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Module 8 “Space”

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 1 School:

Date: Teacher name:
CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.5.2
objectives(s) that 10.1.9
this lesson is 10.3.7
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: talk about entertainment

ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning Breakthrough technologies

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources

BEGINNING THE Module Objectives

LESSON Read the title of the module Space and ask Ss to suggest what
they think the module will be about (the module is about space,
mysterious events, space colonisation and CGI). Go through the
objectives list to stimulate Ss' interest in the module
PRESENTATION 1A Vocabulary To introduce new vocabulary
AND PRACTICE Direct Ss' attention to the picture and ask them to read the SB p. 97
10.5.2 Go through the words in the list and explain/ elicit the meanings
10.1.9 of any unknown words.
Give Ss time to complete the texts. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 particles 4 surface 7 dwarf
2 waves 5 atmosphere 8 solar
3 radio 6 Stars 9 telescope

1B To listen for confirmation

Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answers to Ex. 1a.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
Over to you!
To talk about space and expand the topic
Elicit answers to the questions in the rubric from various Ss
around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I was impressed that the footprints on the Moon will stay there for
at least 700 million years and that an П-year-old girl got to name a
dwarf planet.
I would like to know about dark matter, black holes and supernovas
as I find these topics very interesting.
ENDING THE Ss read their ideas aloud around the class

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
Were the lesson objectives/learning relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
objectives realistic?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan
and why?
Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 2 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.2.6
objectives(s) that 10.4.1
this lesson is 10.4.7
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: talk about water attractions and
write a blog entry
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning Space

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources
BEGINNING THE 1. Vocabulary & Reading To introduce the topic SB p. 98
LESSON Explain/Elicit what UFO means (unidentified flying object).
Play the recording. Ss listen and read the headlines.
10.2.6 Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown words/phrases (e.g.
flying saucer = name for an alien spacecraft from science fiction).
Elicit what various Ss think happened in these incidents.

Suggested Answer Key

A - An alien spacecraft probably crashed on a ranch in the Roswell
region and it was captured by some people.
В - I think some people reported finding a strange wreckage and
they think alien bodies were examined at Roswell Army Base.
C - A police officer reported a sighting of an alien spacecraft in
Socorro, New Mexico.
D - Thousands of people witnessed strange lights over Phoenix,
PRESENTATION 2. To predict the content of the text SB p. 98
AND PRACTICE Direct Ss' attention to the title and the introduction in the text.
Elicit Ss' guesses as to what it can be about.
10.4.1 Ss read the text to see if their guesses were correct.
Suggested Answer Key
I think the text is about a journalist investigating the case of the
UFO crash landing in New Mexico in 1947 and whether or not it
may actually have happened.
Background information
Roswell, New Mexico is a city in the south-eastern quarter of the
state of New Mexico, USA. There are about 50,000 people living
there. It is home to the New Mexico Military Institute.
The Nevada Desert is in the USA. It occupies parts of California,
Nevada, Utah and Arizona. It rarely rains there.

3. To read for cohesion and coherence

Ask Ss to read the sentences A-H and give them time to read the
10.4.7 text again and match them to the gaps 1-7.
Check Ss' answers around the class. SB p. 99

Answer Key
7 G ЗА 5F 7В
2D 4H 6C

Suggested Answer Key

1 ... was asked ... report ... UFO discovery ... my heart sank ...
couldn't understand why ... being sent... true sceptic!
2 ... smiling at... amusing sights ... would be having some fun...
3 ... hoping to find ... Instead ... disturbed ... rattlesnake...
4 ... strange craft ... impressive sight ... craft ... unlike anything ...on
5 The day ended with ... creepy sketches of alien bodies ... As we
headed back to the hotel ... couldn't help wondering if ... anything
was looking down!
6 ... asked ... told me ...
7 ... strange phenomenon ... even video footage ... disappointed ...
nothing worth photographing ...

Refer Ss to the Check these words box and ask Ss to look them up
in the Word List.
Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.

4. To identify the writer'spurpose

Explain that writers write articles in order to inform, to persuade or
10.2.5 entertain readers.
10.2.6 Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in their books.
Ask Ss to identify the reason why the writer wrote the article.

Suggested Answer Key

The writer's purpose is to inform readers about the UFO discovery
tour and what it's like at Roswell. The writer also describes how the
tour can make a sceptic wonder if it's all true or not.

5. To consolidate new vocabulary

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 trip 3 desert 5 site 7 events
2 spot 4 examined 6 locals
Suggested Answer Key
We all enjoyed the tour of the famous site that lasted three hours.
Fie made a mark on the tree as we walked through the forest so
that he could find his way back.
That diner sells desserts such as ice cream in shape of an alien!
Please inform us if you experience any probk watching our
documentary online.
UFO-seekers are a common sight in this area.
You should respect the natives and their custom: this village.
Scientists have been reviewing the facts since crash trying to find
out how it happened.

6. To consolidate new vocabulary

10.4.5 Explain the task and go through the list words in the rubric and
give Ss time to ma1 them to the words in bold in the text.
Tell Ss they may use their dictionaries if necessa
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
wandered away: walked without a purpose debris: destroyed
remains creepy: scary
soared into the sky: moved quickly up hovering: floating in the
same position eerie: strange & frightening disturbed: bothered
disappointed: felt unhappy
ENDING THE Check Ss' answers.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?
Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 3 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.6.7
objectives(s) that 10.6.8
this lesson is 10.6.9
contributing to 10.6.10
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: talk about types of media, past
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning Daily routines & free-time activities

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel Resources
BEGINNING THE 7A Grammar To study/revise the passive SB p. 99
LESSON Explain that we use the passive to ta about actions when the
person who carri out the action is unknown, unimportant
obvious from the context. We also use tl passive in formal
10.6.7 writing.
10.6.8 Explain/Elicit that we form the passive wi the verb to be + past
10.6.9 participle of the ma verb. Point out that the subject of the actr
10.6.10 sentence becomes the agent in the passh sentence and is
introduced with 'by' where, the object of the active sentence
becomes ti subject in the passive sentence. Refer Ss to ti
Grammar Referencesection for more details.

Answer Key
We use the passive to talk about actions when the person who
carries out the action is unknowing unimportant or obvious from
the context. We also use the passive in formal writing such as in а
пей report or headline. We form the passive with the verb to be +
past participle of the main verb. The subject of the active sentence
becomes the agent i the passive sentence and is introduced with 'bj
whereas the object of the active sentence becomes the subject in the
passive sentence.
Tenses that do not have a passive form: present/pa: perfect
continuous, future/future perfect continuous
PRESENTATION 7B To practise the passive
AND PRACTICE • Elicit examples of passive sentences from the text in Ex. 2.
10.6.7 Answer Key
10.6.8 was asked, was greeted, were driven, were taken, would be shown,
10.6.9 were taken, had ever been seen, was made, were drawn, could be
10.6.10 seen, had been witnessed

7C To practise the passive

10.6.7 Explain the task and give Ss time to rewrite the sentences in the
10.6.8 passive.
10.6.9 Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 The tent was put up by Kanat.
2 The UFO museum has recently been opened by the mayor.
3 Roswell, New Mexico is visited by lots of UFO- spotters.
4 Preparations are being made for the town's first UFO festival.
5 A UFO tour is being started by Ulan in the area.
6 Many strange lights have been seen by locals in the desert.
7 Nurlan's book about local mysteries will be published next

8 To practise the passive

10.6.7 Point out that in newspaper headlines the present tense is used
10.6.9 to refer to recent events and the past participle of a verb is used
to refer to a past event. Elicit which headlines refer to the
present (C, D) and which refer to the past (A, B).
Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
A - A flying saucer was captured on a ranch in the Roswell region.
В - A strange wreckage and alien bodies were examined at the
Roswell Army Base.
C - A sighting of an alien spacecraft is reported by a police officer
in Socorro, New Mexico.
D - Strange lights have been witnessed by thousands of people over
Phoenix, Arizona.

