiện tại, cấu trúc cụ thể thường sử
Subjunctive dụng để diễn tả lời khuyên, yêu cầu hay sự chắc chắn, cảm xúc
của người nói.

Lưu ý: Tài liệu này chỉ đề cập đến những kiến thức đại cương và thường hay xuất hiện
trong đề thi nhất. Vì thế, để có cái nhìn đầy đủ hơn, bạn đọc có thể xem phần hướng
dẫn tự học phía dưới.


1. There’s no point in phoning him. He __________ by now.

A. should leave B. had left C. would have left D. must have left

2. Why are you so mad? You __________ me you weren’t coming to dinner. I waited for
you for two hours.

A. could tell B. should have told C. may tell C. must have told

3. Last weekend, __________ nothing to watch on television, we sang karaoke together.

A. there being B. there having C. having had D. being

4. He drove at full speed lest he __________ late for the appointment.

A. was B. would be C. be D. shouldn’t be

5. I __________ a lot as an accountant but the work was just too boring.

A. was suppose to B. ought to be C. could have been D. should have

be earned earning earning earned

6. __________ as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideas of the period
in which it was created.

A. Ranking B. To be ranked C. Being ranked D. Having been


7. He __________ safety goggles, but he wasn’t and, as a result, the hot steel badly
damaged his eyes.

A. couldn’t have B. must have been C. should be worn D. ought to have

been wearing wearing with been wearing

8. In fact the criminals __________ in because the front door was wide open and
so they just walked in.
A. didn’t need to B. needn’t have C. can’t have D. shouldn’t have
break broken broken broken

9. Her hair __________ in a bun, the bride looks superficially attractive.

A. styling B. styled C. was styled D. has been styled

10. It is important that enough money __________ to fund the project.

A. be collected B. must be C. was collected D. can be

collected collected

11. Not __________, I didn’t really want to interfere.

A. being asked B. having been C. having asked D. asking


12. The best part __________ to another actor, Josh felt unwilling to continue in
the show.

A. giving B. having given C. having been D. given


13. __________ a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.

A. Finding B. We found C. Found D. Having found

14. __________ more points to discuss, the meeting has now come to an end.

A. Not having B. There being no C. There having D. It having

15. Schizophrenia __________ by genetic predisposition, stress, drugs, or infection.

A. may be triggered B. may trigger C. trigger D. may have been


16. The horror film __________, all the children froze in fear and were completely silent.

A. being hideous B. was hideous C. so hideous D. hideous as it was

17. He decided to leave one hour early, __________ caught in the traffic jam.

A. lest he be B. for fear of he be C. while he should D. as he be


18. __________ a holiday, all the shops were shut.

A. There being B. It being C. There having D. It having been


19. Sam suggested that __________ the doctor.

A. Mary be visiting B. Mary should visit C. Mary visits D. Mary having

20. It is imperative that everyone, including myself, of course, __________ the rules.

A. follows B. be following C. follow D. is following

21. It was in the old, dusty attic ____ I discovered the antique chest.

A. where B. when C. which D. what

22. The most challenging task ____ to complete the project on time.

A. is B. have C. were D. was

23. At the top of the mountain, ____ he found a hidden cave.

A. what B. where C. which D. when

24. To find true happiness ____ the most challenging aspect of life.

A. were B. is C. was D. has been

25. ________ they are doing is quite unprecedented.

