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2 Lesson 11 Book 4: The Puppet Club – Chapters 1–2

Vowel /ē/ea, ee
Phonograms -ace, -ake, -oke, -ice, -eat
Worksheet 11 Book 4 - The Puppet Club

Name Date
- / ea, ee
Vowel /e
Phonograms -ace, -ake, -oke, -ice, -eat
A. Circle the word for each picture.
Then write it.

1 2 3
bed leaf wheel
beak life whale
bake left well

__________ __________ __________

4 5 6
bee chase fed
bed cheese feel
bay chest feet

__________ __________ __________

© 2018 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4811-61-3


1 Develop Phonemic Awareness (5 mins)

Ask students to listen carefully as you say the individual parts of a word. Students will then blend the
sounds to say the whole word. For example:
Teacher: /m/ /ā/ /k/ Teacher: /r/ /ī/ /d/
Students: make Students: ride
Continue with the following words. Say:
/s/ /ī/ /d/ (side)
/r/ /ō/ /p/ (rope)
/m/ /ā/ /d/ (made)

2 Connect Sound Symbol (15 mins)

Write leaf, feet, and she on the board as you say each word aloud. Ask students what vowel sound they
hear in each word. Point out that /ē/ is spelled ea in leaf, ee in feet, and e in she. Ask a volunteer to circle
the letters that make the long e sound in each word.
Write the following long e patterns on the board:

© 2018 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4811-61-3

__ ea __ __ ee __
Ask students to make words by filling in the blanks with consonants.
Write -ace on the board. Say the sounds the phonogram stands for. Then write race on the board and
ask a volunteer to read it aloud and circle the phonogram -ace.
Repeat the activity for the phonograms -ake, -oke, -ice, and -eat. You can use the words lake, joke, nice,
and seat as examples.
As a class, brainstorm words with the phonograms -ace, -ake, -oke, -ice, and -eat. Write them in separate
lists on the board.

Have students complete Parts A and B. Offer assistance as necessary.

Lesson 11 2

3 Read the Chapters (15 mins)

Introduce the book The Puppet Club and explain that today students will read chapters 1 and 2. Allow
students to look at pages 4–13 to help them make predictions.
Ask: What do you think these chapters are about?
Read chapters 1 and 2. Have volunteers read aloud one paragraph at a time. Discuss items of interest on
each page. Ask students to indicate if they do not understand something in the story. Pause and clarify as
• p. 4 Ask: What was inside the big gift box? (Puppets)
• p. 6 Ask: What did Jane and Jake do? (They wrote a script.)
• p. 10 Ask: If you were Mike, what else would you do to help with the show? (Answers will vary.)
• p. 11  Ask: Which words on the page have the ee long e pattern? (sheep, three, sleep, need, tree)
Ask: Which words on the page have the ea long e pattern? (seat, read, eat, meal)
Ask: Which word on the page has the phonogram -ake? (Jake)
Ask: Which word on the page has the phonogram -oke? (jokes)
Ask: Which word on the page has the phonogram -eat? (seat)
• p. 13 Ask: What do you think Mike means when he says, “We could make a good team!”?
(Answers will vary.)

After Reading
Encourage students to share their reactions to the chapters read. Ask:
• Do you think Jake, Mike, and Jane were having fun? Why or why not?
• What do you think might happen next?

4 Optional Extension Activity

Have students choose five words from the list in section 2, “Connect Sound Symbol.” Tell students to
choose a word for each of the phonograms -ace, -ake, -oke, -ice, and -eat. Ask them to write a sentence
using each word.

5 Wrap-Up (5 mins)
Have students complete Part C. They should write a sentence about what they like to do with friends.
Encourage students to use words that contain the ee or ea long e pattern or contain the -ace, -ake, -oke,
-ice, or -eat phonograms.
© 2018 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4811-61-3

Worksheet 11 Book 4 - The Puppet Club

Name Date
- / ea, ee
Vowel /e
Phonograms -ace, -ake, -oke, -ice, -eat
A. Circle the word for each picture.
Then write it.

1 2 3
bed leaf wheel
beak life whale
bake left well

__________ __________ __________

4 5 6
bee chase fed
bed cheese feel
bay chest feet

__________ __________ __________

© 2018 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4811-61-3

Worksheet 11 Lesson 11

B. Write the correct letter or letters to complete each word.

l sm c s r f

1 2 3

_____ace _____ake _____oke

4 5 6

_____ice _____eat _____ake

C. Write a sentence about what you like to do with friends.

© 2018 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4811-61-3


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