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Effective Leadership Traits

Prepare by Rabab Ali Ahmed

1. Self Confidence

There have been many instances in work where I have been placed under pressure
to finish tasks. Many of our tasks are sensitive material required by the minister of
petroleum which needs to be timely and accurate.

There have been many situations where I have was asked to take a decision but
those around me would be against my decisions. Yet I stick to my decision due to my
strong beliefs and found that I was correct in taking them.

I have a special set of skills in my work that I use and I believe strongly in my skills. I
continuously work to improve them, this helps my decision making skills even more.
I rarely get affected by people that discourage my opinions or thoughts. I am able to
convince them with ideas so that they can share my opinions.

2. Trustworthiness

I am able to give all my colleagues trust in their ability to work. I don’t question their
authority and give them space to take their own decisions. This has built a trust
between me and my employees. I continuously encourage my colleagues to work
effectively and provide praise when deserved.

I enjoy being transparent with my ideas with everyone and I involve them in all my
actions and decisions. This helps builds a stronger trustworthy environment between
me and my colleagues.

3. Assertiveness

I have a strong sense of assertiveness in both my personal and work life. This quality
allows me to make my voice be heard in many situations without being aggressive.
And builds a stronger relationship with my employees and colleagues in work. This
allows me also to have closer relations with them, be more honest and transparent.
It builds a stronger sense of respect and humility between me and them only cause I
am able to communicate with them openly.

Being assertive in my work makes me able to collect more information and this helps
me make more accurate decisions. My colleagues are able to analyse the data I give
them because of the certainty behind my information.
There have been many instances where my assertiveness was able to change
behaviour among people I know. I make my opinions clearly and with respect which
allows them to accept my opinions more easily.

4. Sense of Humour

I have been told that I have a strong sense of humour, this helps me create a positive
environment for work. I occasionally like to make jokes during my work, which
creates a happy workplace. This helps a lot with my colleagues as there are no walls
between us and doesn’t allow for any difference between me and my colleagues.

This relationship I built with my colleagues allows them to be closer to me in work

related tasks and also personal issues when needed. I found that this creates job
satisfaction and relieve any tension from work. Even when there is stress in the
work, sense of humour makes the employees more relaxed and willing to work

5. Humility

I have been able to get close to my employees and people in my work. This prevents
them from seeing me as having an ego or being self-centred. Being humble in all my
relations allows me to actively listen to all my colleagues. This allows to me learn
more from people and talk to them easily. I am never embarrassed to request any
information from those that even seem stronger than me.

There have been many instances where I have been told that I can improve in certain
processes in work, I am always open to learn from them and I never discourage
anyone from expressing their opinion.

I am a strong believer that everyone has an important role to play in our work, and
that they should be respected. Give them the necessary space to work and never
belittle them in their work. I treat the smaller personnel with the respect as I do the
ones in higher positions.

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