9. Speaking & WritingTo consolidate information in a text; to

describe an experience
10.1.9 Explain the task and give Ss time to write a paragraph based on
10.5.6 the information in the text.
Ask various Ss to read their paragraph out to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Everyone was really friendly when we arrived. I was amazed by all
the UFO-themed places along the freeway; hotels, souvenir shops,
billboards and road signs all showed aliens. Ruth is a sceptic, but
we both agreed this assignment might be fun. At the crash site we
were told about how the events unfolded on that day back in 1947
and then we visited Building 84 where the aircraft was taken for
examination. All the stories were interesting, but the creepy
sketches of aliens on autopsy tables at the museum were so
fascinating that even Ruth was impressed. While sleeping under the
stars that night, I saw Ruth staring up into the dark sky with her
camera ready hoping to witness the next alien event. I think the
place and the stories had affected her and all of us. We left slightly
disappointed, but a little less doubtful about whether or not aliens
ENDING THE Ss give their answers aloud around the class

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?
Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 4 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.5.2
objectives(s) that 10.1.1
this lesson is 10.2.1
contributing to 10.4.1
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: talk about types of media, past
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning the passive

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources

BEGINNING THE 1. VocabularyTo consolidate vocabulary SB p. 100

LESSON Elicit the names of the planets in our solar system from Ss
around the class.
10.5.2 Play the To read for cohesion and coherence
recording. Ss listen and check if they named them all as well as
practice the correct pronunciation and intonation.
Answer Key
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Note: The solar system consists of the Sun and the planets that go
around it.
PRESENTATION 2. To predict the content of a text SB p. 100
AND PRACTICE Read the title of the text and the quotation aloud and ask Ss to think
about the questions in the rubric.
10.1.1 Give Ss time to read the text and then elicit answers to the questions
10.2.1 from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
The problems of space colonisation are the lack of technology and
the lack of money. For example, it would take 1,000 years to travel
to the nearest star system and it costs £6,000 to put half a kilo of
anything into near-Earth orbit. The solution may be to give 0.25%
of the world's financial resources to fund space colonisation.

3. To read for cohesion and coherence

10.4.7 Explain the task and ask Ss to read the sentences A-H and then give SB p. 101
them time to read the text again and match them to the gaps (1-7).
Ask Ss to check their answers with their partner and then elicit
justifications from Ss around the class.

Answer Key
1 F 3 C 5 0 7В
2A 4 H 6 E

1 Stephen Hawking ...the future survival of mankind, die out... we

will be wiped out by a catastrophe
2 ... problem ... food ... sent from Earth ... self- sufficient to
3 Exploring space ... risk ... no atmosphere ... boiling hot... freezing
cold ...
4 ... perfect planet... might not be able to get there ... take over
700,000 years ...
5 ... new technologies ... travel just below the speed of light. That
way .... reach ... next star to Earth ... 6years.
6 ... costs about £6,000 ... believes that we can afford to give ...
colonise space. Just imagine ... people hadn't given Columbus
money ...
7 matter of time ... years, centuries or millennia.

Refer Ss to the Check these words box and ask Ss to look them up
in the Word List.
Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.

10.5.2 4. To consolidate new vocabulary

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 overcome 3 warm up 5 afford
2 self-sufficient 4 release

5. To consolidate new vocabulary

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Ss can use their
10.5.2 dictionaries to look up any unknown words.

Answer Key
1 Supplies 2 overcome 3 wipe out 4 endless

ENDING THE Check Ss' answers.


Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?
Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 5 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.6.17
objectives(s) that 10.2.1
this lesson is 10.2.7
contributing to 10.3.3.
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: create and present a TV guide

ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning Space colonization

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources
BEGINNING THE 6A GrammarTo revise conditionals: types 2 & 3 SB p. 101
LESSON Refer Ss to the Grammar Referencesection at the back of their
books and briefly revise conditional types 2 and 3 by giving
examples for each type.
Answer Key
We use conditional type 2 to express im situations which are
unlikely to happen in the or future. They are also used to give
We use conditional type 3 to express imi situations which are
contrary to facts in th They are also used to express regrets or
criticii Examples
type 2: If I won the money, I would buy a ne\,
type 3: If Ann had been more careful, she wo
have made such a big mistake.
PRESENTATION 6B To present mixed conditionals
AND PRACTICE Direct Ss' attention to the table and out the examples. Give Ss SB p. 101
time to stud table and refer them to the Gran Referencesection
10.6.17 for more details.
Elicit examples of mixed conditionals ir text from various Ss
around the class.

Answer Key
If we had endless amounts of money for space exploration, we
would have already overcome these problems and built the first
space colonies. Just imagine - if people hadn't given Columbus
money for his voyage to America in 1492, NASA probably
wouldn't exist today!

7 To practise mixed conditionals

Explain the task and read out the example.
Give Ss time to complete the task and th check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 If Mark had handed in his project, he would pa the astronomy
2 If Greg hadn't been studying all night, he wouldn be tired now.
3 If Janet wasn't interested in astronomy, sh wouldn't have visited
the planetarium yesterday

8 Speaking & WritingTo consolidate information in a text

10.2.1 Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in their books.
10.2.7 Then Ss talk in pairs and tell their partner three reasons why
10.3.3. space colonisation is difficult.
Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs
to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Colonising space is difficult because it is expensive to put things
into space. It is also a long way to the nearest solar system which
may have Earth-like planets and we don't have the technology to
travel fast in space.
9. To personalise a topic
Explain the task and ask Ss to talk in pairs about what they
10.1.9 imagine it is like to travel in a spacecraft.
Ask various Ss to report back to the rest of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I can see other astronauts in the spacecraft with me and I can see
the stars outside the window as well as the blackness of space. It is
quiet except for the sound of the engines and it's very peaceful. I
feel very excited to be travelling in space and also very privileged
to be one of the few humans to experience this.

10. To develop critical thinking

• Read the rubric aloud and give Ss a few minutes to think
10.1.7 about their answers and write a few sentences.

10.1.9 Suggested Answer Key

I would like to live in a space colony because I think it would be
the start of a new civilisation. I would like to be there at the start
of a new era and I think it would be an exciting new experience
with lots of interesting things to see and do.
I wouldn't like to live in a space colony because I can't imagine
what life would be like there. I like living on Earth and I think it
would be too different and too difficult to live in space or on
another planet.

ENDING THE Ask various Ss around the class to read their sentences aloud.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?
Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 6 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: 10 Number present: absent:
Learning 10.5.2
objectives(s) that 10.3.2
this lesson is 10.2.1
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: express feelings with the correct
intonation in the dialogues
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning Conditionals

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources
BEGINNING THE 1. To prepare for a reading task SB p. 102
LESSON Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books and give them
time to look up the meanings of the words/phrases given.
10.5.2 Alternatively, elicit the meaning of any unknown words.

PRESENTATION 2A То introduce the topic

AND PRACTICE Read out the questions in the rubric and ask Ss to say what they SB p. 103
know about the film Avatar, and think of questions about it.
10.3.2 Elicit questions from Ss around the class and write three of
them on the board.

Suggested Answer Key

Avatar is a 3D science-fiction film with special visual effects. The
words in Ex. 1 refer to the new techniques used to make it.
1 Where was the film set?
2 Who directed the film?
3 What was so special about the special effects in the film?

2B To listen and read for gist/ specific information

10.2.1 Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in their books
and see if they can answer the questions.
Suggested Answer Key
1 It was set in the imaginary world of Pandora.
2 It was written and directed by James Cameron.
3 The film used CGI and 3D technology to create digital characters
with detailed human expressions in realistic landscapes.

10.4.2 3 To read for specific information

10.4.6 Ask Ss to read the questions 1-6 and the possible answers and
give them time to read the text again and choose the correct
Check Ss' answers around the class and ask Ss to justify their
answers with examples from the text.

Answer Key

1 D (7-9) 4 C ( 38-42)
2 В(11-13) 5 В ( 44-56)
3 A ('special') 6 В ( 62-64)

• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and ask Ss to look

them up in the Word List.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
a text
4. To answer comprehension questions on a text
• Give Ss time to read the text again and answer the questions
in their own words without copying the information straight from
the text.
• Check Ss' answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1 It took Cameron a long time to produce Avatar because the
technology he needed to make the film totally realistic was not
available. He had to wait for some of the technology to be invented
and he invented some himself so that he could make the film the way
he wanted to make it.
2 He developed a special 3D camera virtual camera and a
simulation cam a 3D Fusion camera.
5 To consolidate new vocabulary through synonymous
Read the words/phrases in the list , time to find their synonyms
in the text

Answer Key
Para A: affected = influenced, was develo along
Para B: broadly = widely, join together = . Para C: produce =
develop, really = truly, c integrated
Para E: fascinate - absorb, sense = feel available to the public =
ENDING THE Elicit answers from various Ss around the class
Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?

