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Ray Palacios.

I have planned the concept for the next mask im going to make, it is only a matter of time of
trying to get a time where I can sit down and actually start on the project. From where I left off
last, I have not done a lot of progress because I have had other assignments and classes I have
had to do. But this week, or next week, I will have the second mask done and all that matters
after that is getting my explanation of the masks onto paper. It wont take me too long to
complete the work because I already have one of the masks done and the other part of it is that
I just need to complete the second one and then ill be more than 90% done. Ive been in contact
with my mentors and having them give me advice on what to do and where I can better myself.

With the second mask I want to try and clean it up more as the first one was a little bit more
messy and dirty and even if that was the whole purpose of the first mask I still want the second
one to look a little cleaner just so it has more of a finished look. With my capstone being close
to done I have taken about 30 hours in total with the planning and the actual making of the
masks themselves and ive really been enjoying the process and going through different ideas
and concepts to get the best one, even if its taking a lot of time and progress to get where I am
now I do think that it is all worth it just because of the end result and how much time I have put
into this project as well as the emotional meaning behind it and how much it means to me

I am sure that in this week, or the next, I will have the second mask done as well as any other
materials I need along side of the masks to make them pop out and give them more significance
and help with the meaning and explanation behind the masks. I hope to accomplish this soon so
then I have time to prepare for my presentation and talking about my projects.

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