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Awareness of Mental Health and Well-being

(Nhận thức về sức khỏe tinh thần và sự viên mãn)

Nowadays, mental health is very important and needs more attention from society.
Recently, many sad incidents have occurred, the main cause being psychological.
This is an alarming situations. One of the things that harms our spirit is pressure.

From childhood to adulthood, we have all heard the saying "Pressure makes
diamonds", right? Of course, I understand the meaning behind this statement is to
encourage, but did you know that "pressure can make or destroy diamonds"?

For the Gen Z age group, I think the first pressure comes from studying. We are
under pressure from family expectations, pressure from scores, achievements, and
peer pressure. When many people complain about the pressure to study with their
families, most will receive answers like: "Just studying is not stressful at all!" or "If
other people can do it, so can you". These are seemingly encouraging statements
but in fact, they bring an invisible source of pressure. I want to tell everyone the
story that happened in my own family. My uncle is a doctor at Vinh Long
Provincial General Hospital. He wants his children to follow in his footsteps. This
had a big impact on my cousin - my uncle's youngest daughter. Her academic
achievements were not high, and she had to study a career she did not want
because she did not want her father to be disappointed, so she just tried to accept it.
As a result, when she was in her third year of medical school, she dropped out of
school because she suffered from severe anxiety. From a lively, life-loving girl, she
gradually lost her smile, became quiet, and did not want to interact with friends.
Through this incident, my uncle always blamed himself for not taking care of his
daughter, and for his own wishes, "wearing a shirt that was too big" for her.

While "pressure creates diamonds" is true, not everyone is coal for pressure. If we
were eggs, warmth is what we need, and light is what the tree branches need to
continue growing. Therefore, parents, please remember to consider whether this is
appropriate for your child before setting unrealistic expectations. To ensure that
those unfortunate incidents never happen again, always be tolerant, listen, and

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