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The Effect of amount of Unhealthy rather than Healthy Substances of Food Canteen

Produce and Sell to Students in Mauban South Central Elementary School II.

Population and Sample

A population is a group of people or an item that is the subject of the investigation. Fifty (50)

respondents were selected by the researchers as a sample to take part in the study. The non-

probability/non-random sampling method was used to choose the study's sample, and convenience was

the primary criterion for selection. Etikan et al. (2016) define convenience sampling, also called

availability sampling, as a kind of non-probability/non-random selection in which study participants who

satisfy certain practical requirements—like being easily accessible, available at a specific time, or willing

to participate—are included in the target population. Convenience sampling can be defined as a

grouping of subjects who are readily available or as a self-selection of willing participants, as

demonstrated by the volunteers. Because convenience sampling is the simplest method for gathering

respondents and conducting surveys, the researchers employed it.

Formula to Determine Sample Size


1+ Ne 2

Where: n = sample size

N= population size

E= margin of error (1%-5%)


The respondent of this study are the students of Mauban South Central Elementary

School II and we will choose the 50 students to participate in our study. And we will chose 10

student in each section The researchers chose them to be respondents of this study because the

researchers think that the student will matured enough to answer the questionnaire.

Research Instrument

The instrument that will be used to collect data is the questionnaire. A questionnaire will

be used the main data gathering instrument in theirs study . It will be divided into two main

section ; the profile and the questionnaire . The profile contains the characteristics of respondents

such as name,age, sex, and grade level.The questionnaire will contain the factors that effect of

amount of Unhealthy rather than Healthy Substances of Food Canteen Produce and Sell to

Students in Mauban South Central Elementary School II.

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