A. what B. which C. where D. how

1. It was his duty to tell us about her resignation. (OUGHT)

→ He ________________________________________________________________________________________.
2. It was not necessary for you to water the plants later yesterday, but you did.
→ You _______________________________________________________________________________________.
3. I’m absolutely sure he took the money on purpose. (POSSIBLY)
→ He ________________________________________________________________________________________.
4. “No, you really must stay with us, Jake”, said Lucas. (URGED)
→ Lucas _____________________________________________________________________________________.
5. He puts all his money in a safe so that nobody can ever steal it. (THAT)
→ For ________________________________________________________________________________________.
6. “If I were you, I would keep it a secret”, said Daniel. (SHOULD)
→ Daniel ____________________________________________________________________________________.
7. Once we had made sure there was no reason to be afraid, we went ahead. (FEAR)
→ Having satisfied __________________________________________________________________________.
8. This property has been totally neglected and is in need of complete renovation.
→ Having fallen ________________________________________________________________ completely.
9. His efforts to find a solution didn’t deserve such savage criticism. (SHOULDN’T)
→ His efforts ________________________________________________________________________________.
10. It is a good idea for a retired craftsman to do something occasionally to keep
his skills. (HAND)
→ It is advisory ______________________________________________________________________________.
11. His mother’s heart sank when she heard the news of his accident. (PIECES)
→ On ________________________________________________________________________________________.
12. It was wrong of you to allow a 4-year-old child to walk home alone.
→ You should _______________________________________________________________________________.
13. If I were him, I would return home no later than 11 o’ clock.
→ It is advised that __________________________________________________________________ latest.
14. You were so pessimistic about what happened. (VIEWED)
→ You should _______________________________________________________________________________.
15. He hid the truth about the matter because he didn’t want to lose his high
position. (CARPET)
→ For fear that _____________________________________________________________________________.
16. Going to and fro with all the cases is what I can’t stand about holidays.
→ It’s all _____________________________________________________________________________________.
17. The staff hated Frank’s new policies intensely and so went on strike.
→ So _________________________________________________________________________________________
18. Pop stars are corrupted by the adulation of their fans.
→ It’s the way ________________________________________________________________________________
19. He is a complete hypocrite; in public he condemns smokers, yet he smokes a
packet a day himself.
→ So ________________________________________________________________________________________.
20. The noise made by the children didn’t prevent the baby from sleeping soundly.
→ Whatever _________________________________________________________________________________.
21. Refunds cannot be given under any circumstances.
-> Under ____________________________________________________________________________________.
22. He found a surprising solution to the problem.
-> Surprising ________________________________________________________________________________.
23. She managed to score the highest in class despite the challenging exams.
-> Though ___________________________________________________________________________________.
24. She wanted to go to the party, but she had to finish her assignment.
-> Much _____________________________________________________________________________________.
25. They were the only ones who discovered the hidden treasure.
-> No one else ______________________________________________________________________________.

- ĐÁP ÁN -

Although they were defeated they managed to keep smiling. (DEFEATED)

→ Defeated though / as they were, they managed to keep smiling.
At the moment, Jim only wants his team to qualify for the regional football league.
→ The only thing Jim wants at the moment is for his team to qualify for the regional
football league.
He admired the antique car, but it was way beyond his budget.
→ Much as he admired the antique car, it was way beyond his budget.
Their shared passion for music brought them together despite their different
→ Though they had different backgrounds / their backgrounds were different, their
shared passion for music brought them together.
His cousin made a scene at his wedding.
→ It was his cousin who made a scene at his wedding.

Rewrite the following sentences using the key-word provided in brackets.

Aunt May cooked for us, even though we told her we were eating out. (NEED)
→ Aunt May need not have cooked for us because/as/since we told her we were eating
I strongly believe in her having passed the examination. (MUST)
→ She must have passed the examination.
You surely did not see me, I wasn’t in town. (CAN’T)
→ You can’t have seen me, I wasn’t in town.
Why did you let the children play in that dangerous area? (SHOULD)
→ You should not have let the children play in that dangerous area.
Perhaps he had forgotten about the appointment. (HAVE)
→ He may/might have forgotten about the appointment.

Rewrite the following sentences using the key-word provided in brackets.

After the Sun sets, we went back to our cabin in the woods. (SET)
→ The Sun setting, we went back to our cabin in the woods.
The hungry boys went home for lunch. (BEING)
→ The boys being hungry, they went home for lunch.
If only there was more time for us to complete the assignment. (MANAGED)
→ There having been more time, we would have managed to complete the assignment.
When I leave for school, I always get a feeling of anxiety. (ANXIOUS)
→ Upon leaving for school, I always feel anxious.