Lesson plan
LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 7 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.6.11
objectives(s) that 10.4.1
this lesson is 10.1.6
contributing to 10.5.1
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: present and write about festivals

ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning A new dimension to art

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources

BEGINNING THE 6. GrammarTo revise reported speech SB p. 103

LESSON • Refer Ss to the Grammar References revise reported speech,
give them complete the task and check Ss' answers
Answer Key
1 He said (that) Avatar had spectacular spec/i
2 She asked if/whether we could make the c look more realistic.
3 They said (that) they had used state-o technology to create the
4 David asked me who the main charactei film were.
5 She asked him if/whether he thought i would be a box office hit.
6 The scientist says (that) we need to i computer technology
PRESENTATION 7A Speaking & WritingTo summarise a text
AND PRACTICE Explain the task and ask Ss to read through the text again and
write down the main idea in each paragraph in note form.
10.1.6 Answer Key
10.5.1 A CGI and 3D computer graphics have enhanced visual and
10.5.6 special effects in virtual images.
10.5.8 В Cameron didn't have the needed technology to film Avatar.
C Cameron managed to create lifelike characters, but he wasn't
D Cameron developed the first 3D camera to combine live action
scenes and CG scenes.
E The technology used to make the film will be used for future

Ss then use their notes to summarise the text.

Ask various Ss to give a summary of the text to the rest of the

Suggested Answer Key

CGI and 3D computer graphics have enhanced visual and special
effects in virtual images. Avatar combined all the media and made
advances in the technology.
James Cameron had to wait for technology to catch up to his
imagination. He wanted the digital characters to be completely
lifelike so he created special headgear to record facial expressions
and used experts in different fields to help make the world of
Pandora more realistic. He also developed the first 3D camera to
combine live action scenes and CG scenes - the 3D Fusion
camera. Avatar gave the audience a feeling of interaction on the
film like never before. The technology used to make the film will be
used for future projects.

7B To write about what makesAvatar a special film

Give Ss three minutes to think about their answers and write a
10.1.7 few sentences.
10.3.3 Ask various Ss around the class to read out their sentences to
10.3.7 the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I think Avatar is a special film because it successfully combines
live action scenes and CG scenes. The world of Pandora is very
lifelike and believable.

8 To give a presentation on CGI

10.1.6 • Ask Ss to work in pairs or small groups and research online
10.4.8 for more information about CGI. Give them time to collect their
10.5.1 information and prepare a presentation.
• Ask various Ss to present their information to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
What it is CGI is when 3D models are created using computer
graphics and objects are placed into three- dimensional space and
made to interact with each other. As increasingly smaller sections
of objects are involved, the CGI animation becomes more realistic.
CGI is mostly used in films. One of the most notable uses of CGI in
a live action film was during the 1990s in James Cameron's
Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Then, John Lasseter at Pixar
created some of the first realistic CGI animations with Toy Story
in 1995. It's not just movie studios that can use it though. As
computers are more powerful and more affordable, anyone can
create their own music, writing, and digital animations with CGI
software at home.
Future uses
Some films have used CGI to create computer-generated actors
where the character is much younger or older than the actor
actually is, such as with Jeff Bridges in Tron: The Legacy. In other
cases, the actor may have died in the middle of a film and a CGI
version is used to complete the film as in Star Wars with Carrie
Fisher. This can be done by grafting computergenerated imagery
onto a younger actor's body. Perhaps in the future we might
completely replace actors with computer-generated characters.
ENDING THE Elicit answers from various Ss around the class

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?

Lesson plan
LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 8 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: 10 Number present: absent:
Learning 10.5.7
objectives(s) that 10.5.2
this lesson is
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: present a monologue

ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning Films

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources

BEGINNING THE 1. To analyse a model for structure and content SB p. 104

LESSON Ask Ss to read out the Writing Tipand learn about the genre and
content of the type of writing.
10.5.7 Then give Ss time to read the model review and match the
10.5.2 paragraphs to the headings.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
A2 В1 C4 D3
PRESENTATION 2. To present/practise topic-based vocabulary
AND PRACTICE Ask Ss to read the sentences and choose the correct
words/phrases in bold.
10.5.2 Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 set 2 is based on 3 main 4 dull, twist
5 box office hit 6 lead 7 stunning

3 To identify adjectives in a model SB p. 104

Elicit the adjectives used to describe the items 1-6 in the model
10.5.2 from Ss around the class.

Answer Key
1 exciting 4 impressive
2 fast-moving 5 superb
3 action-packed 6 spectacular

4 To practise topic-related vocabulary

Give Ss time to complete the sentences using the words in the
10.5.2 list.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 predictable
2 gripping
3 well-developed, likeable
4 surprising

5A То practise vocabulary forrecommending SB p. 105

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Check Ss' answers by asking Ss around the class to read out
their sentences.

Answer Key
A 1 would definitely recommend
2 well worth seeing
В 3 you are looking for
4 is definitely for you
5 box office hits
C 6 make sure it's this one
7 won't regret it
8 In my opinion

5B To identify sentences recommendingused for

Elicit answers to the question from Ss around the class.

Answer Key
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this film and would highly
recommend it. If you've enjoyed the other films in the Star Wars
series then you won't be disappointed by Rogue One. It's a must-see.
ENDING THE Ss present their monoluges.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?
Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 9 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.6.7
objectives(s) that 10.6.8
this lesson is 10.6.9
contributing to 10.6.10
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: present a monologue

ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning Films

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources

BEGINNING THE 6 To review/practise the passive SB p. 105

LESSON Ask Ss to read the film review in Ex. 1 again and identify the
passive forms.
10.6.7 Then ask Ss to check their answers in the Grammar
10.6.8 Referencesection.
10.6.9 Give S time to complete the task.
10.6.10 Check Ss' answers.
Then give Ss time to complete the task.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
[was] directed by (past simple), was released (past
simple), is being built (present continuous), is played
(present simple)
1 Guardians of the Galaxy was directed by James Gunn.
2 In the film, the astronauts were being attacked by aliens.
3 The new sci-fi film is being watched by thousands of people at the
4 The lead role is played by Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner 2049.
5 Simplistic special effects are used in the film.
6 This film is being highly recommended by lots of people.
7 In this film, the depths of outer space are being explored by the
spaceship's crew.
8 In the past, 3D technology was not us directors in their films.
PRESENTATION 7Your turnTo analyse a rubric
AND PRACTICE Ask Ss to read the rubric, underlint words and then answer the
10.5.7 Explain to Ss that it is very importan the rubric carefully so that
they indut points mentioned.
Check Ss' answers around the class.

Answer Key
Key words: website, review of a sci-fi film>
seen, describing the plot, making general coi
giving your recommendation, 120-180 word:
1 a review of a sci-fi film
2 readers of a website
3 present tenses
4 title and type of film, name of director, v you recommend it, main
points of plot, t comments on characters/plot/etc

8 To write a film review

Explain the task and give Ss time to write film review using the
plan, the Useful lant box and their answers to Ex. 7. Thet
various Ss to read their reviews aloud.
10.5.1 Remind Ss to use language for recommenc
10.5.4 Alternatively, assign the task as HW and c Ss' answers in the
10.5.6 next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key
Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2, directed by Jc Gunn, is the second
instalment in the world-fan Guardians of the Galaxy series. It is an
exciting funny sci-fi fantasy film from Marvel Studios continues the
story from the first film that i released in 2014.
In the film, the Guardians, who are now here must fight to stay
together and help their leac Peter Quill (Star Lord) find out about
his father a his special powers. They make friends with th enemies
and once more defend the galaxy from bigger enemy.
The storyline is interesting and gripping and there lots of humour,
too. The star-studded cast includi Chris Pratt as Star Lord, Zoe
Saldana as Gamon David Bautista as Drax, Bradley Cooper as
Rockt and Karen Gillan as Nebula. The action-packed pic and
spectacular special effects keep you glued ti your seat from start to
This is a thoroughly entertaining film and I wouli highly
recommend it. It's definitely worth seeing anc will please anyone
who enjoys action-packed films.
ENDING THE Ss present their monoluges.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?

