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1) Criminals getting away

Criminals get away very easily today and it is because of the corrupt
executive and unjust judicial practices. The government must do a better job at making sure just
practices happen.

2) Crimes not getting punished enough

Serious crimes like rape and child abuse are let off easily by the present
government. Bishop Franco Mulakkal was let off besides allegedly raping a nun 13 times over the
course of 3 years. Recently a 17 year old killed herself because of a teacher who sexually assaulted
her, and the teacher currently is forgotten.

3) Public switching their attention too fast

The people of India and the world are very impulsive when it comes to
focussing on something and making it “viral” but they don’t look through what happens after they
make it viral and move on to the next issue. We see some serious problem trending everyday but
somehow everyone forgets about it the next day.

4) A single party having a very huge percentage of the Lok Sabha

Today the BJP is almost unopposable because of their huge number in the
parliament. The representation by population must be reduced to prevent this from happening
because without a strong opposition the government can afford to make unwise decisions.

5) Privatisation of essential services

some essential services like commutation, communication, healthcare
shouldn’t be privatised. If they are, the private companies increase their service fee to see more
profit, and with no government company they have no real opposition.

Citations :
1847643, general internet

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