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Janesah Z.


Mental Health Stigma

1. Why do you think there might still be stigma around individuals with a mental
health illness?
There is still a stigma around individuals with mental illness for the very
reason that there are still people who are so close-minded when it comes with other
things. Even though some people are aware of the mental illness, they still believe
what you used to think and will think that those people who suffer mental illness are
just petty over little things.

2. Can you think of three examples of mental health stigma in society today?
 When someone with mental illness is called
 dangerous,
 crazy, or incompetent rather than unwell.

3. Why is it important to discuss mental health instead of ignoring them?

It is important to discuss mental health issues instead of ignoring them
because too much of it can lead someone into depression and end up being fragile.
In addition the person who suffer will result in ending their own lives. So, discussing
about mental health will be great benefits to those individuals who suffers with it. It is
important and one of our role to have everyone back with these crises.

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