Lesson plan
LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 10 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.1.8
objectives(s) that 10.4.1
this lesson is 10.4.2
contributing to 10.3.7
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: present a monologue

Previous learning A film review

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources
1. To read for gistand introduce the topic and listen SB p. 106
Elicit what, if NASA and ISS. around the class and write two of
10.1.8 them on the board.
10.4.1 Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text and see if the
questions were answered.

Suggested Answer Key

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ISS - International Space Station When was NASA set up? (1950s)
When did the ISS go into space? (not answered)
PRESENTATION 2 To read for specific information SB p. 106
AND PRACTICE Explain the task and ask Ss to read the sentences 1-6 and then
read the text again and mark them as true, false or doesn't say
according to the text.
10.4.2 Check Ss' answers. Ask Ss to justify their answers

Answer Key
1 DS
2 F (1969)
3 T
4 T
5 F (Baikonur Cosmodrome, Tyuratam,Kazakhstan)
7 DS
Refer Ss to the Check these wordsbox and ask Ss to look them up
in the Word List.
Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
3A To consolidate new vocabulary
Explain the task.
10.3.7 Give Ss time to complete the task, referring back to the text if
10.5.2 necessary.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 exploration 4 technology
2 operations 5 Planetary
3 science 6 aeronautics

3B To talk about NASA

Ask various Ss around the class to use their answers in Ех.За to
10.5.2 talk about NASA.

Suggested Answer Key

NASA has four departments. The aeronautics research division
concerns itself with transport to and through space. The space
technology department concerns itself with developing technology for
the exploration in space. The human exploration and operations
department oversees activities involving missions to the International
Space Station. The science division studies the universe including the
Earth. This division includes the Office of Planetary Protection which
protects the Earth from an alien invasion.

4 To consolidate information in a text

• Ask various Ss to tell the rest of the class three things they
10.3.7 found impressive in the text.

Suggested Answer Key

I thought it was impressive that NASA was created in the 1950s.
I thought it was impressive that there is an Office of Planetary
Protection which protects the Earth from alien invasions.
I also thought it was impressive that missions to the ISS launch from
the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Tyuratam, Kazakhstan.

5. To write about the Baikonur

Give Ss time to collect information about the Baikonur
Cosmodrome and write a paragraph about it. Then, ask various
10.5.6 Ss to read out their paragraph to the class.
Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to give read out
their paragraphs in the next lesson.
(Ss' own answers)

NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was
formed in 1958 and is responsible for the USA's civilian space
programme and for aerospace research. Its motto is 'For the
Benefit of All'. Its headquarters are in Washington, D.C.
ENDING THE Ss present their own answers

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?

Lesson plan
LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 11 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.1.8
objectives(s) that 10.4.4
this lesson is 10.4.7
contributing to 10.4.5
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: present a monologue

Previous learning NASA

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources

BEGINNING THE 1. To introduce the topic and listen for gist SB p. 107
LESSON Read the rubric aloud and direct Ss' attention to the picture.
Elicit that triffids are strange plants.
10.1.8 Play the recording. Ss listen and find out the answer.
Suggested Answer Key
Triffids appear in a science-fiction novel by John Wyndham. They are
tall plants with legs that seem intelligent, but are aggressive and
attack people with their poisonous stings.
PRESENTATION 2 To read for cohesion and coherence SB p. 107
AND PRACTICE Explain the task and ask Ss to read the sentences A-H.
Then give Ss time to read the text and complete the task.
10.4.7 Check Ss' answers around the class. Ask Ss to justify their

Answer Key
1 H They don't'hear'. They're just plants.
2 E ... numbers collected along the fence ... didn't
... do anything ... They simply settled down ...
3 A ... complete darkness ... turned on the light...
4 C ... pulled the window shut... as it closed ...
5 F ... took no risks ... thick clothing and gloves
... leather helmet ... goggles ... wire mask ... largest carving knife...
6 D ... in a fine spray ... misted the goggles ...
wash it off my face.
7 G ... last of the intruders ... broke in again.

Refer Ss to the Check these wordsbox and ask Ss to look them up

in the Word List.
Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.

3. To consolidate new vocabulary

10.4.5 Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
wriggled = turned quickly
viciously = violently
smacked = hit sharply
intruders = invaders
tiptoe= the front part of your foot

10.6.1 4. To identify adjectives in a text

Explain the task and give Ss some time 10 complete it.
Check Ss’ answers around the class

Answer Key
1 slashing 5 thick
2 grey 6 leather
3 Complete 7 largest carving
4 leathery green 8 fine

5. To develop critical thinking skills

10.1.9 • Explain the situation.

Play the recording and give Ss s< the task.
Monitor the activity around the ask some Ss to report back to the

Suggested Answer Key

I can see them all around the car, silently. As the car moves, the
leave: the car and everything goes dark ii stings whip up and hear
them smc windscreen. I feel frightened.
ENDING THE Ss present their monoluges.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?
Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 12 School:

Date: Teacher name:
CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.5.2
objectives(s) that 10.6.15
this lesson is
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: write an email reviewing a concert

ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning Reaching for stars

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources

BEGINNING THE 1. To present and practise phrasal verbs with keep, let and SB p. 108
Ask Ss to read the theory box and then give Ss time to complete
10.5.2 the task using their dictionaries to help them if necessary.
Check Ss' answers.
1 off 2 down 3 on 4 out 5 up
PRESENTATION 2. To practise prepositional phrases
AND PRACTICE Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and then check
Ss' answers.
10.5.2 Ask Ss to add the words to the Prepositions section in their
Ask Ss to revise this section regularly as this will help them use
the English language in a natural way.

Answer Key
1 in 2 on 3 for 4 at 5 in

3. To consolidate words which are often confused

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and then check
Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 attracts 3 wandered 5 bring
2 sank 4 admitted

4. To practice word formation

10.5.2 Give Ss time to read the theory box and then complete the task
• Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 appearance 4 difference
2 quietness, privacy 5 activity
3 collection

5. To practise collocations
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 annual 5 lifelong 9 welcom
2 travel 6 demand 10 drive
3 weather 7 native 11 full
4 video 8 highly 12 closely

Further Practice – Quiz

To consolidate information in
10.5.2 the module
• Make photocopies of the quiz.
• Give Ss time to complete the quiz, looking back through the
module if necessary.
• Check Ss' answers.
Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences.
1 Planets expand and pull stars towards them
2 The Roswell UFO case happened in 1947
3 Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon
in June, 1969.
4 People have been living on the ISS since
5 There are around 1,000 stars within
30 light years of Earth.
6 Avatar was directed by James Cameron
7 NASA was created in 1972.
8 Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space

Answer Key
1 F (Stars expand and pull planets towards them.)
2 T
3 F (July)
4 F (2000)
5 T
6 T
7 F (1950s)
8 T

Extra Activity
Ask Ss to read through Module 8 and write a quiz of their own.
Ss can prepare their quizzes alone or in groups (in class or at
home). Ask Ss to go through the module and compile their
Ask Ss to exchange their quizzes, do them, and then check their

Suggested Answer Key

1 Pluto was named in 1930. (T)
2 Roswell is in New Mexico. (T)
3 The ISS gets its power from the Sun. (T)
4 Scientists found water on the moon in 2000. (F - 2009)
5 It costs £6,000 to put a kilo of something into orbit. (F - half a
6 Avatar started filming in 2001. (T)
7 Rogue One was directed by James Gunn. (F - Gareth
8 Felicity Jones stars in Rogue One. (T)
ENDING THE Ss present their Quiz

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
Were the lesson objectives/learning relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
objectives realistic?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan
and why?

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 13 School:

Date: Teacher name:
CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.4.7
objectives(s) that 10.2.2
this lesson is 10.5.2
contributing to 10/.6.17
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: discuss the values

ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning Language in use

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel Resources
BEGINNING THE Summative assessment for Unit 8 (20 min)
PRESENTATION 1. To read for cohesion and coherence SB p. 109
AND PRACTICE Give Ss time to read the text and match the missing sentences
A-H to the gaps 1-7.
10.4.7 Check Ss' answers.
10.5.2 Answer Key
10/.6.17 1 H (radio transmissions 'signal')
10.6.10 2 D (William Hershel saw a new world beyondSaturn. His
10.6.11 discovery of Uranus) ...
10.6.9 3 A (a planet... It was a world ... It was so doseto its sun)
4 G (So far ... 'That is until ... Kepler's ...incredible NASA
5 F (antennas ... signals ... radio dial...transmissions...)
6 В (not inhabited ... could all be dry and empty.Or perhaps)
7 C (still searching. More Earth-like planets willbe found...)
Ask Ss to read the statements 1-10.