Rewrite the following sentences using the key-word provided in brackets.

He didn’t go to school because he was scared the teacher would punish him because
he hadn’t done the homework. (LEST)
→ Having not done the homework, he didn’t go to school lest the teacher (should)
punish him.
There is no better alternative than following the plan proposed yesterday. (BEST)
→ It is best that we/you (should) follow the plan proposed yesterday.
Our friends requested us to make way for them. (SHOULD)
→ It was requested by our friends that we (should) make way for them.
On no account should you ignore this advice. (OBLIGATORY)
→ It is obligatory that you (should) not ignore this advice.
Since my cold had cleared up, we were allowed to go swimming. (HAVING)
→ My cold having cleared up, we were allowed to go swimming.

1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15


16 17 18 19 20


21 22 23 24 25


1. He ought to have told us about her resignation.

2. You needn’t have watered the plants yesterday.
3. He couldn’t possibly have taken the money by mistake.
4. Lucas urged that Jake (should) stay with them.
5. For fear that his money (should) be stolen, he puts all of it in a safe.
6. Daniel advised that I should keep it a secret.
7. Having satisfied ourselves that there was nothing to fear, we went ahead.
8. Having fallen into (a state of) disrepair, this property needs renovating
9. His efforts to find a solution shouldn’t have been criticised so savagely.
10. It is advisory that a retired craftsman (should) sometimes keep his hand in.
11. On hearing the news of his accident, his mother went to pieces.
12. You should not have allowed a 4-year-old child to walk home alone.
13. It is advised that he (should) return home by 11 o’ clock at the latest.
14. You should not have viewed what happened pessimistically.
15. For fear that he (should) lose his high position, he swept the matter under the
16. It’s all the to-ing and fro-ing with all the cases that I can’t stand about holidays.
17. So intense was the hatred for Frank’s new policies that the staff went on strike.
18. It’s the way that their fans adulate them that corrupts rock stars.
19. So great a hypocrite is he that in public he condemns smokers, while he smokes
a packet a day himself.
20. Whatever the noise the children made, the baby slept soundly.
21. Under no circumstances can refunds be given.
22. Surprising he found a solution to the problem.
23. Though the exams were challenging, she managed to score the highest in class.
24. Much as she wanted to go to the party, she had to finish her assignment.
25. No one else discovered the hidden treasure but them.
- CPE Use of English - Virginia Evans
- Sách tuyển tập đề thi 30/4 năm 2018, 2017.
+ THPT chuyên Huỳnh Mẫn Đạt, Kiên Giang
+ THPT chuyên Lê Hồng Phong, TPHCM
+ THPT chuyên Lê Khiết, Quảng Ngãi
+ THPT chuyên Lê Quý Đôn, Khánh Hoà
+ THPT chuyên Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, Sóc Trăng
+ THPT chuyên Bến Tre, Bến Tre
+ THPT chuyên Bảo Lộc, Lâm Đồng
+ THPT chuyên Hùng Vương, Gia Lai
+ THPT chuyên Thăng Long, Đà Lạt - Lâm Đồng
- MyGrammarLab - Mark Foley, Diane Hall
- Upstream Proficiency Student Book + Workbook
1. Đọc kỹ các chủ điểm ngữ pháp và làm bài tập ví dụ. Từ đó, ứng dụng những kiến
thức đã học vào bài tập vận dụng. Sau đó, sửa bài kỹ càng và cố gắng hiểu vì
sao mình đã làm sai câu đó, có thể hỏi lại các anh chị phụ trách đăng bài để có
thể được trợ giúp thêm.
2. Khi giải đề, cố gắng tìm và nhận biết được những cấu trúc ngữ pháp đã học để
ghi nhớ lâu hơn.
3. Sau một vài ngày, bạn có thể làm lại bài tập vận dụng để củng cố kiến thức.
4. Có thể tham khảo những tài liệu đã được đề cập đến trong phần Bibliography.

THE END - Chúc các bạn học tập vui vẻ!

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