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“Good day to our distinguished guests, dedicated teachers, supportive

parents, and of course, our energetic students. Welcome to Sandford
high school Annual Sports Day! My name is Anushree chauhan .

Deepa- And I’m Deepa chopra.

Together, we’ll be your compass, guiding you through this exciting

odyssey of races, matches, and heartwarming moments.”

Torch Relay-

Anushree “Before we dive deep, let’s ignite the ceremonial flame

that symbolizes the spirit of these games. The torch relay, a tradition
that speaks of unity, passion, and continuity.” . So, I would like to
invite our Director ma'am to please light the torch and
commence the events of the day.


As the torch makes its way around, it’s more than just a flame being
passed. It’s the passing of legacy, effort, and shared dreams.”

Baloon releasing –

The Annual Sports Day will now officially begin with the release
of a number of balloons by our Director ma'am

Dance by grade 3-

“With the flame illuminating our path, let’s set the stage for our first
event of dance. Dance is the beautiful form of expression of humans
feeling. So, to showcase the dynamic energy present in every
sandfordian today grade 3 is going to perform on the song “Aarambh
h prachand “

What a stunning performance! The energy out there is just off the

Without any further ado let’s start our sports event.

Here are the guidelines in a nutshell:

1. Each participant will have their own specific track.
2. Throughout the race, each competitor should stay within their
designated lanes.
3. Participants will be disqualified if they switch to another
competitor's track during the race.

Anushree- As they line up, let’s fuel their determination with our
loud cheers and roaring applause.”
Deepa – pre primary race

Song –Lakshay

Moving through such a high-energy schedule calls for some

lighthearted moments. Let's take a short break and enjoy some
mesmerizing song by our gifted students.

Deepa – song lakshay

Races (1,2,3)

Martial arts drill-

Anushree-From raw speed to sheer endurance, each event today adds

a new chapter to our Sports Day saga. Brace yourselves as we
transition to our Next Event of Martial arts drill. It is designed to
work on mental and physical fitness. So, now let’s call our students of
grade 3 and 4 to showcase their self-control techniques and

Anushree- don’t let the momentum dip. Let’s keep the energy alive!
How about a cheer from the audience?!”


Yoga is a sport that demonstrates strength, flexibility, physical fitness

on one hand and grace, elegance, and rhythm on the other.

So ladies and gentlemen get ready to witness a breath-taking yoga

performance by the budding Yogis of SHS

Parents race-

strength behind all our grand events.

When the children have been so enthusiastic and energetic throughout

the day, then how can we not give their parents a chance to have as
much fun as their children had?

So, I request the parents to please come forward and take part in the
fun races that we have organized specially and exclusively for you.

Deepa- rules of the race

Anchor A1: “Now, as much as we love the thrill of competition, let’s

take a short breather and infuse some dance performance into our
athletics. So here is our Finale dance performance by the students of
grade 4”

Deepa- dance compliments

Award giving ceremony-

“As the sun shifts its position, champions rise. It’s time to felicitate
those who outshone others, not just in speed or strength but in spirit.”

A1: “But remember, every participant here is a winner. They’ve

battled nerves, challenges, and their own limits. Let’s revel in their
achievements as we announce the victors

It’s time to honour our winner we kindly request director ma’am to

honour the winners with medals and certificates.

Join us in applauding their efforts as we present the medals and

trophies. These symbols, not just of victory, but of perseverance,
discipline, and heart.”

Closing Ceremony of Sports Day Event

National Anthem- As the shadows lengthen and our eventful day

nears its conclusion, let’s take a moment to soak in the spirit of today
and stand up for the national anthem.

A1: “Sports Day isn’t just a day; it’s a memory etched in the sands of
time. It reminds us that challenges are just opportunities in disguise.”

A2: “True. And as we wrap up, let’s carry forward the essence of
today – the spirit of healthy competition, the joy of participation, and
the glory of perseverance.”

A1 & A2 Together: “Thank you, each one of you, for being an

essential part of this beautiful tapestry called Sports Day. Until we
meet again, keep the spirit alive and the flames of passion burning

Fillers- A2: “From swift runners to high jumpers, every athlete here
carries a story of hard work, determination, and passion. As they gear
up for their respective events, let’s give them a roaring cheer and
show our support!”

A1: “Our first event promises a rush of adrenaline. Brace yourselves

for [Event Name]. And as they line up, remember, every stride they
take is a step closer to their

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