2. To listen for specific information

Play the recording. Ss listen and fill the gaps accordingly.
Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 (real) page-turner 2 couple 3 eyewitness
4 non-fiction 5 ghosts 6 Bermuda Triangle
7 articles 8 researchers 9 a week
10 documentary

3 To practise vocabulary from the module

• Explain the task. SB p. 109
• Ss complete the task.
• Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 hovering
2 applied
3 overcome
4 soared

4To consolidate vocabulary from the module

• Explain the task.
• Ss complete the task.
• Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 dioxide 3 particles 5 surface
2 imagery 4 atmosphere

5 To consolidate grammar from the module

• Explain the task.
• Ss complete the task.
• Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 If Didar hadn't been writing a report all night, she wouldn't
be tired now.
2 If Kairat was careful, he wouldn't have broken his camera.
3 If they had programmed the machine, it would be working
4 If Sanzhar's alarm had gone off, he wouldn't have been late
for his science class.
5 If I liked robots, I would have joined the robotics club.
6 If they hadn't run out of money, they would have been able
to run the mission

6 To consolidate grammar from the module

• Explain the task.
• Ss complete the task.
• Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 Data was being gathered from Saturn by NASA's Cassini
spacecraft for 13 years.
2 A mission to Mars was being planned last week by the
3 A report about the moon landings is being written by
4 Better films are being created nowadays by directors
because of advanced equipment.
5 New spacecraft were developed last year by scientists to
travel to the moon.
6 The giant storm on Jupiter is monitored by scientists.
State-of-the-art technology is being used to create the film by
creative artists.
7 State-of-the-art technology is being used to create the film
by creative artists.

7 To consolidate grammar from the module

Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 He told her (that) he was watching a documentary on space
2 He told her (that) he had been studying for his chemistry
3 The boy asked his mum when they would visit the UFO
4 She asked Kanat if/whether he had ever heard of the UFO
festival in Roswell.
5 The teacher told the students (that) they must/ had to finish
their project on space as soon as possible.

.8 To write a film review

Explain the task and give Ss time to plan and complete their
work and then check Ss' answers.
Alternatively assign the task as HW and check Ss' answers in
the next lesson.

Suggested Answer Key

The Space Between Us, directed by Peter Chelsom, is a heart-
warming sci-fi film with elements of drama and romance that tells
the story of the first person born on Mars.
In the film, a space shuttle sets off on the first mission to colonise
Mars. After take-off they discover that one of the astronauts is
pregnant. Soon after, she dies giving birth and her son, Gardner
Elliot, grows up on Mars without knowing who his father is or
how he came to be there. He makes friends online with a girl on
Earth and journeys to Earth to meet her. They go on an adventure
together to find out how he came to be. The storyline is interesting
and the characters are well-developed. The lead actor is Asa
Butterfield and his friend, Tulsa, is played by Britt Robertson. The
interesting characters and absorbing plot keep you fascinated from
start to finish.
This is a thoroughly entertaining film and I would highly
recommend it. It's definitely worth seeing.
ENDING THE Check your Progress
LESSON Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit by ticking
the boxes according to how competent they feel for each of the
listed activities.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?

`Module 9 “Independent project”

LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 1 School:


Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.1.9
objectives(s) that 10.5.2
this lesson is 10.3.7
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Aim Module Objectives
Read the title of the module Independent project and ask Ss to suggest what
they think the module will be about (the module is about scientific
breakthroughs, celestial bodies, human anatomy and chemistry elements). Go
through the objectives list to stimulate Ss' interest in the module.
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: talk about entertainment
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning Space

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources
BEGINNING THE 1. VocabularyTo introduce the topic SB p. 111
LESSON Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and elicit what, if
anything, they know about each topic.
Ask various Ss to tell the class.
(Ss' own answers)
PRESENTATION 2. To listen for confirmation
AND PRACTICE Ask Ss to read the texts.
10.5.2 Go through the words in the list and explain/ elicit the
meanings of any unknown words.
Give Ss time to complete the texts.
Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answers.
Then have Ss match the texts to the pictures.

Answer Key
1 elements 3 universe 5 helix
2 properties 4 DNA


• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments

To talk about scientific breakthroughs and expand the topic
Elicit answers to the questions in the rul various Ss around the

Suggested Answer Key

• The transistor was invented in 1947 by a team of
researchers at Bell Labs in the USA. This paved the way for the
transistor radio, the television and early computers.
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging was invented by American
chemist Paul C. Lauterbur in 1971. Later Peter Mansfield, an
English physicist developed a technique that meant scans would
take seconds instead of hours and produce clearer images. They
were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2003 for their
discoveries. MRI scans can diagnose diseases quid easily and
have advanced medicine a great deal.
ENDING THE Elicit answers to the questions in the rul various Ss around the
LESSON class.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the
Were the lesson objectives/learning most relevant questions from the box on the left about your
objectives realistic? lesson
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan
and why?

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 2 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.5.2
objectives(s) that 10.2.1
this lesson is 10.4.2
contributing to 10.4.9
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment Learners have met the learning objective if they can: talk about water attractions and write
criteria a blog entry
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning Independent project

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel Resources
BEGINNING 1A VocabularyTo introduce the topic and key vocabulary SB p. 112
THE LESSON Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally and/or individually.
Then ask Ss to read the dictionary entries.
PRESENTATION 1B To name the planets
AND PRACTICE • Ask Ss to name the planets in our solar system.
• Play the recording for Ss to check.
Answer Key
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

4 ReadingTo predict the content of the text

Read out the Study skillsbox.
10.2.1 Elicit what, if anything, Ss know about the origins of the
universe and what they would like to know and elicit various
questions from Ss around the class. Write two questions on
the board.
Play the recording Ss listen and read the text and check if the
questions are answered.

Suggested Answer Key

What is the most popular theory? (The Big Bang Theory)
What other theories are there? (The Cyclical Universe
Theory and the Multiple Universe Theory)
3 To read for specific information
Go through sentences 1-8 and ask Ss to underline the key words.
10.4.2 Explain that this will help them do the task.
10.4.9 Give Ss time to read the text again and match the statements to the
theories. Ask Ss to look for words/phases synonymous to the
underlined key words in the sentences 1-8.
Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words in the exercise
1 space, time, have existed forever
2 most physicists support
3 why, universe, ideal conditions, supporting life
4 universe, came from, earlier universe
5 one universe exists
6 supported by evidence, see
7 will eventually disappear
8 universe, we are living, unique

Answer Key
1 В, C (space and time ..., had no beginning, has existed
2 A (most widely accepted hypothesis)
3 C (explanation, perfectly suited towards supporting life)
4 В (prior universe)
5 A, В (single point in space, our universe began when another
universe collapsed)
6 A (looking through their telescopes they noticed)
10.5.2 7 В (eventually it will also collapse)
8 C (each universe in it is different)

• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and ask Ss to look

them up in the Word List.

4 To consolidate new vocabulary SB p. 113

Go through the list of words and explain/elicit their meanings.
10.4.5 Give Ss time to complete the task and then check their answers.

Answer Key
1 expanding 3 infinite 5 exploded
2 prior4 collapse

5. To identify pronoun references

Read out the Study skillsbox and explain the task.
Give Ss time to decide which noun each underlined pronoun in the
text refers to.
10.6.1 Check Ss' answers around the class.
Answer Key
Text A: it - our universe, it - the Big Bang Theory Text B: it - the
Cyclical Universe Theory, it - our universe
Text C: It - the universe, it - the multiverse, them – universes

6. GrammarTo identify compound nouns, -ing adjectives,

compound adjectives and superlative adjectives
Direct Ss' attention to the words in bold in the text.
Elicit what type of noun/adjective each one is.
10.3.2 Refer Ss to the Grammar Referencesection for more details.

Answer Key
startling - -ing adjective widely accepted - compound adjective
single point - compound noun the latest - superlative adjective

7A Speaking & WritingTo consolidate information in a text

Explain the task and ask Ss to read the example.
Give Ss time to complete it.
Check Ss' answers.
10.4.4 Suggested Answer Key
1 How did the universe start accordii Bang Theory?
2 According to the Cyclical Universe caused the big bang?
3 How many universes are there аса. Multiple Universe Theory?

7B To consolidate information
Ask Ss to swap question paper answer their partner's question
Ss check their answers in pairs.

10.4.4 Suggested Answer Key

10.5.6 Our universe exploded out of nothing l point about 14 billion years
10.5.7 ago.
It was caused by the collapse and ex/ prior universe.
There are trillions upon trillions of universes.

8. To present a theory
Give Ss time to research online a information about another thee
origins of the universe and write a
Ask various Ss to read out their text

Suggested Answer Key

Three scientists Fred Hoyle, Thomas C Bondi, set out a theory
known as the theory. It proposed an eternal universe based on the
cosmological principle, originally proposed by Einstein. Their idea
was that the universe is smooth and looks the same to all observers
inall times and at all places. It proposed that the, spontaneous and
continuous creation c of matter. In each area of space, once a year
a new into existence which would accumulate over time and
maintain a constant density in a, universe. As old stars and galaxies
die, new ones are born and formed by the constant regt. matter
through this spontaneous process. This theory never gained the
scientific support that the big bang did. It was also very difficult to
prove as no one had ever observed the creation of that were
supposed to be occurring spontaneously out in space.
ENDING THE Elicit answers to the questions in the rul various Ss around the class.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
plan to challenge the more able learning? ICT links
learners? Values links

Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my

plan and why?

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 3 School:

Date: Teacher name:
CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.4.3
objectives(s) that 10.4.1
this lesson is 10.3.2
contributing to 10.1.2
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment Learners have met the learning objective if they can: talk about types of media, past
criteria events
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning The universe

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources
BEGINNING 1. Vocabulary To present new vocabulary SB p. 114
THE LESSON Play the recording with pauses for Ss to listen and repeat chorally
and/or individually.
PRESENTATION 2 To identify the author's purpose in a text
AND PRACTICE • Go through the Study skills box with Ss and then give Ss time
to read the title and skim through the text and identify the author's
10.4.1 purpose.
• Elicit answers to the questions in the rubric from Ss around
the class.

Suggested Answer Key

The text is about the aging process.
The author's purpose is to discuss the question in the title and inform
us about research on slowing the aging process.

3 To read for key information

10.3.2 Read out the Study skills box. Then give Ss time to read the title and
skim through the text in order to identify the main idea of each
paragraph. Ss can work in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key

Para 1: a recent experiment on mice
Para 2: how the experiment may apply to human aging
Para 3: theories on aging
Para 4: morality of stopping aging
Para 5: what we can do today to stay young
SB p. 114
Boston is the capital and largest city in the American state of
Massachusetts. It was founded in 1630 and is one of America's oldest
cities. It has a population of over 617,000. It is famous in sports as it
is home to the Boston Celtics (basketball) and the Red Sox (baseball).
New York is in the north-eastern state of New York in the USA. It is
home to the famous tourist attractions the Statue of Liberty and the
Empire State Building. It is the most populated city in the USA and is
known as the cultural capital of the world.

4. To answer comprehension questionson a text

Ask Ss to read questions 1-7.
10.3.2 Give Ss time to read the text again and answer the questions.
Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 The mice's fertility improved, their fur looked healthier, and their
brains worked better.
2 There is more than one enzyme involved in the human aging
3 They bred mice that didn't lose their ability to remove damaged
proteins from their livers as they aged.
4 The overpopulation of the planet.
5 They contain lycopene which prevents sun damage to the skin and
they increase the procollagen in your skin which keeps it firm and
prevents wrinkles.
6 Because scientists are doing experiments to develop drugs which
may reverse the aging process.

Refer Ss to the Check these wordsbox and ask Ss to look them

up in the Word List.
Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
10.3.5 5. To consolidate informationin a text
Give Ss three minutes to write down four things they have
learnt in the text.
Ask various Ss to read their sentences to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I learnt that an enzyme called telomerase can repair DNA.
I learnt that as we age, we cannot remove toxins from our cells the
same as when we were young.
10.5.2 I learnt that tomatoes can stop people from getting a sunburn.
I learnt that eating tomatoes also helps to keep the skin firm.

6. To consolidate new vocabulary

Go through the list of words and explain/elicit their meanings.

Answer Key
7 combat 3 serving 5 enzymes
2 efficient 4 reversed
ENDING THE Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss' answers.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
plan to challenge the more able learning? ICT links
learners? Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my

plan and why?

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 4 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10. 6.17
objectives(s) that 10.1.1
this lesson is 10.1.3
contributing to 10.5.6
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment Learners have met the learning objective if they can: talk about types of media, past events
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning Human biology

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources

BEGINNING 7. To revise conditionals type 3 SB p. 115

THE LESSON Elicit how we form the third cc elicit examples from Ss around th
Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference
10. 6.17
Suggested Answer Key
We form type 3 conditionals with if perfect -» would have + past
If he had studied, he would have passed the exam.
PRESENTATION 8A To present wishes SB p. 115
AND PRACTICE • Ask Ss to read the examples and elicit when we use if only.
Then elicit when refers to the present and when the past.
10. 6.17 • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference

Answer Key
We use wish/if only when we want to would like something to be
different and to express regret. If only is more emphatic than with.
I wish/lf only I were taller. - present
I wish/lf only I hadn't put on weight. – past

8B to practise making wishes

10. 6.17 Give Ss time to make sentences prompts and then check Ss' answers

Answer Key
I wish/lf only I could drive a car.
I wish/lf only I had taken driving lessons 1 younger.
I wish/lf only my mum would work fewer I wish/lf only my mum had
an easier job.

9 Speaking & Writing To develop critical thinking skills

• Explain the task.
10.1.1 • Give Ss three minutes to write a few s
10.1.3 • Ask various Ss to read their sentences in the class.
10.5.9 Suggested Answer Key
I think life would be very different if sciei found a way to stop people
from aging. Peo[ be able to experience everything life has because
they would have an unlimited ai time; they would never feel too old to
try s new. However, overpopulation would definh strain on the planet's
resources and its ( sustain life.
ENDING THE Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss' answers.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
plan to challenge the more able learning? ICT links
learners? Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my

plan and why?

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 5 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning objectives(s) 10.5.2
that this lesson is 10.2.2
contributing to 10.4.2
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: create and present a TV guide

ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning Conditional 3 and wish

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Excel Resources
planned activities)

BEGINNING THE 1. To present new vocabulary Vocabulary SB p. 116

LESSON Read the elements a-h out loud and ask Ss to guess
10.5.2 which chemical symbol each one matches.
Play the recording for Ss to check their answers.
Play the recording again for Ss to repeat chorally
and/or individually.

Answer Key
1c 3 h 5 f 7 b
2d 4 a 6 g 8 e
PRESENTATION 2 To use prior knowledge when reading
AND PRACTICE Ask Ss to read the sentences 1-6 and say which ones
10.2.2 are true.
10.4.2 Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answers.

Answer Key
1 T (.2) 4 F( 16-18)
2 T ( 7) 5 F ( 28)
3 F(10-12) 6 F ( 26-27, 34)
3 To read for specific information
Read out the Study skillsbox. Then ask Ss to read the
questions 1-5 and the possible answers.
Give Ss time to read the text carefully and complete the
task. Check Ss' answers. Ask Ss to justify their answers.
SB p. 117
Answer Key
C (£. 7) 4 В (£.31-35)
D (£. 15) 5 D (£. 40)
A (£. 18-19)

Refer Ss to the Check these wordsbox and ask Ss to look

them up in the Word List.
Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.

4. To consolidate new vocabulary

• Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete the task.
Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 breathe 4 carbon7 sea
2 make 3 support8 animal
3 large 6 grow

5 To consolidate new vocabulary

10.5.2 Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss'

Answer Key
1 cope 3 toxic
2 wings 4 ventured

6 To consolidate prepositional phrases in a text

• Ask Ss to read the sentences 1-6 and fill in the
10.4.2 missing prepositions, then give Ss time to correct them by
10.6.16 referring back to the text.
• Ask Ss to compare their answers with their
partners, then check Ss' answers around the classroom.

Answer Key
1 on 3 in 5 on, in, at
2 with 4 in 6 on

1 Life on Earth arose in an environment without

2 Our bodies process oxygen with 98%
3 Oxygen has not always been present in the
4 The appearance of oxygen in the atmosphere is
known as the Great Oxidation Event.
5 Evidence suggests animal life first appeared in the
6 Land animals depend on sea algae for most of
their oxygen.
10.3.6 7. Speaking & WritingTo consolidate information
10.3.7 Ask Ss to talk in pairs about v learnt from the text.
Ask various pairs to share thei the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I have learnt that too much oxygen we only process 98%
of the oxygen atmosphere is only 21% oxygen; oxygen in
our atmosphere at some p and that in an oxygen-rich
environment would be much bigger.

8. To develop critical thinking

Explain the task.
Give Ss enough time to write a few sentebces
Ask various Ss to read their se class.

Suggested Answer Key

I think the author's purpose was to inform readers about
oxygen and the role it plays in our world. The author
includes some surprising facts and also explains how
oxygen has helped shape our planet since the Great
Oxidation Event. They also mention that without sea
algae the planet would be in danger of not having
enough oxygen.
ENDING THE check Ss' answers around the classroom.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan to planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the
most relevant questions from the box on the left about your
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?
Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 6 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.5.2
objectives(s) that 10.5.7
this lesson is 10.6.16
contributing to 10.5.5

Lesson objectives
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: create and present a TV guide

ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning Conditional 3 and wish

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel Resources

BEGINNING THE Revision Conditional 3 and wish

PRESENTATION 1. WritingTo analyse a rubric SB p. 118
AND PRACTICE Ask Ss to read the rubric and underline the key words and
then answer the questions.
10.5.2 Explain to Ss that it is very important to read the rubric
carefully so that they include all the points mentioned.
Check Ss' answers around the class.

Answer Key
Key words: designer babies, teacher, essay, opinion,120-180
1 an essay
2 my teacher
3 my opinion on designer babies
4 120-180 words
5 formal
6(Suggested Answer Key) I think that it is immoral to create
designer babies. Just because we have the ability to do something
does not always mean that we should do it. Also, there may be
unknown consequences to interfering with DNA.

10.5.2 2. To analyse a model for structure and content

• Ask Ss to copy the table into their notebooks.
• Then give Ss time to read the model essay and complete
the table.
• Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

Viewpoints Examples & Reasons/Results

1 we can prevent genetic fewer children affected by
diseases genetic diseases, more healthy
children & less strain for
2 enhance the looks & smarter and more beautiful
intelligence of babies people, children wouldn't be
bullied for looks or how
clever they are
3 no one has the right to unborn children should have
change an unborn to right to remain genetically
human unmodified, no guarantee
parents would like the

3. To substitute linkers
10.5.7 • Ask Ss to read the Useful language box and then give them
10.6.16 time to replace the linkers in bold in the text with suitable
alternatives from the box.
• Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
Firstly = To begin with
For example = For instance
This would mean = As a result
Moreover = Additionally
As a result = Consequently
On the other hand = However
In conclusion = To sum up

4. To practise linkers SB p. 119

10.6.16 Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
A1 To begin with B 4 However
2For instance 5 in particular
3 As a result 6 That is why

5 To identify and substitute opinions

Ask Ss to read the Useful languagebox again and then give them
10.5.4 time to identify and replace the phrases the writer uses to express
their opinion with suitable alternatives from the box.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
To my mind = I think/believe
I believe = It seems to me

6 To practise expressing opinion

Explain the task and read out the example.
Then give Ss time to complete it and check Ss' answers by asking
Ss around the class to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

2 It seems to me that we should spend taxpayers' money on
improving hospitals, schools and other public services.
3 I think space exploration is responsible for many developments
in science and technology.
4 As far as I am concerned, it is a waste of money to keep funding
space exploration.
5 In my opinion, it is very important to find another planet that
supports life.
7Your turnTo analyse a rubric
Ask Ss to read the rubric and underline the key words and then
answer the questions.
Explain to Ss that it is very important to read the rubric carefully
so that they include all the points mentioned.
Check Ss' answers around the class.

Answer Key
Key words: space exploration, teacher, essay giving your opinion,
120-180 words
1 an essay
2 my teacher
3 my opinion on space exploration
10.5.5 4 120-180 words
5 formal
6 (Suggested Answer Key) I think space e> is vital to
scientific development as well future of humankind.

8A To prepare for a writing task

Ask Ss to read the viewpoints 1-4 and the
examples/reasons/results A-D and give them time to match them.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
ID 2 A 3B 4C

8B To identify positive/negative points

Elicit which points in Ex. 8a are in space exploration and which
points are against

10.5.5 Answer Key

10.5.9 In favour: 1, 3 Against: 2, 4

9 To write an opinion essay

Explain the task and give Ss time to essay using the plan, the
Useful Ian and their answers to Exs 7 & 8. various Ss to read their
essays aloud
Remind Ss to use language for opinion.
Alternatively, assign the task as HW Ss' answers in the next

Suggested Answer Key

Should we spend huge amounts of mon exploration?
Space exploration is a hot topic these days, but some people
question whether we should spend great amounts of money on it. I
think we must if we are to prepare for the future.
Firstly, we need to explore other planets t survival of the human
race. In environmental problems, nuclear war meteor may
threaten our existence. If we habitable planet, we can avoid being
wiped out. Secondly, important scientific discover space can help
us here on Earth. For may discover new resources on other may
also develop new technologies w helpful on Earth.
On the other hand, some people believe money could be better
spent. The problems here on Earth such as poverty hunger need to
be solved before we space.
All in all, I believe space exploration is v for the future of
mankind. There is so m to discover and it is an investment in the

ENDING THE check Ss' answers around the classroom.


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?
Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 7 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.1.8
objectives(s) that 10.1.9
this lesson is 10.3.5
contributing to 10.4.1
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: express feelings with the correct
intonation in the dialogues
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning Daily routines & free-time activities

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources
BEGINNING THE 1. To introduce the topic and listen and read for gist SB p. 120
LESSON Read out the title and elicit Ss' guesses as to what happens
during this week.
10.1.9 Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text and check.
10.4.1 Suggested Answer Key
Science events are held around the country, science documentaries
are shown on TV, museums have science exhibitions, poster and
photography competitions are held, and schools arrange various
PRESENTATION 2. To read for specific information
AND PRACTICE Explain the task and ask Ss to read the sentences 1-6 and
10.4.2 then read the text again and mark them as true, false or
doesn't say according to the text.
Check Ss' answers. Ask Ss to correct the false statements.

• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.

Answer Key
1 DS
2 F (10 days)
3 F (Royal Mail prints the logo on its envelopes.)
4 T
5 T
6 DS
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and ask Ss to look
them up in the Word List.

3 To consolidate new vocabulary through synonyms

10.4.5 • Explain the task.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
Association = organization
aimed = directed
exploration = search
exhibits = displays
demonstrations = presentations
advances = breakthroughs
impact = effect

10.1.9 4 To express an opinion

10.3.5 Ask various Ss around the class to express their opinions on
British Science Week and give reasons.
Suggested Answer Key
I would like to attend British Science Week events because I think
they would be fun and interesting. I think I would enjoy listening
to scientists speak the most because they can tell me lots of
interesting details about specific things.

5. To write about a science event

10.5.6 Give Ss time to research online and collect information about a
similar event in their country and write about it. Then ask various
Ss to read out their information to the class.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to give
read out their information in the next lesson.
(Ss' own answers)
ENDING THE check Ss' answers around the classroom.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?
Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 8 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.4.1
objectives(s) that 10.4.2
this lesson is 10.4.5
contributing to 10.3.3
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment Learners have met the learning objective if they can: present and write about festivals
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning British science week

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources
BEGINNING 1 To introduce the topic and listen and read for gist SB p. 121
THE LESSON Read the headings in the text aloud and elicit whether any Ss know
what causes these reflex actions to happen.
10.4.1 Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in their books to find

Answer Key
We yawn when we are tired to get more oxygen into the blood. We
cough to clear our airways of irritation. We blush when the body
releases adrenalin, which increases the blood flow. It usually happens
when we are embarrassed. We hiccup when something irritates the
diaphragm muscle. We sneeze when something irritates the inside of
our nose. We snore when we are asleep and air can't move through our
mouth and nose freely.
PRESENTATION 2 To read for specific information
AND PRACTICE Ask Ss to read the sentences, and then give them time to read the text
again and complete the task.
10.4.2 Check Ss' answers. Ss should justify their answers.

Answer Key
1 snore 3 blush5 sneeze
2 yawn 4 hiccup 6 cough
Refer Ss to the Check these wordsbox and ask Ss to look them up in
the Word List.
Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
3 To learn/consolidate new vocabulary
Direct Ss' attention to the highlighted words in the text and the list of
words in the rubric.
Give Ss time to match them, and then check Ss' answers around the

Answer Key
alert: awake contagious: infectious
self-conscious: uncomfortable around others
become aware: know about
jerky: sudden and fast
irritates: bothers
vibrate: shake
4. To consolidate information in a text
Ss work in pairs, and tell their partners something they remember
about each reflex action in the text.
Monitor the activity and then elicit from various Ss.

Suggested Answer Key

Yawning increases the heart rate.
We close our vocal cords when we cough.
Babies don't blush.
The muscle below our lungs is the diaphragm. L
when something irritates it.
A sneeze can be up to 160 kmph.
45% of men snore regularly.
10.5.6 5 To give a presentation on reflex actions
10.5.7 Ask Ss to work in small groups am information from the Internet,
10.6.9 school textbooks encyclopaedias or other reference sources about the
reflex actions in the text.
Allow time for Ss to collect their interesting facts and present them to
the class. Alternatively assign the task as HW.

Suggested Answer Key

Olympic athletes try to yawn before they complete. Just thinking about
yawning can make you yawn, but no one can explain why!
The average human cough expels enough air to fill up a 1.5-litre
People with fair skin seem to blush more often then people with dark
skin because the colour of blood shows more easily through pale skin.
Most cases of hiccups last a few minutes if you have persistent
hiccups, you may have an underlying, health problem. Some people say
you can cure hiccups by breathing into a paper bag or drinking water
from the wrong side of the glass. When you sneeze, you even use the
muscle in your eyelids, because your eyes always close и sneeze!
As you get older, you may snore more, because the muscles and tissue
in your throat area weaker.
ENDING THE check Ss' answers around the classroom.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
plan to challenge the more able learning? ICT links
learners? Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my

plan and why?

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 9 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.5.2
objectives(s) that 10.6.15
this lesson is 10.6.14
contributing to
Lesson objectives
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: present a monologue

ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning Body talk

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel
activities) Resources
BEGINNING THE 1 To present and practise phrasal verbs with hand, hang and SB p. 122
Ask Ss to read the theory box and then give Ss time to
complete the task using their dictionaries to help them if
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 in 3 on 5 over
PRESENTATION 2 To practise prepositional phrases
AND PRACTICE Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and then
10.5.2 check Ss' answers.
10.6.14 Ask Ss to add the words to the Prepositions section in their
Ask Ss to revise this section regularly as this will help them
use the English language in a natural way.

Answer Key
1 to 3 under 5 to
2 on 4 to 6 in

10.5.2 3 To practise collocations from the module

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 startling 3 toxic 5 natural
2 long-term 4 free 6 process
4 To practise word formation
Give Ss time to read the theory box and then complete the task.
Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 superheroes 4 ex-husband
2 telecommunications 5 interaction
3 autobiography

10.5.2 5 To consolidate words which are often confused

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and then
check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 wandered, settled 3 spent, biting
2 grab, public 4 doubt

Further Practice – Quiz

To consolidate information inthe module
Make photocopies of the quiz.
Give Ss time to complete the quiz, looking back through the
module if necessary.
Check Ss' answers.

Mark the sentences T(true) or F(false). Correct the false sentences.
1 The Big Bang is thought to have takenplace 10 billion
years ago.
2 Telomerase is a protein.
3 Tomatoes contain lycopene.
4 Our body uses all of the oxygen it takes in
5 The Great Oxidation Event took placearound 2 billion years
6 A sneeze can reach a speed of 100 kmph
7 Around 30% of men snore.
8 The Cyclical Universe Theory suggeststhat there is more
than one universe.

Answer Key
1 F (14 billion years ago)
2 F (enzyme)
3 T
4 F (98%)
5 T
6 F (160 kmph)
7 F (45% men, 30%
8 F (Multiple Universe

To create a quiz
Ask Ss to read through Module 9 and write a quiz of their own.
Ss can prepare their quizzes alone or in groups (in class or at
home). Ask Ss to go through the module and compile their
Ask Ss to exchange their quizzes, do them, and then check their
Suggested Answer Key
1 Dmitri Mendeleev came up with the periodic table. (T)
2 James Watson came up with the Big Bang Theory. (F - Georges
3 Telomerase repairs collagen. (F - DNA)
4 The air we breathe is 21% oxygen. (T)
5 300 million years ago the air was 75% oxygen. (F - 50%)
6 British Science Week lasts 10 days. (T)
7 A 'Demo Day' is when scientists speak to students. (F - teachers
give demonstrations)
8 The sound hiccups make comes from air in the
voice box. (T)
ENDING THE Ss present their quizzes

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?
Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 10 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning 10.4.2
objectives(s) that 10.4.9
this lesson is 210.2.2
contributing to 10.2.3
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: write an email reviewing a
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning Collocations

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Excel
planned activities) Resources

BEGINNING THE Ss to exchange their quizzes, do them, and then check their
LESSON answers.

PRESENTATION 1. Reading To read for specific information

AND PRACTICE • Give Ss time to read the text and the statements 1-5 SB p. 123
and mark them according to what they read.
10.4.2 • Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1T 2 T 3 F 4 DS 5 F

2 Listening To listen for specific information

210.2.2 (True/False statements)
10.2.3 • Ask Ss to read the statements 1-5.
10.2.8 • Play the recording. Ss listen and mark them
• Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1T 2T 3F 4F 5F
3 To practise vocabulary from the module SB p. 124
10.5.2 Explain the task.
Ss complete the task.
Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 hypothesis 4 free radicals 7 motivatio
2 fertility 5 technique 8 biosphere
3 prior 6 venture 9 rely on

4 To consolidate vocabulary from themodule

10.5.2 Explain the task.
Ss complete the task.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 toxic 3 by-product 5 accepted
2 countless 4 steadily

5 To consolidate prepositional phrases from the module

Explain the task.
Ss complete the task.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 to 2 of 3 in, to 4 on
10.6.3 6 To practise sentence transformations
10.6.17 Explain the task.
Ss complete the task.
Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1 the most amazing discovery
2 they would have completed
3 is not as warm as
4 is a better scientist than
5 only I had studied
6 was less difficult than
7 only I could attend the

7 To write an opinion essay

10.5.7 Explain the task and give Ss time to plan and complete
their work and then check Ss' answers.
Alternatively assign the task as HW and check Ss'
answers in the next lesson.

Suggested Answer Key

Should the government spend money on anti-aging research ?
Anti-aging is a hot topic these days, but some people question
whether the government should spend money on research into
it. I think it should not and it should spend it on more worthy
Firstly, aging is a natural process. Fighting it is like trying to
break the laws of nature. If we stop people aging, it is an
unnatural way to live.
Secondly, medical research is more important. If better
treatments or even a cure were found for diseases such as
Alzheimer's disease, then fewer older people would suffer and
they would have a better quality of life.
On the other hand, some people believe that the government
should spend money on anti-aging research. They feel that no
one should have to suffer from old age.
All in all, I believe aging is part of living and try -g to stop it
is unnatural. \Ne are born, we live, we get old and then we die.
I do not think it is something we can or should change.

Check your Progress

Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit by
ticking the boxes according to how competent they feel
for each of the listed activities.
ENDING THE Ss present their writings.

Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the
Were the lesson objectives/learning most relevant questions from the box on the left about
objectives realistic? your lesson
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan
and why?

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 11 School:

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:
objectives(s) that
this lesson is
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms of module
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can: discuss the values

Value links Explore the themes of entertainment, water attraction, TV & the media and festivals
around the world
Cross - curricular Entertainment & the Media
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous learning

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel Resources
BEGINNING THE Summative assessment for Unit 9 (40 min)



Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
give more support? How do you plan planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
to challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?

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